
Weekend numbers

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Got one jump in on Friday, nice sitfly attempt. I'm really starting to get the hang of this, methinks.
Funeral on Saturday.
Today, had fun jump, fucked-up landing. I was going to work on my sit some more, but a couple of guys asked me to do a three-way (hahah it cracks me up to say that ;)) so I said sho! Anyway, they let me swoop onto them and that went OK except I got so nervous about crashing that I veered off twice, then the jump was pretty fun after that...we went through some nice industrial haze, and I dumped at 3.5.
Great spot, I thought, and trucked toward the dropzone. La la, no big deal, then I turned into the wind...and stopped. Just stopped. The wind was not high, btw. Gusting to around 15. Guess it picked just then to gust.
Stupid lightly loaded F-111 canopy. So I was going to land shy of the DZ, ok. Shy of the runway, OK. The problem is there are NO FREAKING OUTs just on the other side of the runway at SSM. I was looking at a big field of those horrible, short, weedy, thorny mesquite trees, damn it. OK, I think I can probably clear the field, I thought...then realized there was a barbed-wire fence that was going to be way too close. Fuck that. Had to crab a little, found a clear spot far from the fence, landed there. Not in a tree. Whee! And my main didn't hit the tree either! Whee! But my lines did. All of them. Tangled up in that thorny mess. FUCK.
So I ended up cutting it away, untangling it, and getting the wadded canopy and my delicate hide over the barbed-wire fence without hurting either. I lost my cutaway pillow, though. Plumb dropped it out there. So I bought a new one. Bugger.
Then I had to leave for work! I'm here now.
EDIT: I'm jumping my own packjobs these days! (Thanks Phree! ;)) And they're getting better and better. The one I jumped today was just nice and snively. I got to watch the end cells inflate.
Anyhow, I'm just really damn happy about that.
Taking nominations for new screen name.

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12: Great weather at SDC yesterday and today. More Are-Dubya training stuffs - today we started on piece turning and drill dives. Sunset load on Saturday was a 4 way sit to 9K then pull to watch the sunset under canopy - got a chance to push the Sabre2 demo through it's paces finally (kind of hard when you are at 2K dodging canopies after an RW jump) -
Everything from front riser dives and carves, rear riser steering (I do it all the time anyways with the RW group) and tried this rear riser flare thing that was mentioned in Gear and Rigging and almost stalled it - good to know though :)Even got to land the demo in every kind of wind as well - from zilch winds in the morning to high winds (the kind they put student jumps on wind hold) with turbulence and thermals off the fields. The Sabre2 is a piece of cake to land compare to Safire, I could plane it out and ride it from 15 feet before the peas, to about 10 feet after them and set it down soft. The pendulum effect for landing is much easier to control than the Safire, probably because of the higher sweet spot and flare points. All I keep thinking is, this should have been my first canopy, not a Safire - I'm definitely gonna ask PD about trying a 150 next.
Oh yeah, helped one of our group chase down her main for her first a cutaway - she was kind of enough to provide beer [smile}
2: owe beer for -> first time not funneling as base on a formation and first time as center float (had to do exit count and all - thankfully they didn't ask me spot) in something larger than a 4-way :)

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I love Sebastian... rockin' 8 ways yesterday getting 16 points with freeflown exits, swooped a pile of sand, sweet 5way with alternating vertical slot changes.... no funnels. one incident where someone decided to leave the jump @ 6K, we never figured that one out... good weekend. back to 4way next weekend I believe. =c)

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but couldn't get above 2,000 feet

