
REVIEW: Bonehead REV2 Helmet

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Thanks for the help. I couldn´t wear glasses because I felt the helmet a little bit tight near my ears so when I put the glasses on it was worst, but, I removed one of the layers (bilateral) and its perfect, Now i can wear glasses B| and its very comfortable. I think this is the best helmet.

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I must commend Bonehead for their superb product and phenomenal customer service!

I recently received my REV2 and had issues with the fit. Specifically, although I was wearing an XS in the REV1, which I love, design changes made the REV2 a bit loose for me (small head, narrow face). After very informative and productive email conversations with Chris, a new liner, designed to fit my diminutive head, was sent to me in less than a week. Further conversations followed to check, and double check, the fit and my satisfaction with the helmet. A couple of additional edits, more velcro strips to hold the thicker liner in place and a smaller chin strap cover, make my REV2 perfect for me. Which is the point--even though I am an outlier because I am very small of stature, Bonehead worked to understand my needs, conscientiously communicated with me, and specially designed what I needed.

As to the product, I jumped with my REV2 this weekend and am thrilled. All the superlatives of the REV1 apply: ease of use, comfort, visibility, quietness, and security (that face shield isn't going anywhere). But there are even more great things to say about the REV2 because of the design changes. First, the helmet is even more comfortable. Because the chin/jaw area is streamlined, the head moves from side-to-side and down with greater ease. Second, the field of vision is fantastic, particularly when looking to the side or down. Next, it is even quieter than the REV1. Finally, airflow into the REV2 is improved, moving up the inside of the face shield rather than toward the face--an important consideration for those who wear contact lenses.

In short, Bonehead Composites, Chris, and the REV2 rock!

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I’ve been waiting 2 years for the perfect skydive fullface helmet for my needs and I think it’s finally been produced. I’ve physically handled every other fullface out there and since November 1st 2013, I’ve been nothing but pleased with the Rev2 by Bonehead. I agree with much of what others have said here but the following is my summary/ $0.02.

I really like the idea of the rotating fullface because unlike the G3, Z1, PhantomX, Gas, factory diver, or mamba, it does not have that cinching material at the base of the skull. This alone is the primary reason for why I think this TYPE of helmet is better- think of it as a car with an engine in the rear- they are usually rare and different, but quite high quality. The revolve1 was ok, but thick, not very visually appealing, and had a tiny field of view, so I would have rated other helmets higher. As for the Rev2:

1. The carbon portion of the helmet wraps around the base of your skull, so it actually protects the base of your skull AND doesn’t consist of some sort of cinching material at the forehead or base of scull, which wears out and gets ratty over time.
2. The lens does not fog as you can keep it up in the plane or under canopy with the ease of one hand- also- great for photos on the ground or in the plane to see your face. And there’s a nice air intake at the base of the lens, but not so large that its noticeable in freefall.
3. It already has an easy to use cutaway system- Which is usually extra cost in other helmets.
4. It has the largest field of view available compared to all the full faces on the market.
5. Compared to the Revolve 1, this helmet is much smaller (thinner) and extremely lightweight and looks clean with nice curves and lines.
6. It fits amazingly as is (for me at least in a medium) and is contoured and padded in such a way that it is extremely quiet and warm in the winter.
7. Has big ear pockets for audibles.
8. It comes stock as the carbon fiber look- which I think is quite legit and often costs extra in other helmets. But you can also have it painted.
9. You can mount a gopro on the top of the visor with a low profile mount or the contour side rail mount. I’ve personally jumped the contour side mount 10+ times and it works great in freefly, belly, and wingsuit deployments. Just remember to turn your head to avoid riser strike. The nice part is you can mount the contour rail with 3 simple screws- WITHOUT drilling any holes, but I’ll admit- it’s a bit of a snag hazard. I’m anxious to see what new lineups of POV cameras and mounting systems will become available. Point is- the contour works for now and the mounting system is reversible back to stock.
10. It has a durable thick shield, which can be tinted, or you can swap out to a clear one so people can see your mouth.
11. No matter what Bonehead says- this helmet WILL protect you somewhat in a crash- the construction is A+ and it’s stiff carbon fiber. I personally witnessed a friend smash the Revolve 1 in a crash and otherwise likely would have needed jaw surgery. At the same time, I’ve seen other plastic composite helmets with large cracks under normal use.
12. The obvious- you can convert the entire helmet to open face in a few seconds. Honestly, for summer months I like the freedom of open face, but you sacrifice the possibility of getting kicked and hurt in the face.

