
Little piece of Heaven on Earth.......

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Thanks for this post. It really made me smile while I am going through my "little piece of hell". I can't wait to have my own kids!
I will share a funny story about my nephew Sam who is 3 years old. Sam is potty trained, but needs help with the wiping. He tells his grandfather he has to do poops and needs help. Grandpa goes in with him and wipes him clean. He then tells Sam that he needs to wash his hands. Sam's response; "Why do I have to wash my hands, you're the one who wiped me?"
Funny kid, and he's only 3!
If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.

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Clay, it's funny that you responded to this, because as I was posting it, I thought to myself that it sounded like something a 3 year old "Clay" would say.
Another funny Sam story: He's walking through a Lord and Taylor department store with my sister. He walks past a full length mirror and says "I found myself!" The scary part was that he was in the ladies department when he said this.:P
If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.

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Thanks for the great post. It reminded me of the time when my daughter was little and she had just discovered that her kitten had been run over. She lay on my chest crying. It's nice to be needed like that. You made the right choice by not going back into the military because of your son. He's lucky to have you. Steve

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she had just discovered that her kitten had been run over.

Were you masturbating at the time this kitten was run over?;)
I'm sorry, I know this was crude, but you did set me up. Besides, I'm in mourning right now, so I can say what I want.
If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.

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Steve1, Your welcome :)Christmas was cool too.. Daniel waited up till 3:30 am waiting for Santa before he crashed.. I ran out to my car in the rain, got his little bike out of the trunk, put it by the tree with a little bow on it, took a bite of a cookie, drank the milk BURP.. Daniel got up at 11 Christmas day.. Walked out into the living room and had a puzzled look on his face?? He said Daddy? Who's bike is that?? IT WAS SO CUTE! I said There is a not on it from Santa to Daniel for being such a good boy.. He still looked puzzled? He said Daddy?? How did Santa know how big to get the bike?? IT WAS SO CUTE!! Then he smiled from ear to ear and tore through the house with it. lol
His mom's side of the family GOT HIM NOTHING from Santa.. Bunch of assholes..
Everything is fun with my son.. Wouldn't trade it for the world..
Blue Skies ..... ;)

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That's awesome Rhino! EVERYONE in my family still gets stuff from Santa Claus. Sort of a role reversal thing.... I have to get several gifts for everyone! Funny thing is I still feel obligated to believe in front of Mom and Dad. Hehehe! And I am now Santa - weird! You gotta BEEEE LIEVE!!!!! (Hey - this believing stuff works - I really believed I would walk normal again and hey! Guess what?!) Sweet story. Share more!!!

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