Heheheehee...Thats an extra altitude jump on a cloudy day!!! :)0:4:0
Had to work all weekend so it was seriously interfering with my aviation pursuits. Took off after work Friday to SD Atlanta so I could be there for the FJC Saturday morning. Taught my portion of that and finished my coach's pre-req's!! WOOHOO!!! Managed to get in 3 Cessna H&P's. 3500, 3000, and 2400....yes...the clouds were rolling in. Got off work at midnight and went home for a nap. Woke up to about a 700 Ft solid looking ceiling. Dammitt!!! Sat around the house till 1030 or so and then drove up to Atlanta Air Sportz in Rome. Hung out for a while waiting on the plane watching the skies get more and more clear. By the time my load took off at 2 PM it was absolutely beautiful blue skies. Just did a solo. I needed that anyway. I have been doing way too many 4-5-6-? ways lately and it's nice to just get out and do some head down drill diving by yourself now and again. Unfamiliar landing area and I came out of my carve a little high. Oh well...it wasn't a "bad" landing....just didn't get to drag my toe. Jumped in the Jeep and hauled ass the 80 or so miles to work. Wheww....made it with 4 minutes to spare! :D All in all...that was a pretty good weekend considering I had to work 4-12 both days. I'm off tomorrow and taking Wednesday off for the "Wild On" filming at SD Atlanta. So...I should get another 4-5 jumps before next weekend!!! I'll have 200 before I know it. :)"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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I missed the explanation of the order of numbers and don't feel like searching earlier threads.

How lazy! ;)
First number's how many times you got laid. Second is how many jumps you made. Third is how many cases you owe for skydiving firsts.
Taking nominations for new screen name.

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Try landing in the landing area

Well, I only missed it by 40 yards. I learned something new today.....when you can't see the dropzone through the holes, you just look up and watch the tandems. Either A) they know where they're going, or B) someone ALWAYS picks them up !
On the second jump, I was 2 meters from the peas. Is it considered bad etiquette to yell "MOVE YOUR ASS" to the tandems while they're standing on the target, grinning and basking in the glory that is this sport ? :)Don

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15 Jumps at Chicagoland's cinco de mayo party. 4 on friday, 7 saturday, and another 4 on sunday. We would've done more on sunday but the winds had just grown too string.
First time in FrankenOtter - which looks pretty ugly with the new paint job, if you ask me.
Second first was a Hybrid jump where I held a sit hanging underneather CanopyCudler and Scottbre.
Third first was a 45 degree riser carve onto final, in no winds. You all shoulda seen the look on my face when I finally got the stiletto shut down. It's gonna take some practice, but boy - I'm just having too much fun.
Other significant achievement was my 300th jump, an 8 way DZ.com jump that scored no points. My 301st, jump - however was a 2 point 22 way with locals. WooHoo!
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The weather in Illinois was great on Saturday. I had a cold but decided to ignore it and jump anyway. The first jump of the day was a solo doing leg turns and just watching the ground for the last few thousand feet. That was pretty cool. As it turns out, I probably shouldn't have jumped. One of my ears hurt like hell. So I ignored it because I wasn't going to drive an hour and a half to jump once on a beautiful day. The next jump was a 2 way with the DZO practicing docks. My runny nose got my goggles all blurry. Apparently all of the damage I was going to do to my ear had been done on the first jump because it didn't hurt anymore after the second jump.
Other highlights: Student low flare followed by ass slide. A cutaway from a spun-up 79 that ended up in reserver line twists, everything ended fine, and it was on video. Marc sitflying. Another FallingIllini tandem. Getting swooped under canopy by the DZO.

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Saturday was gorgeous, did 3 sitfly jumps and got some sweet video. Sunday at Hinckley- got 2 in before the winds picked up, 2nd one was my 100th on a 9 way plus video that went all to hell, but it was a blast nonetheless! I think the video should be coming sometime.
Yes, I got pied.
Holy crap, did I get pied. :D
All in all a great way to take my mind off finals for a while!

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This was finally a great weekend! :)Friday, we went down to the DZ and made the sunset load.
Saturday, we were there most of the day and I made 4 jumps. They were really fun. The first on of the day was a 4-way with 3 VERY experienced guys and we turned 5 points. Falcon! :)Today, I went and saw my best friend graduate from Miami U of Ohio. Was a really good weekend finally.
I hope you all had a good one as well. :)JumpinDuo.com...come and sign the guestbook.

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