
Nerves Suck

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Well, Today I went out to Byron, Not intending to jump, just pay for some jumps and schedule a re-train. I got to the counter, and told manifest I wanted to purchase AFF levels 2, 3, 4. He requested that I get my logbook so he could determine the best starting point for me. I went to my car to get my logbook, I actually had it with me this time. After a few moments of reading he ask if I was comfortable starting at level 2 again. He explained Level 2 is a busy skydive.
For the past 6-7 months I have been rehearsing level 2 in my head. So I told him yes, I feel comfortable. So then I purchased levels 2, 3, 4. Some of you are probably saying, why did he buy a level 4, what if he doesn't pass Level 3. Well, that damn fear factor sets in so I figured I would get a head start and buy level 4, it will give me a good reason to get passed 3.
After about 10 minutes at the manifest counter, we get everything straitened out. I was going to schedule my re-train for next weekend. I could have a whole week to prepare myself for that mental issue, Fear. Instead of doing it next week, the instructor is doing a re-train that will start in a few minutes. Wasting no time I decided to join the other jumper in the re-train course.
Well, after a few hours of going over emergency procedures and watching videos and doing the in-harness review. Things are good, I take the written test again, get 100%. Instructor writes in my logbook "Totally ready for L2" I didn't read that till after my day was over.
I didn't realize I was already on the student manifest list. I didn't expect to jump today, and I also had not eaten anything all day. The got me manifested, I met my JM. I had jump with him before, on my level 3. We go over the dive flow. I made 1 change to the dive flow, I added Toe Taps to all maneuvers. This way I was checking the point of my feet during the skydive. He was cool with that and thought it was a great idea.
While I was going over the dive flow in on the trainer, I started feeling week holding my legs and arms up. I didn't think anything of it at first, but then nerves set in that I was going skydive, I was to be on load 12. I told my JM I wasn't feeling well and he suggested I get off 12 and go get some lunch; it was already 2 in the afternoon.
I jammed down to the cafe to get a club sandwich and fry’s. The only thing that sounded good. I ate half the sandwich and a few of the fry’s. Then I started to get light headed. I was going chill out for a while and see if I felt any better.
Well, I didn't skydive today, I am kind of wondering if it was nerves, food, or a little of both. I started AFF with a buddy, He isn't jumping now. We have always done sports together, we kind of push one another for that competitive nature friends have.
Needless to say, I didn't jump. But I have 3 jump tickets in my wallet, and I am waiting to go back next Saturday. By then I will have my head together and the nerves shouldn't bother me as much. I have never had a problem doing something, all my other jumps I was ready to go, yesterday. But today just got to me. Thanks for reading. Have a good night.
You may push me around, but you cannot win!
You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!

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Hang in, and next week, you'll be fine.
Sometimes, for me, the hardest part is getting mentally ready. You had a bunch of things tossed at you when you weren't expecting them - the re-training, the getting ready to jump, and so forth. Woulda thrown me, too...Don't worry about it- you will be posting this time next week with a wonderful story about levels 2, 3, and 4!
Ciels and Pinks-
If you really want to, you can seize the day; if you really want to, you can fly away...

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Don't worry dude, its quite normal to have some fear at first, thats when your common sense (survival to unknown stuff) tries to talk you about nice things right here on earth but your adventure side is screaming for pleasure. Remember we are humans not birds. It just takes time, don't quit.
If you ask around in your DZ, you will find out that they were all scared the first ## of jumps, for me I was scared my first 12 jumps (S/L jump 2, 3 and 4 scared tha hell out of me, it even made me wonder if I liked the sport), after that it was only fun and pleasure, for others are the first 20, 100 or even 200 jumps.
Now my only fears are driving a car (see the statistics and you will know why) and spiders (gotta hate them).
ADVICE: try to remember that if you follow all the rules nothing bad will happen and will realize that its a safe sport; do deep breath to calm you down; don't let your heart beats accelerate, just calm down and breed, and talk to everybody about how fun it is; read the SIM or other instructional manual, the more educated you are about what you are doing, the safer you will feel; in the plane be relaxed (sing, talk, sleep, scream "WOOHOO!! BOOBIES") and concentrate.
Have fun and Blue Skies!
"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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just calm down and breed

Mostly great advice, however, I would save the "breeding" for after the beer light comes on!:D
G. Jones
"Why don't they have a light bulb that only shines on things that are worth looking at?"

