
Helmet Advice - Visor Helmet Users?

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***I've seen plenty folks who primarily fly angle/headdown who enjoy wearing the helmet and are certainly heads up enough to throw the thing in the trash if all it did was funnel air into their eyes.

It's not my cup of tea but calling it a useless deathtrap is a bit over the top.

And they of course are wearing glasses or goggles underneath this Gath RV, Correct??

Please how many out ther jump a Gath RV without additional eye protection????


nuf said....

Lots that I have seen.
Your observation skills may be letting you down;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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It is very annoying to read your insulting, self-opinionated, 10 times longer than needed posts!

Yes there are very experienced jumpers who jump this GATH RV helmet! Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean nobody else does.

WRITING IN CAPITAL LETTERS doesn't make you and your messages more important!
What you do is called "hijacking a thread". This is not the only example of you.
It's a shame that there is no function "hide posts from this user"!

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Then talk with Cookie, cause obvliviously you know more than his company,....:S

Either your question to them was poorly formed or you're understating the product to us here.


It's my understanding that EVERY MONDAY , TUEESDAY AND WENDSDAY THIS ENTIRE SUMMER PEPPERELL WAS OPEN WHEN ALL OTHERS WERE CLOSED???? (Jumpable days) In New England, or are you going to insist otherwise just to insist otherwise. I had more than a few people keep track of loads and days open. Pepperell was open frequently just for one load on some Mondays. When everyone at SNE was sleeping Pepperell was jumpin.

I'm not sure why you would dredge this insanity up. I have no interest in proving you wrong again, and it's not at all relevant to this discussion.


I'm not sure what planet your from, but your lack of real knowledge is astounding and all I can gather is misleading by intention. 150,000. for a custom injection multi piece mold is astronomically cheep. So if in fact you can get a mold for less you can be an innovator and game changer but I suspect your just speaking, or rather just making shit up again.

I'm from Earth, where part of my job is designing for manufacture. $150k for a mold is astronomically expensive. Adding adjectives isn't going to help you state your case. I'd be quite interested in seeing a generic single piece injection mold, I'm not sure it would work too well.


I also know for a fact that the majority of wind tunnels don't allow half face helmets to be used WITHOUT goggles underneath.

That's great. What does that have to do with skydiving?


And if your going to continue to spout shit about how Gath RV helmets are used without goggles, well that tells me not only are you intentionally misleading other well meaning people by design, it tells me that you haven't used one either. I have used a Gath RV and your fucking nuts to use one without goggles or shades. You only make that mistake once.

I never disputed that it is less than ideal for RW. My statement spoke only to folks that I am friends with who are perfectly content with their Gath helmets for head down & angle flight. But please, continue whacking away at the strawmen.

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Someone must be off his meds (again).

To get back to the original question. for belly, get a full face helmet. Having your mouth enclosed isn't a bad thing. Most visors are coated for fog-up, if not just get some anti-fog and apply it once a day.
My preference is the Mamba, but everyone has a different shaped head. Best bet is try on a few different helmets before you buy.
This is the paradox of skydiving. We do something very dangerous, expose ourselves to a totally unnecesary risk, and then spend our time trying to make it safer.

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Dude. Take a deep breath. You're not coming across as a very coherent person right now.

I just told him something similar in another thread. It's not just in this moment. He is a very confrontational person and his opinion is fact. If you feel otherwise then you are stupid and he can't believe it.

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It's sounds like you have reached a conclusion on your own, good for YOU.

And yes after a day of jumpin we all sit around the "free" computer at the spot. Although this thing is a slow as molassisss.

We are in fact going to ban Gath helmets here as best we can. This is after a few rounds....

This is the waiver yoyu sign by putting on a Gath, this is fun, we should all pst the waivers that are stuck inside our helmets for everyone to enjoy and read:


The Gath Headgear is designed for sports which require a lightweight, stable snug fit while remaining conveniently compact. It will provide the user with some protection against the elements such as wind, waterspray an UV light and is also useful in minimizing the risk of minor cuts and bumps, however Gath Sports Pty Ltd nor it's insurers, distributors or agents are to be held liable for injury relating to impact protection.

more than a few of us sitting here want to understand why sonone would say something like in the same sentence when they , a wind tunnel, would not allow you to use a Gath RV without goggles and then ask what that has to do with skydiving????

If sky venture says to me that using your Gath RV with out goggles is a bad idea and we are not going to allow you to do this in our wind tunnel



I actually have a Gath RV sitin around here somewhere, we use it to show students the difference in quality so that they have a reference between good, better, best, and just plain old stupid.
But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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Does the "new" ChrisD want to correct his statements about GATH helmets?
Maybe he wants to apologize to GATH because he tried to damage the reputation of this company?!?

And ChrisD, when you read this post, please do NEVER EVER reply , post, add or PM to anything I have ever or will ever post on this forum!

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Does the "new" ChrisD want to correct his statements about GATH helmets?
Maybe he wants to apologize to GATH because he tried to damage the reputation of this company?!?

And ChrisD, when you read this post, please do NEVER EVER reply , post, add or PM to anything I have ever or will ever post on this forum!

You asked, and here is my answer to your question and comments:

And No, in no way will I ever revise my opinion about the Gath RV.

It shouldn't be used for skydiving and neither should it be used in any wind tunnel.

A considerable amount of air leaks from the rather large opening, enough to easily require an additional set of goggles. In the wind tunnel, that's if you can find a tunnel that will let anyone use it, it offers NO impact protection whatsoever. If you attempt to use it without an additional set of goggles by pulling the retractable visor down, your eyes tear up within seconds.

This is just my opinion, after using it both free flying, and in the tunnel. I am not damaging the reputation of any company, just reporting my experience with this helmet. And I have no intention of apologizing for free speech, my opinion or bringing to the attention of many potential skydivers who don't know any better the pooor quality and protection this "protective shell" offers.

When yo consider the number of fine products available I fail to understand YOUR motives in even considering using this piece of shit , dangerous helmet????

And my offer still stands, the only reason I haven't posted in the classifieds is that I don't feel that it is fair to anyone to sell this thing and use the word skydiving in the same sentence.

But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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You asked, and here is my answer to your question

Oh, awesome! You answer direct questions.

Does this mean you will answer the (many) direct questions you have received in threads where you have offered questionable advice, about your skydiving experience and instructional ratings? This one will do fine.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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This is just plain bullshit and shows again that you have no clue.

There are some jumpers using a GATH RV without googles and are not complaining about tearing eyes. Good example is the atmonauti guy Marco.

It offers NO impact protection is a lie! If you would be informed about skydiving helmets, you would know that absolutely no manufacturer guarantees any kind of protection. You can read that on every warning label on any helmet available. So every skydiving helmet - based on your definiton - is a piece of shit (and some extremly overpriced).

Nobody uses any open face helmet in a tunnel without googles. I don't see any reason why you come up with this argument.

Just waiting to get another 300 lines post trying to convince the whole world that ChrisD is right like always...

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