LouDiamond 1 #1 November 3, 2013 This is a review of the new REV2 helmet from Bonehead Composites. For those just showing up, this is an improved version of the Revolution helmet which I initially reviewed HERE. If you aren't familiar with the Revolve, it might help to read my first post in that thread as I will be highlighting the areas of the REV 2 that I feel are an improvement and or change from the Revolve. Also of note is that both the Revolve and REV2 pictures shown in this and the previous thread are Prototype helmets and as such may differ from current or future production models in a few small ways. THE FIT: Right out of the box it fits good. Of course you can custom mold it to your head per Bonehead's instructions if you so choose. What I found different from the Revolve and feel is an improvement is where you chin sits and the padding. The REV2 doesn't ride on the chin as much as the Revolve does so I didn't need to fiddle with the padding in that area. So for the overall fit and way the REV2 sits on the head, I am pleased to say that it is a welcome and noticeable improvement. The tweaks to the helmet shape and design has not only improved the fit/feel of the helmet but it also has improved on other areas such as field of view and also the ability to see ones mouth for communication purposes even more. The shield itself has been changed, which is to also say that the hinged portion that slides up has changed. These changes are noticeable in the pictures and the benefit is noticeable when worn. The Revolve has a large FOV but the REV2 has opened it up even more both horizontally and vertically, which makes for unobstructed vision with out having to move ones head physically when in different orientations. Of note in the change in the shield is the way air enters exits the helmet. The production Revolve has a standard "air scoop" or hole at the base of the shield to allow air in and the wearers breath out during exhalation. The REV2 has eliminated the large "scoop" and now uses a small gap at the bottom of the shield itself. What is different is that in the small gap there is a piece of spongy material that acts as a sort of valve. It is held in place with a small strip of hook type material and can be field replaced and or removed completely by the user. This small piece of material keeps excess wind from blowing up into your eyes, yet still allows outside air to enter to keep the shield from fogging up if you happen to be a heavy mouth breather. Even with the material removed completely, the air flow wasn't felt to be excessive or bothersome to the eyes. I haven't tried it in really cold conditions but I am guessing in some places where it gets really cold and or is cold at altitude, it might benefit some people to remove the material piece in the winter for improved airflow, especially to allow ones own breath to escape and cooler air in to avoid any fogging. If you wear glasses be it sun glasses or corrective, you are still good to go, as the shield doesn't interfere when glasses are worn. The distance from ones nose to the shield is neither too close or too far from ones face so if you have a large nose or are concerned with how close your nose is to the shield, I would say it is perfect, not too close and not to far away. Bonehead will also make available tinted shields for those who like a shield with some tint or the blacked out look. Some of the hardware on the REV2 has changed, which really probably isn't a concern for most unless you were one of the ones who did take the face shield off for use as an open face helmet during the warm months. Changes of note are the way the shield hinges from on the sides. This point is now secured with a hex screw on each side and can be removed with the appropriate sized hex key. The screws that attach the clear shield to the helmet are your standard flat head screws, so you can use a flat head screw driver or a coin if need be in the field. The ratcheting ladder strap remains similar but the way it is routed on the top of the helmet makes for a smoother profile and also now allows for a GoPro mount to be mounted on the lip. The chin strap buckle has changed from the simple fastex buckle to a hinge type buckle that requires you to lift it to release the chin strap. This feature works in conjunction with the built in helmet cutaway system that comes with the REV2. Located on the right side of the helmet as you wear it, the cutaway is located by the base of the jaw bone It is made up of your standard cutaway cable material with an additional piece of tubing on it to make a handle to grasp. The cutaway system is attached to the chin strap buckle mechanism itself. So when it is pulled, it pulls the buckle itself open, allowing the chin strap to disengage. It is a simple yet effective design to get the helmet off in an emergency and is simple to reassemble if used. The cutaway itself doesn't stick out or pose a snag hazard and I was a bit concerned about its being able to be grasped with thick gloves on as it sits close to the shell. However there is enough of it that if you go looking for it, your hand will grab it. Worth mentioning is that when new, the cutaway sits really close to the shell but after using the helmet a few times, it sits where it needs to be if you need to use it. Likewise, the buckle itself may seem stiff to un-do or open as the cutaway uses a rubber ring as a means of attaching the cutaway cable to the buckle and when new it is a little stiff but loosens