Really, the only 2 “complaints” I have are:

1. you cannot mount the “gopro roller mount (the most low snag mount available on the market)” for cookie helmets on this visor- maybe if you take the visor off . BUT I’m not a fan of gopro so no big deal for me… we’ll see the new size/ shape/ mounting options this October.

2. Being that the Rev2 is extremely quite its sometimes difficult to hear other jumpers in the plane- but that’s the price you pay for comfort/warmth in freefall.

I hope this all helps those looking for a fullface.

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I’ve been waiting 2 years for the perfect skydive fullface helmet for my needs and I think it’s finally been produced. I’ve physically handled every other fullface out there and since November 1st 2013, I’ve been nothing but pleased with the Rev2 by Bonehead. I agree with much of what others have said here but the following is my summary/ $0.02.

I really like the idea of the rotating fullface because unlike the G3, Z1, PhantomX, Gas, factory diver, or mamba, it does not have that cinching material at the base of the skull. This alone is the primary reason for why I think this TYPE of helmet is better- think of it as a car with an engine in the rear- they are usually rare and different, but quite high quality. The revolve1 was ok, but thick, not very visually appealing, and had a tiny field of view, so I would have rated other helmets higher. As for the Rev2:

1. The carbon portion of the helmet wraps around the base of your skull, so it actually protects the base of your skull AND doesn’t consist of some sort of cinching material at the forehead or base of scull, which wears out and gets ratty over time.
2. The lens does not fog as you can keep it up in the plane or under canopy with the ease of one hand- also- great for photos on the ground or in the plane to see your face. And there’s a nice air intake at the base of the lens, but not so large that its noticeable in freefall.
3. It already has an easy to use cutaway system- Which is usually extra cost in other helmets.
4. It has the largest field of view available compared to all the full faces on the market.
5. Compared to the Revolve 1, this helmet is much smaller (thinner) and extremely lightweight and looks clean with nice curves and lines.
6. It fits amazingly as is (for me at least in a medium) and is contoured and padded in such a way that it is extremely quiet and warm in the winter.
7. Has big ear pockets for audibles.
8. It comes stock as the carbon fiber look- which I think is quite legit and often costs extra in other helmets. But you can also have it painted.
9. You can mount a gopro on the top of the visor with a low profile mount or the contour side rail mount. I’ve personally jumped the contour side mount 10+ times and it works great in freefly, belly, and wingsuit deployments. Just remember to turn your head to avoid riser strike. The nice part is you can mount the contour rail with 3 simple screws- WITHOUT drilling any holes, but I’ll admit- it’s a bit of a snag hazard. I’m anxious to see what new lineups of POV cameras and mounting systems will become available. Point is- the contour works for now and the mounting system is reversible back to stock.
10. It has a durable thick shield, which can be tinted, or you can swap out to a clear one so people can see your mouth.
11. No matter what Bonehead says- this helmet WILL protect you somewhat in a crash- the construction is A+ and it’s stiff carbon fiber. I personally witnessed a friend smash the Revolve 1 in a crash and otherwise likely would have needed jaw surgery. At the same time, I’ve seen other plastic composite helmets with large cracks under normal use.
12. The obvious- you can convert the entire helmet to open face in a few seconds. Honestly, for summer months I like the freedom of open face, but you sacrifice the possibility of getting kicked and hurt in the face.

Really, the only 2 “complaints” I have are:

1. you cannot mount the “gopro roller mount (the most low snag mount available on the market)” for cookie helmets on this visor- maybe if you take the visor off . BUT I’m not a fan of gopro so no big deal for me… we’ll see the new size/ shape/ mounting options this October.

2. Being that the Rev2 is extremely quite its sometimes difficult to hear other jumpers in the plane- but that’s the price you pay for comfort/warmth in freefall.

I hope this all helps those looking for a fullface.

I was reading this post and clicked on the attachment you provided on this review. My co-worker walked by my desk and and said "oh, he's cute". Just thought i'd let you know.

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I live in Germany and I want to buy a Rev2 but it seems to be impossible locating a store selling them in Europe! I went through all the dealers listed in your website, but none offers the Rev2.
Any ideas on how to proceed?

Thank you :)
Live to jump another day

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Shoot BH and email, they reply super fast and I'm sure they'll work something for you: I ordered my aero straight from them so, beside the usual problems with custom, import fees, etc. etc., I don't see why it shouldn't be possible to ship it oversea.
I'm standing on the edge
With a vision in my head
My body screams release me
My dreams they must be fed... You're in flight.

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I use a mini extension on the built-in mount and fold the GoPro down as shown in the attached picture. It barely gets in the way of my vision and you can also see if the red light is blinking which is nice. I'm probably going to replace the thumb screw with a pan head screw to remove that potential snag. Having the cutaway gives me peace of mind.

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