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Are you stretching in the morning before jumping? I've found that if I don't stretch before jumping (even one or two jumps), Monday is from hell... but if I do stretch it's not so bad.
Course stretching didn't do me a damn bit of good this week - mental note - don't land downwind... Hoping my back gets itself back to normal soon, I'm out of pain killers!
pull & flare,
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Its usally Sunday mornings that I wake up sore from jumping on Saturday..... BTW... if anyone decides flying a sit tube on back to back jumps is a smart idea... just make sure you don't need the arm the next day...
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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The only thing I've ever had a problem with is shoulder soreness, but that's due to another injury, skydiving just aggrevates it sometimes.
If you are constantly sore, you might want to add some sort of PT to your running routines, build up 'dem muskels some. :)A human cannonball, I rise above it all
Up higher then a trapeze, I can fly

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Streching before and AFTER helps considerably. You're usually just straining muscles you don't normally use that often. Try continuing streching over the week to get those muscles limberd up a bit more. Also, a good cardio work out will help pump the lactic acid out of your body faster.
Copious volumes of beer also aids recovery:);)

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I only tend to be sore when I do something stupid like try to belly fly with sitflyers (considering I can float to about 110...) , jump more then 6 times a day or my semi-infamous dump in a full track/sit/what ever I'm at when I feel like pulling.
Got to admit... dumping in a sit/stand gets the blood flowing again....
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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Should I still be sore like this every Monday? Even with my slack-ass skydiving numbers, I've still been at this for a while. Surely the muscles would build up some kind of strength?

I believe Eloy actually has a massage therapist at the DZ, and I've seen some others where free lancers hang out. It's worth it, on Monday morning.

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I jump my ass off on the weekends. Those jumps include tandems (it can beat you up pretty good) and Mondays my arms and shoulders can be super sore. I seem to have less soreness on Mondays though when I exercise those muscles during the week and stretching before jumping. I do not take asparin or pain killers.

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Never tried that. When the little sticker on the bottle says "DO NOT drink alcohol with this medication" I listen...

It's only a suggestion to ensure you don't enjoy yourself.. :)--
Give them a sip of the darkside, and they just thirst for more.

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One of the biggest reasons not to consume alcohol with Vicodin (Anexsia, Co-Gesic, Hydrocet, Lorcet, Lortab, Zydone) is that is contains Acetaminophen (tylenol) which is metabolized through the liver, mixing Acetaminophen and alcohol in the liver is a big no-no. Just make sure your painpills don't have it in them and your ok.

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One of the biggest reasons not to consume alcohol with Vicodin (Anexsia, Co-Gesic, Hydrocet, Lorcet, Lortab, Zydone) is that is contains Acetaminophen (tylenol) which is metabolized through the liver, mixing Acetaminophen and alcohol in the liver is a big no-no. Just make sure your painpills don't have it in them and your ok.

There is always one in the crowd that wants to throw facts into the fun. :D
I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.

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Note: for anyone who doesn't realize that I was joking, I was. I don't do that sort of thing and sure as hell don't actually condone it! Beer's all I need

Sure, you tell me you were joking after i came home and washed down a vicodin with a beer!!;)
"A day without sunshine is....well....it's dark"

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"A Vicadin and a couple of beers and the panties come right off..."


Sure, you tell me you were joking after i came home and washed down a vicodin with a beer!!

PARTY at Sunshine's House:):::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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