
pot heads?

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are there any weed smokers in the skydiving community or just beer fiends? I can't help but think some free fliers not only toke, but have probably dropped their fair share of shrooms or acid in their time, judging by what some of them look like (and that's a compliment, im not knocking it).

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i smoke loads of weed, and try to snort a couple of rails before each jump, it's gotten to where the freefall isn't enough anymore, ya know what i mean? i also inject (periodiacally) herion, behind the fuel tank, i get the best "rush" there because of the jet fumes ya know!
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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i smoke loads of weed, and try to snort a couple of rails before each jump, it's gotten to where the freefall isn't enough anymore, ya know what i mean? i also inject (periodiacally) herion, behing the fuel tank, i get the best "rush" there because of the jet fumes ya know!
hahaha - although your post content wasn't funny (at least to me), i did LOL at the way you opened it with my (incorrectly spelt) name.
I am no longer the newbie stranger i was hoping to maintain on this board. My name is out there in the wild. Oh lord NO!

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I'm sure there are many skydivers that use questionable or illegal substances. Personally I quit drinking and druggin 12 years ago and the police and general population like me a lot more now!
However, from a business stand point, a DZ runs the risk of John Q. Law steping into their shit for skydivers using drugs, while beer is legal. DZ's hardly need a bad image any more than what they have already.
But from a personal view, to each his own. So long as it does not interfere with the safety of that jumper or those around them, who cares.

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Extremely widespread???Oh America is the home of vice and wrong doing now is it???? Don't believe everything you see on Jerry Springer.
Next I assume you are going to tell me that your country has no gays, religous conflicts or crime in general either.

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**way you opened it with my (incorrectly spelt) name**
i may have spelled your name wrong, but at least i've finally identified you, speaking of incorrectly SPELT, the honor for misspelling goes to you today, mr. newbie........
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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There was this guy I knew in college who dropped acid once. He and a bunch of friends went to this state park in Illinois and went hiking. It was winter and there was these huge icycles hanging form the rock formations. They laid on the ground looking up at all the icycles for a long time. When it got warmer one of the icycles fell off a rock and landed between all of them. If it would have hit them it would have killed them. Luckily for my a friends, it landed about two feet away from them. But it was a cool like 3d thing to look at. There was also these huge rocks. They climbed the rocks and were tripping to hard to climb down so they spent the rest of the day up there.
If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I would fart.

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It's interesting that people would smoke pot after (hopefully not before) skydiving. Pot is a downer and would ruin the natural high you get from skydiving. It doesn't seem to go with the adrenaline junky image of skydiving. (Of course, so does all that beer that skydivers seem to like so much.) As for the harsher drugs, well that's another story.
By the way, people do come out to our drop zone and try to jump stoned (we are on the west coast after all) but they are NEVER allowed.
Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive

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i started with pots very early..like 3 or 4 years old..used to take my mom's wooden mixing spoons and bang on them like drums...then i turned 14 and turned to the good kind of pot...the green stuff...then i joined the military and can only watch other people smoke it.......
i've know about it happening at dz's i've jumped at but it's a out of sight out of mind thing..... and only after the last load.... and not many people take part....maybe 1 or 2........

it only took a little pixie dust to change this mispelling

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I was always your basic red neck kind of a guy so I never got into drugs. I would get squirrely enough just drinking beer. But I started jumping at a Liberal College during the 70's. At most jump parties in Missoula there was a lot of Pot and only a little beer. I used to jump with B.J. Worth during this time and he can vouch for what it was like. I remember a time when Jerry Bird's All Stars came to Missoula to jump. At the jump party that night their team showed movies of many of their jumps. Of course their was this heavy haze of whacky tobaccy smoke you had to squint to see through. Some of the jumpers were saying "Wow" over and over again. They were crazy times. It's funny though most people accepted me even though I was a red neck and didn't smoke the stuff.

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