
If you throw a Cat...

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Landing is not the problem. Have you ever tried to throw a cat? They sorta cling to you when they're scared... like a fluffy ball of fishing hooks.

That is so true!! I got my kitty declawed on her front paws though. I'd be more worried about her puking than anything else. I refer to her as the puke-o-matic 2000.
"A day without sunshine is....well....it's dark"

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like a fluffy ball of fishing hooks.

No shit!!!! Once when I was a kid, I was cleaning a Bass I had caught and one of the cats tried to attack it. I threw him off but on the way he split the inside of my left middle finger all the way to the bone and it's entire length. I gave him an attitude adjustment with a shovel!!! :)"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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Don't think so... I had a friend who was having a party in his apartment, and this one guy who turns into a total asshole when he gets drunk threw the roomates kitty off the 12th story and it died. He didn't have the heart to tell the roomate what happened so she posted "Lost Cat" flyers all over the place. My friend felt so bad everytime he passed them.
Give them a sip of the darkside, and they just thirst for more.

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That is a trait common among cats and college freshmen, to blow chow at will

She doesn't exaclty puke at will. She's a tiny little thing, only weighs 7 pounds, but she inhales her food. Somehow she never learned to chew so she pukes about 5 minutes after eating. There is one documented case of her puking on someone in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, but that was kinda funny!!:)"A day without sunshine is....well....it's dark"

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Hhmmm... a bulimic cat? More correlations to freshment than I thought... Is this a learned behavior or has your cat been seeing someone who has given it a poor self image? Has it been reading Kitty Cosmo or other self image distorting magazines? Has it been binging on kitty chow & oreos? May need to seek couseling...

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Let's buy some of those kittens from Air Ann and "plunge' cats from 5k, 10k and how about a high altitude 21k, and conduct tests and see if they survive

Hey I'm sure we could get hooknswoop to make pilot chutes to test the tape on the bias theory to tie to the kitties. *evilgrin*

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I don't know about cats, but I had some friends who did some drop testing with chickens. This was a very scientific study. They would throw some chickens out at about 8,000. They would flap their wings for a while, get tired and fall for a while, flap some more. If they were flapping at the right time they would sometimes survive. At least that was how the story was told to me. It might just be a tall tale though. Let's hope the humane society isn't monitoring this thread. Steve

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Above 12 stories they have a *better* chance of surviving, they won't automatically survive. Something about it gives them time to get their feet down, and they have one helluva "hug the beech ball" (I know, it's 'beach') position.
A long time ago, on a wreck dot far far away, we had this discussion.
My idea was drouge chutes for the kitties. The plan was to, right before exit, pack some alka seltzer up their ass, then shove the drouge up there... otherwise, you might go through too many cats in one day if you keep losing them. You'd better be pretty floaty though, I think the last guess of a cat's terminal velocity was somewhere around 60 mph.
Birdman flight with kitties?
You don't scare me! I got chunks of guys like you in my stool!!

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In a similar situation to Spy38W's friend, my old flat mate went on the piss one night and brought back this white persian cat that she found on her way home, I remember this very vividly as she woke me up at 3am whilst I was in my bed, she was totally wreaked and decided to let the cat stay over for the rest of the night, but my other cat loving flat mate would have something else to say to her about the fact that she had nicked this cat, so o' pissed one, took the cat collar off so as she could pretent is was a stray?? And maybe eventually keep it?? I have not idea! Like we were going to keep it! Anyway, the cat was apparently returned to the wilderness the next morning and everything was cool....
...until I found the collar on the heater the next again day... then, huge posters started appearing around our street and the neighbouring one.
These things were laminated full colour pictures of the poor cat plus a long winded saga of the cats life of domestic triumphs and failures. One was even placed right outside the enterance to my flat. Boy did I feel guilty and It wasn't even me!!!
Now it has become manditory to give ribbings to my old flat mate for any episode involving cats and large posters.
And now several years on, see has bought a cat of her own in order to append what mistakes she has made in the past to any cats she came accross and named it after her favorite beer!!!! Miller!!!

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