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Stoopid winds...when i landed backwards saturday i decided i didn't think i wanted to hurt myself so i stopped.
Did some good freeflying though, and i am thinking wed or friday (most likely friday) at hinckley, sunday at vandalia.
blue skies
"Marge, it takes 2 people to lie. One to lie and one to listen."

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number of Jaeger shots I did on Saturday 6:4:1
Got to Hinckley bright and early on Saturday morning and did a cool two way and a 4 way (geez I suck at RW). When I was stowing my lines after my second jump I had this crazy attack of allergies so I went to the bathroom to blow my nose and out comes MountainMan so I introduce my self to him, finish blowing my nose and do a 4 way w/ MM, Laura and Andyman. Then the winds were to crazy for me to jump so I chilled until the 2nd to last load of the day where I did an awesome sitfly solo. Exited in a HD and held it for a milisecond and did one cartwheel in my sit and tried one backflip but over rotated.
Beer for 1st jump in TEVAS. That feels awesome!!

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Love ta read about all your adventures!!
"Sweeties on her way over":8:0
Having a blast with my PC9 and workin on Franks Video,, guess I owe beer for my first splinting at the DZ of an AFF L3 who flared late and broke his tibia,, great attitude and hope he continues,, but had a great weekend here, had a couple go arounds due to clouds and I'm startin ta get tired of gettin out into a friggin snow shower,, that shit hurts and it's June already!!

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Did one nice one - one jump to kind of warm up then on a seven way, the exit funneled and I went low, and just couldn't seem to pop back up in time to dock with base before 4500' -
During debrief it was revealed to me what I suspected all along- I could really use a different jumpsuit - I was hoping it was my skills (which it is to large degree-) But the suit is a major factor, also- So here I am, wishing I could buy a brand-new jumpsuit, and right now it's all I can do to come up with money for jumps - DAMN!! (musing to self-) Maybe if I sew handles to my freefly suit?
Hope everyone had some cool blue ones!

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Great jumps. Passed PFF level III (180 degree turns). Came back after my badly sprained ankle - no re-injury. What I would consider to be a pretty close to perfect dive (and yes, it's on video so it really happened.) I may be one of the happiest skydivers out there! I can't wait for next weekend.
Isn't life the strangest thing you've ever seen?

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50/50 (odds of me caving in to my boss and buying a cell phone):0:0.

Update: I caved. The phone is in my hot little hands, and I just ordered $40 worth of accessories because the faceplate that it comes with is butt-ugly and I want a hands free doohickey.

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Awesome weekend... finally got to jump with Brian Germain after he helped me out so much when I broke my leg. That was really cool. That guy can really fly! And terrific coach too. The way he explains stuff it suddenly makes sense and happens so easily! It feels tremendous to be back in the air. I feel so alive - so blessed! Life is beautiful.

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