
Weakened numbers

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Well, they're weak compared with last weekend, anyway. ;)
$20 spent for B license (finally faxed in paperwork):3:0
Made one jump yesterday, then had to go to work. Got two in today, and they were schweet! The second was a 6-way that I got to SWOOP (I *heart* swooping) and we turned three points. I flew my slot like a mofo. Yay me!
Also, I think I'm finally learning to fly that Kleenex tissue of a main I have. I stood up both landings today. Yeeha.
Weekend ratio rules: first number is how many times you got laid, or, alternately, some other number that was significant to you in the past weekend. Second number is how many jumps you made. Third number is how many cases of beer you owe for skydiving firsts.

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0 cause Hooknswoop is in Houston, 3 jumps would have been 1 or 2 more but hypoxia won, but I figured out my landings....steering lines are to long, grabbed the top of my toggles and so far in 0 winds at 5000 MSL, I had perfect tiptoe landings. and bought beer for my first helicopter jump....it's super cool when your DZO owns and fly a copter.

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190 mp3 files downloaded so far (dsl and KaZaA rock):0:0
Stuffy nose kept me out of the sky. :( But I get to do 16-22 ways with Jan Meyer next weekend and I did 33 jumps last month, so I'm not too unhappy about taking a weekend off.
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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1 blownup NEW main that I got to check out (It was someone elses):5:2
That Nitron was SHREDED! It blew out the bottom skin in 3 places, once Nose to tail, another spot C Line to tail and in a third between the B and C attachment points. It only had like 5 jumps on it too ....
Did my first intentional CRW(no docks, but so close), followed that up with jumping my new camera suit with a 3 way(Firefly ROCKS!!!!), Filmed out LewMonst on her skyboard, did a HD 2 way jump that under canopy I think a filling cracked or something... my face HURT on the glide back, did a 6 point 4 way that would have turned more points but one guy brain locked and we had fall rate issues. And they say Freeflyers can't fall on their bellies....
Lisa's boogie was going great when I had to leave last night. The pink pantie jumps were a roit to watch, so were the coconut bra jumps! Her ash dive looked GREAT from the ground, the formation did'nt build at the 33 way thay had exited, but we could see the ashes hit the airstream clear as day from the ground.... Lisa's home again :)If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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Top speed hit on my prelude friday night = 135:11:1
11 jumps, including an awesome 10 hybrid (I was a hanger), a 20 way RW (I was base), a cross country, a 4-way with MountainMan, wife Laura, and SlowFaller. SlowFaller is aptly named.
Firsts? The cross country.... finally!
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MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
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No comment on the first number. :P
My 300th was also my first CASA jump, so that's a double-beer. ;)
Jumps were fun, but I'm kinda feeling like I'm in a rut progress-wise (see Dock Block thread in the FF forum). Did manage some really nice long surfs out of my canopy though. :)"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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only 60 days till Rantoul:8:1
The case (which I'll bring next time, I swear!) was for my first 20-way (with Andyman, too)!!! I was slow to docking on it, but I got there darn it! Hinckley rocks! We had great skydives all day yesterday, and a great bonfire goin last night. I can't wait to visit there again soon!
Special favors come in 31 flavors

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107 (mph, my average belly fly speed in a slick RW suit but without a weight belt - call me Super Floaty): 5: 2
Crossed paths Medic, Val and Andy at SDC on Friday eve. Got a demonstration from diverdriver on how to hook up a main (my new on being the example) and owing him beer for such. First jump on new main - even brand new ZP proved no match for my patented 'Grapple Pack' (tm) technique.
Winds got strange Saturday afternoon, last jump was an orbiting side slide and dock drill dive with an experienced friend. Got to find out all about riding thermals under canopy afterwards. Oh yeah, we had a skydiver wedding as well, with matching jump suits for all the chicks and matching ones for the guys.