up with use. The same goes for the ladder strap on top of the helmet for opening the shield. The button is stiff at first but with practice and use it becomes easy to find and use with one hand when lifting the shield. As you can see from the pictures, the shape has changed somewhat but the range of motion you have while wearing the helmet isn't restrictive, especially when looking up or lifting ones head upward. Nor does it feel like you are wearing a bulbous motorcycle helmet. As for weight, I don't have exact numbers but its comparable to the Revolution, meaning it isn't heavy by any reach. You might also note that in the pictures there is an audible cut out on the right side of the helmet to allow one to access/see the screen of their audible while it is in the helmet. I stress again, this is a prototype helmet and chances are the production version won't have this cutout. While it might be appealing to some users, I found it to let in too much outside noise when no audible was present and when one was inside it, if pushed from the outside while the helmet is not worn, the audible moved around and or could fall out, although that didn't happen to me, it was a concern I identified and something that could potentially happen. As such, I cannot say with 100% certainty but more like 99%, that the production versions won't have a cutout audible section in the shell on the production models. Also, the GoPro mount on the shield is an option and is not standard I am told. OVERALL: I am really happy with the improvements and changes that are found in the REV2. It can be hard sometimes to determine if an upgrade or improved model is worth it if you're already happy with what you have. I can say that I was happy with my Revolution but the REV2 is definitely one of those upgrades that is worth it with noticeable enhancements to an all ready great product. EDIT: I removed the inline pictures as they are too big to fit in the frame here without having to scroll left and right to read the text or see the helmet."It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required" Some people dream about flying, I live my dream SKYMONKEY PUBLISHING Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weaverd 0 #2 November 3, 2013 When I bought my Bonehead REvolve I though I had purchased the last skydive helmet I would ever need. It was perfect for me! Then Chris @ Bonehead told me about the update to the REvolve the Rev2. I didn't think it was possible to improve the REvolve but Bonehead Composites has done just that! As soon as I took the Rev2 out of the box I could see the improvements right off the bat. Lets talk about whats the same between the two helmets first. 1. Its still two helmets in one. Full Face or Open Face 2. The face mask ratchet system is the same and works great! 3. The contour Camera mount is the same on the left side and low profile 4. Sizing and fit is perfect. My REvolve is a medium and fit perfectly, the Rev2 is a medium and fits just as well! Now for the fun stuff whats new with the Rev2 1. Larger face mask, Right off the bat when you see the new helmet and put it beside the REvolve you will notice the bigger surface area. Much more area for your peripheral vision and more area to see your mouth. 2. Go Pro mount, Bonehead has found a great way to mount the awkward to mount Go Pro, I will expand on this more below. 3. CUT AWAY, the helmet has a integrated two point cut away. When it is activated is easily releases the chin strap and the face mask allowing you to remove the helmet. 4. Audible Windows! [inline IMG_0239.jpg] [inline IMG_0240.jpg] [inline IMG_0241.jpg] [inline IMG_0242.jpg] As with any new helmet I highly recommend spending time with this on the ground getting use to it before jumping it. Specifically get used to opening and closing the face mask with and with out gloves! As well spend some time to get familiar with the cut away system. As seen in the pictures I have included the Go Pro mount is at the top of the face mask. The mount is metal as such using Go Pros included plastic knob is not a good idea. I was not able to tighten the plastic knob tight enough to stop the Go Pro from moving. The tighter I turned the knob the plastic would just bunch up on the screw. It would be best to use the Aluminum knob that is available on the market or what I did was go to Home Depot and purchase a nut and bolt for .69 cents. The nut and bolt worked perfectly. [inline IMG_0246.jpg] The Cut away system is very easy to use. It can also be hidden under the padding out of the way if it is an option that you do not want to use. The audible window is perfect for just about all audibles on the market today. I was able to put in my Pro Dytter with no problem. After I received the helmet I was able to immediately jump it over a weekend at The Ranch in New York. I tried everything I could with the helmet, belly, head down and sit fly. Every time and every position the helmet worked perfectly. It did not loosen or shift around on my head. I did not at any time notice any increase noise or wind entering the helmet. As with the REvolve the Rev2 has a anti fog coating on the lens and throughout my cold jumps at the Ranch I did not have any fogging issues at all. I hope this reviews help you guys with deciding on a purchase, if you have any questions I will do my best to answer them for you! [inline IMG_0243.jpg] [inline IMG_0244.jpg] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waltersobchak12 0 #4 November 16, 2013 Thorough and informative reviews! Thank you very much, I may have to pre-order. Anyone have any idea when Rev2 will be released? