
Why I don't post here much

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Contrary to the belief that we are one big skydiving family this message board makes me feel like we aren't one. It seems we spend more time arguing and being uncivil than we are helpful or otherwise. This place is unlike any dropzone I have ever been to. Even the worst dropzone I have been to doesn't seem as hostile as it is around here. Don't get me wrong, its not that I am not guility of participating in some of these debates, but I am beginning to think some of us don't know how to be constructive. I do have to give credit to Sangrio for even giving us the bandwidth for a place like this.

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I'm sorry you feel that way. There are many people who post here that I've never met in person yet I consider them to be my friends, and there are others that I "knew" only on these forums before actually meeting who I've become very close to in "real life". I may not agree with their politics, religion or stance on RSL's/AAD's/canopy downsizing, but that's okay. I can argue with them about whatever and still look forward to the day we get to go jump and/or drink a beer together.
I do see these forums and the people who contribute here as a family. Sure, there's that cousin that talks too much and the uncle who gets mean when he drinks... but overall this is a good group of people - people who give a shit about skydiving and each other, people who will come through for others when it's needed, people who care deeply about certain subjects and don't mind letting it show. Personally, I'm happy to be a part of this family. :)pull & flare,
On the other hand...you have different fingers

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You think this is bad? ROFLMSLAO!!!
Come join me and my buds (as well as all those in my kill file) on rec.skydiving.
The peeps over there consider this goody 2 shoes land, and compared to the noise there, they're right!
Rev Jim
"It's just what I do..."

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Even the worst Dropzones I have been to doesnt seem as hostile as it is here

Debates can be heavy, but if you will please take into consideration, when we are at the Dropzone WE GET TO JUMP!
When we are home weathered out, at work, and reading threads on Dropzone.com.. sometimes Im crabby cause IM NOT JUMPING.
So.. blow off the crabby stuff to "he just needs to make a jump"..
I, also, have made some friends and stayed in touch with friends using this forum. Skydiving really is a small world.
...and don't post drunk....;)
Fly your slot!

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I disagree with ya,, I don't post here much either,, but when I do it's not a neg vibe BS post,, maybe it's karma dude,, think pos,, theres obviously lots of good info here if ya look at what interests ya an ask the right questions... this site is what we make it IMHO,,,
Blue Skies
OK... that was the politcally correct resposne.... BEER!!

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This place is unlike any dropzone I have ever been to.

Maybe you dont think its as bad as the BS happening at DZs....Thats probably because all the BS here is in public and in writing.
Some of the backhanded, mean politics at many DZs can be just as good as a vintage Jerry Springer. Add to that ex'es still jumping (both meanings) at the same DZs with new partners, and your just a wisker away from flying chairs....... but you need to know about it for it to affect you.
And I never bought that "one big skydiving familly" BS... some people (not on here) I'd rather stay away from (not you Clay.. ;))...
Yeah, skydiving's great, and most of the people are great, but its real life: there are jerks everywhere....
Muff 914

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You can be quite deep for a snob Remi:D
Ok BS aside, I have to agree with you. The people here are pleasently grown up and well mannered. Most DZ's cannot make the same claim.
As for the odd fight in the forums, well personally I enjoy it.
Things can get quite heated and still stay within the bounds of common decency. That is rare indeed.
I wish the real world
would just stop hassling me

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And for someone who was stoned just a few days ago, you're quite deep too, Scratch :D ;)
Rogue, it seems to me you don't visit this site often?
Maybe you've just been unlucky in reading and replying to the wrong threads. I come here often and read almost every thread that's been posted and almost everyone of them has a positive outlook. We joke, bytch and BS each other in a friendly way.
As Lisa said, I've never met anyone on this forums in person, but I consider them friends and family.
I'm really sorry you feel this way about this site, for I enjoy it immensly.
Hang onto Heaven, when hell is on your back;)

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Contrary to the belief that we are one big skydiving family

Huh? Belief according to who??? You think only *nice* people have the balls to skydive? And what do you think happens when those not so *nice* people become skydivers? They become even bigger twats, thats what happens...
You can choose who you jump and hang-out with at the DZ and you can choose which threads to read and respond to over here. But thanks for posting to tell us why you don't post much...
"Look before you jump, don't die until you're dead"

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Um........and the initial posting wasnt negative?
It takes all kinds of people to make up this world, and one of the hardest lessons we learn as humans is accepting people for all that they are and all that they are not!
I may not (and dont) always agree with others ideas and thoughts, but often times things are put forth in such a way that make me think.........boy isn't learning great? It's perspective........hummmm.....maybe it isnt an attitude that needs adjusting but one's perspective. As far as friendships go well..........you're a friend until you prove otherwise.
*thows down the gauntlet.........cross the line I dare you! LMAO
Am I really just jettisonable cargo?

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Hmmmm, thats interesting that you think that. I think that one thing thats is hard to determine from these post is the sarcasm. That all it is. And most good people know that sarcasm is a pilar of life.
So that being said what can we do for you today Mr. Rogue. Wanna a back rub, something to drink, coach jump? Beer:)Sebazz........

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and it doesn't matter who is bigger.....

That's IT, you and me, outside now! :D;) That would be an intersting fight since I don't hit women...:D
Seriously, although we do get in actual fights everyonce in a while, overall this site is great, especially compared to many of the non-skydiving forums out and about on the net. You wanna see some hateful flaming, go look around the net. We like to debate various touchy subjects, like downsizing, RSLs and stuff and we even delve into those thermonuclear warfare issues like abortion, politics and which beer is better (I'm bringing Shiner and Ziegen to Eloy by the way). In the end we still walk away without delving into personal attacks, usually and when that happens, the community polices its self for the most part, condemning the offender for breaking the generally accepted rules of conduct on the site.
No, its not a perfect community but by god it is the best one on the Internet by far! :)Aerials
So up high
When you free your lives (the) eternal prize

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and it doesn't matter who is bigger.....

That's IT, you and me, outside now! :D;) That would be an intersting fight since I don't hit women...:D
Seriously, although we do get in actual fights everyonce in a while, overall this site is great, especially compared to many of the non-skydiving forums out and about on the net. You wanna see some hateful flaming, go look around the net. We like to debate various touchy subjects, like downsizing, RSLs and stuff and we even delve into those thermonuclear warfare issues like abortion, politics and which beer is better (I'm bringing Shiner and Ziegen to Eloy by the way). In the end we still walk away without delving into personal attacks, usually and when that happens, the community polices its self for the most part, condemning the offender for breaking the generally accepted rules of conduct on the site.
No, its not a perfect community but by god it is the best one on the Internet by far! :)Aerials
So up high
When you free your lives (the) eternal prize

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"In the end we still walk away without delving into personal attacks, "
I gotta disagree with you, you great big redneck inbred son of a gun.;)
Seriously, as a traveller and temporary guest in Texas, I've found this forum very useful (I merely lurked before). I've made some great friends through the forum, and not only met, but I've even jumped with a whole lot of regular (and one or two irregular :)In short, DZ.com has helped me get more out of my jumping.

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