
Need Texas "Mentor"

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Hey guys,
Sorry to post something like this, I'm sure its here all the time. I have started working on getting my rigger's ticket. Most of this has been on my own, self-study of the book material. I also have been doing some real minor mentorship stuff back at my old dropzone in Co. I've been taking it slow trying to do it right.
I'm trying to start some of the hands on stuff, but you can't learn that from a .pdf. Problem is I'm brand new to Texas, kind of far from a dropzone. Anyone in the Wichita Falls area who wouldn't mind answering some dumb questions? A lot of dumb questions? A whole metric f*ck-ton of dumb questions?
I know the Air Force has a whole rigging school here, so I was hoping to get connected with some local gurus. If not, I'll probably be at skydive Dallas on weekends trying to meet some peeps. Thanks a bunch.


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Well, Don Stewart, the DZO in Stephenville, is a rigger, and very old school -- I don't think I'd be too forward in saying that you should at least shoot him an email here on dz.com (he checks in regularly) asking if he has time to be a sounding board for you. If not, he probably knows someone who does.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Give John Storrie a call


He has the largest loft around. It's extreamly active with a wide range of equipment that runs the whole spectrum from drag chutes to ejection seats, PEP, to a good portion of the skydiving business. It's about a 2000 sq ft loft with full capeability. He bought The Adventure Loft from John Stanford and althoue he no longer holds the TSO's he still does the majority of the major repars in the area. And he's always swamped. I'll bet he'd be interested in a slave that he could shamelessly take advantage of as you learn the trade.


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