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weaverd 0 #5 November 16, 2013 waltersobchak12 Thorough and informative reviews! Thank you very much, I may have to pre-order. Anyone have any idea when Rev2 will be released? The pre order is up right now and the helmet should start shipping Dec 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenomorph283 0 #6 November 21, 2013 so from what i take you can only mount the gopro when using the full face? is there any way to attach it for both settings or have to go with a contour or side mounted for open face video? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LouDiamond 1 #7 November 21, 2013 xenomorph283 so from what i take you can only mount the gopro when using the full face? is there any way to attach it for both settings or have to go with a contour or side mounted for open face video? As is from the factory, no. But if you drill two holes for the Go Pro base in the shell ,you can easily transfer the Go Pro mount from the shield to the helmet shell when using it as an open face."It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required" Some people dream about flying, I live my dream SKYMONKEY PUBLISHING Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenomorph283 0 #8 November 27, 2013 for anyone thinking of ordering i just did a pre order on mine and due to massive orders and with holidays they wont be expected to ship until the beginning or middle of January as of right now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shorehambeach 9 #9 January 9, 2014 Any more feedback on the REV2 from anyone ? Thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DHemer 0 #10 January 9, 2014 Any comments on the following comment I got on another forum in regards to this helmet. Visor looks ok in pics but I have not seen on in person yet Quote the visor on the G3 is significantly better. The visor on the bonehead is literally a thin piece of plastic kinda bent pliabley around the mold of the helmet. It is going to be prone to cracking and wont really protect against any sort of kick to the face. The G3 or even the phantomX comes with injected molded visors, similar to a motorcycle helmet. You can almost stand on them and they wont give. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weaverd 0 #11 January 9, 2014 I have had the Rev2 for several months now with many jumps put on it. I can personally say that the visor is not a thin piece of plastic, but is moulded and quite strong. I got a foot to the face mask last week and it is still in one piece. DHemer Any comments on the following comment I got on another forum in regards to this helmet. Visor looks ok in pics but I have not seen on in person yet Quote the visor on the G3 is significantly better. The visor on the bonehead is literally a thin piece of plastic kinda bent pliabley around the mold of the helmet. It is going to be prone to cracking and wont really protect against any sort of kick to the face. The G3 or even the phantomX comes with injected molded visors, similar to a motorcycle helmet. You can almost stand on them and they wont give. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BH_Composites 0 #12 January 9, 2014 Wrong..... The Revolve has a thin lens, the Rev2 has a molded 2mm lens. This is also what makes the tinted option available. ThanksBonehead Composites (951) 943-1166 www.boneheadcomposites.com www.facebook.com/boneheadcomposites Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shorehambeach 9 #13 January 10, 2014 Thanks for the heads up everyone. Rev2 for me :-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Awdpsi 0 #14 January 10, 2014 Ordered mine last night!! Can not wait for it to come in. That and I ordered my new rig! Its like christmas but will be going on for an entire month!!Belt and Suspenders Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aeio540 0 #15 January 18, 2014 I finally got to jump mine. It is my first full face helmet and I like it so far. I have a weird shaped head so it is a bit tight but it's real comfortable once I get it on my melon. LOL. I tried a few other brands people had and I liked the fit of the Revolve from a few of the other cats, so I figured the Rev2 would be even better. No complaints. I will probably buy a Rev3 if/when that comes out. On a sidenote, I got mine with the audible cutout because, well, I plan on getting an audible. Anyone know of a good brand/model that will fit? I don't know if they have a suggested brand or model. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sdigital 0 #16 March 4, 2014 I bought the Bonehead Rev2 Helmet as well and I am in love, if someone could actually express love for a helmet in a way, this would be it. Hands down the best helmet I've ever owned Bonehead or not. I also got the audible window cut into it later. I personally use L&B altimeters and I'm very happy with them, I know the SOLO 2 costs around $180 but the pro-track is the top of the line. I happened to get one newish/used in box on eBay for the same price as a Solo2. You guys with the audio window know how it's supposed to mount inside? I'll email Bonehead but just wondering how you guys do it. I also was expecting an actual window not a hole but I guess it needs it for the pressure. The design in my opinion is so much better than the Cookie. I love that it can be worn as an open face helmet because of the frame removal. What do you guys think about your Rev2? