
Costa Rica?

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finding out about local regs

You funny GI.......:D How about "The lack there of..." Run a search...someone posted some skydiving pics from Costa Rica a few months ago. I think they have a 182 but it is on the beach and beautiful!!!
"Here I come to save the BOOBIES!"

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I think the DZO is Butch van ....something or other.....his whole family were skydivers, and were going through a rigging course when I was doing my S/L progression in Palatka back in a previous century, when Susie and Jim Bass ran the place.
They seemed like good folks, and always had time speak to couple of Jockanese kids who were flailing but having a good time. I would be prepared to wager they will make you feel very welcome.
Gravity Rat # 37
Remember, we can do everything right, and still get hurt.

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I just checked the link you referenced, www.skydivecr.com - this looks to be a second group starting up.
Wish these guys were around earlier this year, would have made finding somewhere to jump REAL easy (took almost 4 weeks to track down the small club that I did find, mostly via word of mouth - g/f did all the leg work in San Jose).
I took my rig with me as a carry on, Continental was cool with it. We paid for jumps based on the hourly flying rate of the plane and number of people on the jump - so it was variable - came out to about $30 a jump, not cheap, but well worth it :)Here ya go:
http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forums/showthreaded.pl?Cat=&Board=forumtalkback&Number=95225&Search=true&Forum=forumtalkback&Words=costa rica&Match=Entire Phrase&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Old=allposts&Main=83327
Follow up messages have pictures as attachments.

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