
virus hell

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Argh. Two hours after discovering my 'puter was sick, I've finally managed to remove, eliminate, eridicate, the bastahd SirCam virus from all 85 files it had infected.
Virus protection updated, files cleaned, deleted and/or quarantined, personal firewall activated... I think I'm safe now... at least I hope so...
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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My machine has been getting pounded by the Klez virus. Seems like one, sometimes two or three, is showing up in my mailbox every day.
Thank God for PC-Cillin.
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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All 3 skydive banter groups I belong to have been getting pounded by viruses. Every day I get about 4 or 5 e-mails with them. Luckily my ISP has a new program called postini and it filters out viruses and spam so they never even make it to my inbox. They just send you a notice saying they found them.
Blue Skies,

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My machine has been getting pounded by the Klez virus

Strangely, I haven't seen that one at home. We get it at least 30 times a day at work though...
Question for the tech wizards out there - I thought I'd compelety eliminated SirCam - but McAfee caught it again this morning when I started the computer up. Is there something else I need to do to make it stop?
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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I just grabbed a program called 'FixKlez.com' off of Symantec's website for my boss's comp. That is a nasty little thing. Too bad he didn't have Norton untill after he found Klez.
Whuffo you sit on that couch all day? Because I can't get to the fucking DZ!!!!!

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Okay, now I'm really in virus hell. NOT HAPPY! What kind of piece of shit excuse for a human being creates this kind of shit!
I thought I had it taken care of but another scan shows its still on my fucking computer. I went to McAfee's website to see how to remove it and can't figure out the instructions. Am I just fucked?
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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Once infected you need some good computer freak to remove it, cause it keeps moving from file to file everytime you use the a-virus or you can try to understand the stuff on the mcaffe page.
"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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Try this.... Got to http://www.sarc.com and in the lower right hand corner is a list of removal tools. Get the removal tool for Sircam... POh hell Here it is. Read the instruction carefully and follow. You may have to disable McAfee to run the removal tool, I can't remember....
I'm assuming you have the LATEST virus defs from McAfee?
One shot... HEY!!! Mas Tequila!!!! Two Shots HEY HEY!!!! Three Shots.......

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i just used the fixklex.com to get Klez off my PC. read the log file after it runs, it will tel lyou if there are any files it couldn't remove that are infected, restart and remove them manually. anyone know what winkjpc.exe does? that was infected on my PC, under the windows/system dir and i had to delete it, can't notice any changes, but wondering if i should replace the file....

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