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Awdpsi 0 #17 March 5, 2014 I'll let you know if a few hours!! Mine is waiting for me at home (THANK YOU UPS) Hitting the tunnel tonight so I can get a feel for it! Damn winter keep us down in the northeast!Belt and Suspenders Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rickendiver 6 #18 March 6, 2014 Just got my Royal Blue Rev2 a few days ago. Took about 5 weeks from the time I ordered it direct from Bonehead. The size chart seemed to work fine, as the Medium size fits my 22.5cm head nicely. This is my first full face helmet, so I'm spending a lot of time practicing operating the visor. One handed operation seems easy enough, even with light gloves on, and I can wear my sunglasses without a problem. So far, my only complaint is the chin strap hits my adam's apple when I tilt my head down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Awdpsi 0 #19 March 6, 2014 So my intial thoughts....holy S*&% this thing is light. Lets start from placing the order to taking it to the tunnel I ordered and it took a little over 6-weeks to get here. No biggie it's winter anyways. Package arrives and its light..first thought, oh no they forgot to put a helmet in here. To my pleasurable surprise I open the box and there is indeed a swanky helmet wrapped in a plastic bag surrounded by peanuts. HAPPY DAY! My only beef with this part of the experience was that for the price I would have hoped to get a carry bag of some type... Nothing padded or fancy but I mean a thing fabric bag would be enough. Just something to keep it from getting scratched up in my gear bag. For the price this was a bit of a disappointment. Alas, the helmet fit PERFECT. Super comfy, but I agree with the earlier post when I tilt my head down the chin strap hit my throat funny. Opening and closing was a breeze and as I was to find out that night super helpful when getting in and out of the tunnel. I rectified the chinstrap issue with a little adjusting. Now on to the tunnel. Only planned on 10minutes as I will be doing 30 this weekend and so far LOVED it. Super quite, very comfortable and to be able to flip the whole face up when you exit then snap it down quick before you enter was the best. It made talking(the little bit you can do) much easier and kept the heat down. There was also zero fogging issues. I had the front down for about 5 min before I got in the tunnel to see if it would fog under warm heavy breathing and nothing so far. So far I am in love with this helmet and plan to buy a rev3 if it ever comes out. Also turned on a friend and she will be ordering soon. Pros: super light for a modular style helmet Easy to open and close No fogging Quiet Cons: Hit throat funny until adjustments were made No carry bag of any sort and for a $400+ helmet :( Will update after this weekend and I can get some more time with it. All in all GREAT WORK BONEHEAD COMPOSITES!Belt and Suspenders Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hiurawa 0 #20 March 20, 2014 Anyone ever wear this helmet while wearing prescription glasses? I'm planning to buy new full face helmet, and I wear glasses. I own Bonehead Mamba, and it's really a tight fit if I wear prescription glasses under it. In fact I can only wear 1 type of glasses when I'm wearing the mamba.I read in the bonehead's website, that Rev2 accommodate glasses.. but looking at the pictures, it seemed that there's not much space left between the visor and the face. Mario, Indonesia Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rickendiver 6 #21 March 20, 2014 I've only jumped 1 weekend with the Rev2, but so far have not had any issues wearing prescription Oakley's. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
costanza 0 #22 March 20, 2014 I had the same concerns when I was shopping for my current helmet and was going to be wearing glasses. The best thing for me was to go to Chutingstar, and try on helmets with my glasses for about 30 min. Some of them fit well, some I couldn't close the face shield without my glasses being smashed into my face. Others the temples were being squished to my head. Even if the website says it can accommodate glasses, most can. Things to remember though - everyone's head is different. Everyone's glasses are different. It could be that the combination of your head and your glasses work with a Rev2, it could be that they work with a different helmet. I'd recommend trying a bunch of them on if you have the chance. Or at least trying on your friend's helmets. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mentosfresh 0 #23 March 20, 2014 I fit sunglasses undearneath mine no problem. There's plenty of room. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vattor 0 #24 March 26, 2014 HI! My Rev2 have the size of my head, but the lateral foam is quite thick, so i feel my ears a little bit tight and i cant wear glasses. I know that the foam shape could be changed putting it at certain temperature. Some one know how to do this procedure in a correctly way? Thanks for the help. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BH_Composites 0 #25 March 27, 2014 What size is it? There may be a shim layer that can be removed. Why you can't fit glasses is making me question whether you're in the right shell size.Bonehead Composites (951) 943-1166 www.boneheadcomposites.com www.facebook.com/boneheadcomposites Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites