
2 lines on the EPT?

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Dude! She pee'd on that thing!

Congrats daddy!! now check out ebay for that ADORABLE size six month outfit thats on there every week... the one that says "future skydiver" !!
work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobodys watching.

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Poster: GroundZero
Subject: Re: 2 lines on the EPT?
I know of the change... this will be #3... 25 year old son (who has my 6 year old grandaughter), and 6 year old daughter...
Kinda versed in the field, but looking forward to sleepless nights again...oy!

Sorry man,
Here I am dishin' out rookie advice to a pro... Hell, you didn't sound like a grandpa on the phone when I ordered my Xaos.
Congrats again!

"Sous ma tub, Dr. Suess ma tub" :S

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this will be #3... 25 year old son (who has my 6 year old grandaughter), and 6 year old daughter...

so.... that means that a year from now your granddaughter (daughter of your son) will be seven times older than your new son (or daughter)... er... uh... wait a second...
your grandson's uncle (aunt) will be seven years younger than his/her niece(nephew) Oh, never mind... this is Tennessee...
OK wise guy, answer the riddle of this person looking at a picture they hold in their hand, and they say
"Brothers and Sisters have I none,
but that man's father is my father's son"
Who is it a picture of?
Are you going to want a raise?

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They say a boys pulse is faster than a girls but don't go by that my daughters pulse was high around 150 or so. The nurse told me it was more likely a boy until ultrasound and then we were told 85percent chance it was a girl (she moved to much for him to get a good look). Oh by the way she acts more like a tomboy sometimes than a girl and she is already practicing freefall:)

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This morning my wife, Kristi, brought me a tray with a great breakfast, including that fresh ground coffee and... get this... There was this plastic stick-like thing on the tray.. the print is "e-p-t"
please tell me that she "passed the test" first, THEN made the Tray.
or she must have good aim!:)congrats!
my friend was worried she might be pregnant. So I calmed her down by saying. "you cant get pregnant through the mouth"
she wasn't but we got a good laugh! and her boyfriend(read loser) was off the hook!
Life's a bitch, and I'm her Pimp!


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