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just calm down and breed

WOW! got my english all wrong. Native language spanish.
lemme check my dictionary. Hey that will relax anybody! don't you think?
HAHAHA just read the sentence again (with the real meaning) "just calm down and breed, and talk to everybody about how fun it is"
"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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Now my only fears are driving a car (see the statistics and you will know why) and spiders (gotta hate them).

........and carnies.......little hands.......smell like cabbage. :)Get back out there and jump! The more you do it the easier it gets. I was scared to death on my first few jumps. On the plane ride up I kept thinking "why in the hell am I paying this much money to be scared half to death." After I landed each time I couldn't wait to get back in the air! Just Do It!
I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.

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Those nerves mostly go away. :)I had a mini-epiphany while climbing to altitude last week for my first night jump. I was nervous and it hit me that I hadn't felt that way in a long time (this was my 118th jump), so I had to laugh at myself, I had gotten so into skydiving and having fun that I forgot about the nervousness. I'm not trying to say that I'm fearless, no nervousness and fear are two different things, I still respect the skydive and understand the concequences of mistakes and even the consequences of doing everything right...
Something to try, before you leave the plane, before the count, take a nice deep breath. No, deeper. No, bigger. There, like that, take a big deep breath like that and let it out. No do the count and go have fun. If you're all tense and nervous before you leave you won't relax in the air as much, thus you won't fly as well.
Good luck and have fun! :)Aerials
So up high
When you free your lives (the) eternal prize

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It sounds like you had a case of what I call, "ground sickness."
I'm serious! Sometimes, if I'm not feeling well, as soon as I get in the plane and jump out, I feel 100% better:).
The best cure for ground sickness is to jump. Hopefully, you'll feel better Saturday once you feel the wind on your face and freefall:)

I'm not trying to say that I'm fearless

I'd say that:)I didn't mean to go off on a tangent, but basically my point it, there's nothing wrong w/ claiming you're fearless. Those who know me, would say the same about me. Some people believe fear is healthy, I believe it's harmful and keeps people from doing things they might otherwise enjoy. I think what's healthy is common sense. Common sense would tell me not to walk slowly across a busy highway, not fear. But common sense would not tell me not to skydive or do anything else b/c skydiving is no more dangerous than other everyday activities (like driving a car.)
I believe fear is unhealthy and common sense is healthy:)Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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I can relate to the way you feel. When I was in the AFP program, there were a number of times when I considered backing out, and riding the plane back down to the ground. Opening the door at 14,000 terrified me. But then I started thinking about what it feels like to be in free fall. Rater than thinking about the things that scared me, I started thinking about the things that I enjoyed about the skydive (freefall). Soon enough I couldn't wait to throw myself out of the plane. Before each jump, I get really pumped. I even scream and yell, and get very energetic, and then I exit the plane, enjoying the freedom that 99.9% of the people in this world do not have the balls to. Stick to it. Just remember, fear isn't real; it's only in your mind. HAVE FUN!!!!!!
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he doesn't exist!"

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I'll be right up there with ya! I'm hoping to be back in the air in the next couple of weeks after recovering completely from an ankle injury. When I get back, I'll be (hopefully) starting with AFF-L2. And I'm nervous about it too, but I also remember what it feels like to let get out of the door and let go, letting your body fall away from the plane!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!
So I guess I'll see ya at Byron some time or other! Who have you jumped with over there on your 3 previous jumps?
Yippppeeee this is my 100th post!!!!! And only 2 AFF + 2 Tandem jumps.... Well, 25:1 ratio isn't really THAT bad i guess....
"Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

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