
What are you wearing?

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Bottom up:-
Nike Air trainers
Boring socks
A pair of Calvin Kleins
A pair of Rohan strides
An O'Neil sweatshirt
My lucky bone Tikki
My Casio altichron so I can keep an eye on weather change
Issay Mishiakke cologne
And a happy smile cos its friday....
It was raining at 6 this am, so I wore my Brit100 (UK RW record) jacket to keep the wet stuff off me......
I'm also wearing an air of anticipation, cos I'm heading off to a new DZ tonite for a weekend of freefly frolics, looking forward to meeting some old friends, and making some new ones :)Cya

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...and you called me a yuppie for buying a bmw! damn, all your clothes have names!

he he...I have a clothier who designs my work clothes. I know it sounds gay but I don't have to go shopping because she comes to my office and measures me and then hand makes the suits and shirts and delivers them to me. She is pretty hot too. Better looking than the one I had in Naples!:)

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Yeah guys, when she says "I wanna get in your pants" this is what she actually means.....

Just be glad i gave back the leather motorcycle jacket when i was done wearing it....:)"And to those who have seen it, it's a true work of art"

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he he...I have a clothier who designs my work clothes. I know it sounds gay but I don't have to go shopping because she comes to my office and measures me and then hand makes the suits and shirts and delivers them to me. She is pretty hot too. Better looking than the one I had in Naples!

Yup, I had one of those at my last job when I was doing a lot of sales calls. Hand made suits are awesome... People should do that more often. Even a cheap handmade suit looks better and costs less then something off the rack...
_Am (admits to being a yuppy)
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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i always wanted to get a tailored suit, but i've never had a job where i've needed one. i actually look for jobs where i don't have to wear one. can't stand ties. actaully, my first job as a truck driver was for an oil company, and they had us wearing ties. i'm still trying to figure out who that was supposed to impress.
get crazy, before it gets you.

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Every day is casual day at my work...
short white shorts
navy blue Lauren shirt that snaps down the front
beige thong (of course, because of the white shorts)
water bra
bare feet, red toenails and a toe ring
freshly cut hair
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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I have a Tom James suit. My boss decided to give a "clothing bonus" and the guys all got suits. (Not to be left out, the women got gift certificates to Nordstrom.)
Honestly, I don't think I would spend the money to buy that kind of suit myself. I don't think the quality is substantially better than a suit from someplace like Land's End, if it is better at all. Same with the shirts.
In my opinion, it is all about prestige and convenience, rather than value. Having a "personal clothier" come to your office and deal with everything is nice. But if you aren't trying to impress anyone, you can get much more reasonable prices elsewhere. When I got this job, I got familiar with the Land's End website. I'm not trying to plug them or anything, but it is super convenient. Once I had my shirt and trouser measurements, I could order whatever I wanted online, hemmed exactly. No, I didn't get the cute clothier that Chromey had, but my stuff cost about 1/3 as much, and I doubt he hooked up with her anyway. :)Until I am just so stupid rich that I piss away my current annual salary on whims, I'll probably stick to regular clothing ordered from the web or bought on sale at the department store.

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Baby on one arm and frying pan in the other?

Haha, you don't have to run for cover. Being a mom is the hardest job I've ever had, but that's not what I'm doing today.

What kinda no shoes wearin job you got there girl?

I'm the "Office Manager" for my dad's construction company, but fortunately for me, we run it out of his house.
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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In my opinion, it is all about prestige and convenience, rather than value. Having a "personal clothier" come to your office and deal with everything is nice. But if you aren't trying to impress anyone, you can get much more reasonable prices elsewhere.

Oh, absolutely. Personal tailers are nice when the company pays for them. I was saying tailors in general. Even those dimly lit crappy looking ones downtown. You can choose the fabric, and well - it fits perfectly. It's cheaper and looks better then anything off the rack.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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Heheheheee....It's casual day every day at my office. :)Six pocket Tommy Hilfiger shorts $15 on clearance at the mall
CK button down short sleeve shirt. Around $20 I think
Standard Airwalk shoes...with scuffed up toes from landings and laces always tucked in.
"Here I come to save the BOOBIES!"

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