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It was definatly an interesting day on saturday. I had the honor of being one of the bridesmaids in the wedding. We had a whole dive plan all set. However it was scheduled to happen around 4pm, and by that time the winds had started to kick up and become unstable. Not to mention the thermals. I rode thru some earlier in the day. Not a whole lot of fun.
Im just glad that the Bride picked an ok color for the Jumpsuits. God forbid I had to spend $200 on a jumpsuit that I would never wear again...;) Yeah right, had it been a regular wedding it would have been $200+ on a dress I know I would never wear again.
All and all it was a great experience, and hopefully we will get the jump out of the way next weekend so we can get the video togther...
And Grumpy!!! Speed up dude!!!! more weights!!! come on so we can kick some 4-way A$$

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00 (or 17 if you count the solo action):03:03
I made 3 jumps this weekend, 1 sat, 2 today (sun). Did my L3 AOK, but biffed the L4 first try (Dammit why cant i freaking relax.. hehehe - nah, Leg awareness.) Did it again 25 minutes later (the packers were loving us then - umm we need this in 10 minutes, we just got bumped down 2 loads). Passed. hehehe - but I cant afford to fail, so instead of finishing as planned, Im hitting the tunnels this coming sat. A friend is hooking me up with 7.5 minutes. ;) i dont think I will have anymore problems with the rest of the program.
And lots of beer. I spent $40 some odd dollars on beer last night. Lets see the list:
First solo exits
First solo landings
First skyvan/Otter
shit I guess it can go on and on. But I bought 3 cases and I think that was enough - dont you want to be my friend - ;Þ
So yeah. I plan on finishing AFF next weekend I think. Sooner the better, but no huge rush, have to make jump money before I can spend it.
Peace Derek
->"Will work for jumps"
->Daytona Beach Fl
->DZ: Deland
->AIM: Derekbox

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50/50 (odds of me caving in to my boss and buying a cell phone):0:0.
Very weak indeed. My sister graduated from high school yesterday and the family had a party for her today, so that was cool. Lots of relatives that I haven't seen in a long time. They were quite impressed by my 5 second delay video and my cousins watched most of Good Stuff.
Next weekend I will hopefully get down to Archway and finish off this A license. All I have to do is convince my sister that she doesn't need to drive anywhere on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Or one of you nice people could give me a ride...;)

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I have nothing interesting for the first column:10:0
cool weekend. the weather was awesome, I met many many very cool people, drank lots of rum and dt cokes, beer, good food, and heard a lot of good stories. Yeah, the jumps were cool too :D
Dogs don't know it's not bacon!

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0 : 0 : 1
Beer for first visit to Skydive Arizona. Worked late on Thurs. and Friday nights in Phoenix, so I could make it out to the Mecca of Skydiving (otherwise known as Eloy). Finally got done around 2:30pm yesterday, grabbed a shower, drove like a maniac down 10, got there at 4pm..........AND IT'S A GHOST TOWN ! High winds had everything grounded, and there was no one about. So I just walked around for an hour or so, checked everything out, and bought a couple of t-shirts.
Sigh.....it sucks to be me. I was SO looking forward to it, too.

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first jump from the Frankenotter,

You call THAT the FrankenOtter? The name needs to be changed. That's not the FrankenOtter, that's a hybrid plane with a nice paint job, but it is NOT the FrankenOtter.
Oh. And numbers: 0:3:0 - It was, understandably, a wierd subdued vibe around the DZ on Saturday.

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You call THAT the FrankenOtter? The name needs to be changed. That's not the FrankenOtter, that's a hybrid plane with a nice paint job, but it is NOT the FrankenOtter.

Well, when everyone else calls it the Frankenotter, then YES, to me, it's the Frankenotter. It still hauls ass up to altitude and it still has all of that history. And I'm sure it still has the "original" skin(s) underneith that new paint.
With all things considered (its origins, its stories, its history, everyone stills calls it that), it is still the Frankenotter and always will be.
JumpinDuo.com...news, pictures, skydiving and links.

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10 (number of toes I have):6:0
Had fun at Archway. Non-jumping highlights include: Me & Tina giving Kristina dating advice though Tina was prolly too drunk to remember, taking a picture of the corkscrew ;), going on lots of private walks, and trying to steal the candy basket from the hotel lobby. I also found out Joe (Jabeln79) doesn't like it when I touch his belly button repeatedly while in the airplane.....though it made Tina laugh :)"You get on top for a minute, then i'll get on top for a minute!!"

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