dove 0 #26 April 26, 2002 "Did he just stick his tongue in my mouth? Hmmmmm - headdown tongue. I like it!"And on a headdown jump in Florida where it was snowing heavily at altitude but beautiful on the ground,"Hey! That snow looks cool collecting on his shoulders!"Oh - I miss the air!dove Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viking 0 #27 April 26, 2002 "boy, that ground is coming up pretty fast - hope i don't get paralyzed! (moments before crashing our wrap)"ummmmm OUCH!! Did you hit a tree or anything? I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #28 April 26, 2002 QuoteOh yeah... I've also thought once: "Damn this is a good kiss... open the eyes... your in freefall..."What a coinkidink! It's not a freestyle routine, it's a SIT! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gale 0 #29 April 26, 2002 "Wow, that must have hurt" - after I kicked one of my PFF instructors in the head really hard upon deployment.GaleLife's not worth living if you can't feel alive Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kris 0 #30 April 26, 2002 Looking up at the spinning mal I was having on her (my first elliptical's) first jump, "Damn, that color pattern looks sweet!" "Okay, now look at the handles you dork!"Kris Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lazerq3 0 #31 April 26, 2002 During Freefall I 've wondered in my head what it would feel like if I didnt pull.........or there are times on jump run I'll think to myself.." damn this could be the last thing I ever do!!" I know its kinda morbid but hey when your jumping outof a plane theres only two alternitives...."get busy living or get busy dieing"!!!! (shawshank redemption)......jason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billo 0 #32 April 26, 2002 hit a tree or "anything"? yeah i'll take option 2. it was a plowed empty field. but it wasn't nearly soft enough. oh my buddy told me his thought was:"dammit we're both gonna break our legs. oh well guess i won't have to work tomorrow"go figure. i remember once thinking that i was glad that our cessna didn't have machine guns. cause we have one crazy pilot who would probably try to shoot us down when we are doing crew.DIE TRYING. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FallingILweenie 0 #33 April 26, 2002 "did i forget anything?""Marge, it takes 2 people to lie. One to lie and one to listen."-Homer Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChromeBoy 0 #34 April 26, 2002 I think we all have said..."I just jumped out of an airplane!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faitor 0 #35 April 26, 2002 This thought coincides with my most scary jump I have had yet. This was last summer during one of my DZ’s special event weekends. The DZO who is also a helicopter pilot was doing helicopter jumps. Well a group of us had just exited the AZ super otter (not at AZ) to the sight of the DZO flying his helicopter over the P’s. Then he stopped and hovered there. I was thinking oh that #*!@, son-of-a-b****. I couldn’t help but think of being chopped into little chunks of hamburger. I deployed at 3,000 so I could have time to land off field and just then he left the area. Needless to say there were some very upset jumpers landing, and some won’t go back to that DZ.Oh the other is "Huh, no lines. She must be wearing a thong" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haeloth 0 #36 April 26, 2002 Random freefall thoughts:(/me looking straight down)"Of all possible places, I wouldn't want to bounce there"From Mourning Palace by Dimmu Borgir:"Whispering voices, summoning screams Waiting for Satan to bless their sins"btw I just woke up from a strange dream.I exit at altitude doing a solo dive. I look down to see my chest strap completely open, so I close it. When I look at my alti, it jumps down to 2k, so I go for the silver.Actually I have yet to land my main in a dream.In a freudian sense, do skydiving dreams count as dreams about flying?Nobody expects Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel99 529 #37 April 26, 2002 Not is freefall - but when shifting around trying to get comfortable in leg straps - wondered what it would be like if I fell out of the harness - the thought of falling away from the rig Also enjoyed the wierd feeling of seeing the underside of a plane from close up Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scratch 0 #38 April 26, 2002 At about 6000ft.Gee I can see my bike.....damn it is standing in the sun.I must move it when I get down.andMy Gawd but she was pretty and that was soooo nice.Every day above ground is a good day. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #39 April 26, 2002 QuoteOh yeah... I've also thought once: "Damn this is a good kiss... open the eyes... your in freefall..."