
HopnPop from 10,000

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if you get out at 10K and do a "clear and pull" you should be able to fly back to the dz, pull every ugly trick you can think of to get your canopy to miss-behave while you have the altitude! :)Richard
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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I would let the pilot know so he can clear it with ATC (Air Traffic Control. Some places that have heavy air traffic might have to clear air traffic so you don't get hit by plane. Speak to a jumpmaster to help you with the spot. Be aware of the winds at altitude since you will be up there so much longer and keep an eye on where you are at.

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Having made most of my first 500 jumps at a little dz 5 miles south of Little Rock National, the first thing that comes to my mind is a 737.....that could be messy.....
some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps

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At cross keys we always told the pilots. Being so close to Philly Intl there is A LOT of air traffic there, it can be dangerous if other pilots are unaware of parachutes. Also a good idea to let manifest know when manifesting, they can often get it cleared with the pilot/ATC too before you get on the plane.

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Didn't do it in the end - winds were a bit crazy yesterday :( Did 3 jumps and landed off on one and almost on the other 2 - the spotting was really bad. Didn't get to play at all - just a case of look to see what fields I can land in if / when I don't get back :)
When I grow up, I want to be a post whore

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When you do get the chance do the H&P from 10k. Pull your risers, pull your toggles, try everything you can think of, including shifting your weight around in the harness. You'll be surprised, even on a *normal* canopy (read: not a pocket rocket 4,000:1 wingloaded swoop monster), shifing your weight around will effect the canopy's flight. If you want, get a friend to go with you and fly around each other, that's fun too. That will also give you both refrences for how your canopy dives and such in turns. If you bring a friend, be careful and bring a hook knife, even though you're not going to do CReW, better safe then sorry.
Have fun and remember, it is nippy up there. :)Aerials
So up high
When you free your lives (the) eternal prize

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