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------What a coinkidink! You 2 are getting as bad as the boobie hijackings!!"It's hard to be anal retentive when you don't have an anus" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #40 April 26, 2002 mine are....... "man i can't belive i'm freefalling and i'm naked"and my other one was..."mother fucker, that fucking hurt, like a bitch" next thought was "i'm gona have bruises" only took a little pixie dust to change this mispelling Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #41 April 26, 2002 After tracking away on my back after a cool FF dive, I was watching my buddies openings thinking "man, good openings...SHIT, PULL!" Lets just say that I was a *little* low when I opened, hence the subsequent high school football stadium landing (hey, it was the only thing that I knew didn't have crazy power lines and stuff running in the middle of it. A human cannonball, I rise above it allUp higher then a trapeze, I can fly Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisG 0 #42 April 26, 2002 I was doing acid once on a dive(25 years ago) and I remember thinking, Dam!! This is no fun!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #43 April 26, 2002 QuoteI was doing acid once on a dive(25 years ago) and I remember thinkingthat explains alot.....STLCheers....vasbytmarcit's hard to be anal with no anus!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pammi 0 #44 April 26, 2002 Hmmm..on my first jump I remember thinking "I can't believe I'm actually paying someone to be this friggin scared!"After my low pull, the canopy opening then hearing the DZO guiding me down I thought "A shit. I'm not gonna make it over those trees. Ah hell, this is gonna hurt." But I did, so the next thought was "He's gonna kick my ass when I get down."That's the only ones I can recall clearly besides the normal stuff that passes thru...Closing pin necklaces! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisG 0 #45 April 26, 2002 By the way Skymedic, I didn't appreciate that threateningpersonal message you sent me. Ok, I called you a dumbass.I'm sorry. Lay off please. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #46 April 26, 2002 Well...ya know what...keep it in the PM's....I am NOT a dumbass...personal attacks are not welcomed on the public boards...hence the reason I sent you a PM..and guess what it was a PM so you should have left it there between us..funny how you complain about other DZ's yet when someone has a concern about richmond you bitch about them bitching..and you say spread the love???...and I dont think it was an attack at all....all I said was it'd be nice to see you say that too my face....meaning once you met me and got to know'd see that I am a rather smart inteligent guy who knows what the fuck he is doing and is a good person to have around a DZ as people tend to get hurt there...I'd like to come down to richmond...and have a beer with you...and maybe a jump...if ya freefly that is....Cheers....vasbytmarcit's hard to be anal with no anus!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ADRNALN 0 #47 April 26, 2002 Under canopy thinking what do I do if these leg straps break. Boy that would suck!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #48 April 26, 2002 I do actually remember thinking, "If I don't get something out right now, I'm going to die." I hope I'm never in a situation to think that again.It's not a freestyle routine, it's a SIT! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #49 April 26, 2002 Big way from 15,800 a couple weeks ago. Damn.....I'm about 3000Ft. Why the hell is my alti bouncing like that? Thats annoying......Oh beeping.....2500 alarm..stupid alti *Whack* stop bouncing!!! *Chalk to the right towards hangar* Oh look...someone on the same level as me flying a parachute. Guess I need to pull now. Yep...ground is pretty big. Stilletto don't fail me now!!! It didn't... I was in the saddle by 1500 or so. No problem....Oh...I almost forgot a good one. Second jump on a throw out. "OK...3000Ft. Reach back...grab hackey and pull out. Look at that nice P/C flailing in the wind......LET GO OF IT STUPID!!!!" "It's all about the BOOBIES!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingbunky 3 #50 April 26, 2002 first time (5th jump i think) i opened without line twists i was thinking "oh crap, what's wrong with this picture? wait a minute, this is good!" while i was staring up at nice straight lines, my jumpmaster went screaming by in freefall, kinda freaked me out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bunkyget crazy, before it gets you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites