
Do you women get sick of........

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or a woman explaining to a guy why that black shoe is completely different than her other black shoe and she has to buy it.

LMAO, I love it when you're funny Bill, it just comes out of nowhere, totally unexpectedly!
The shoe thing is easy. It all has to do with hem length, the style of the outfit, and the occasion. I mean, you can't really wear a chunky pair of oxfords with a little slip dress, now can you?
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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"I assume most of you are intelligent, caring, warm individuals and I'm thinking you have more to express then simply a joy of women's breasts, but that's just me.
How dare she think of us like that!! "How do you get a man excited, Just Show Up!!""
Yup, I knew as soon as I gave you guys credit for being more then just walking bags of hormones someone would say I'm wrong (a man at that).
By the way, did anyone notice that this thread has a lot of "boobie" talk (not to mention, bush talk, particularily yucky) in it even though people think it's for 15 year olds. Yup, you sex guys will hijack any old thread won't you? :P
(By the way, for those of you who are wondering, I can talk about sex with the best of them, but most of this stuff is just too darm tame and mainstream.)
Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive

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That is whats fun about the stuff that goes on here, it is really soft-core and more of a playful joke then anything serious. If I was actually serious about seeing some breasts right at this moment, I would either A) call up the girl I'm seeing or B) open a magazine. This is all just playful banter back and forth, thats all. :)A human cannonball, I rise above it all
Up higher then a trapeze, I can fly

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Gotta be a story there.....

Eh, not really. It's quite boring, but I'll share anyway.
I remember being in first grade and *hating* the color red for some reason, don't know why, but seriously didn't like it for a long time
Then when I started to drive I had a red car that was like a moving target, got hit 3 times. Started joking about red being an ulucky color for me, and it stuck. I sure don't want to check to see if my luck has changed through skydiving. :)--
Words I hate: Streamer, Horseshoe, Baglock...

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>Too tame and mainstream, huh? Well, we obviously need to get down to a more
> appropriate level then. What kind of level would interest you? Swinging? S&M?
> Bestiality?
Well, judging by some of the sigs on here:
"Do whatever you like, just untie me when you're done"
"some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps"
it shouldn't be hard to figure out.
-bill von

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I knew as soon as I gave you guys credit for being more then just walking bags of hormones someone would say I'm wrong (a man at that).

Hey, I didn't say you were wrong. I said "how dare you think of us like that." You may be correct, just don't tell anybody.
Also, I did not try and hijack the thread and talk about boobies, it just went off course by itself:):::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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Well, judging by some of the sigs on here:
"Do whatever you like, just untie me when you're done"
"some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps"
it shouldn't be hard to figure out.

Ooh ooh!! Bill noticed my sig line!! I feel like i'm somebody now!!;) And just for the record as if you didn't already know....I LOVE BOOBIES!!!!
"Do whatever you like, just untie me when you're done"

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>The shoe thing is easy. It all has to do with hem length, the style of the outfit,
> and the occasion. I mean, you can't really wear a chunky pair of oxfords with a
> little slip dress, now can you?
Now, see, there's the problem. I could tell you that lithium-ion battery protection circuits can use the forward FET for charge termination when used with constant V-I chargers (in fact I have a patent on that) and I suspect you'd understand it about as well as I understood that sentence above. To a guy, hem length means that your pants or jumpsuit fits and has nothing to do with shoes. To a guy, choosing shoes to fit the occasion means making sure that you have on hiking boots if you have to go through a lot of mud. Oxford is a school, and a 'little slip dress' will get guys excited even though they have no clear mental picture of what one is.
But that's OK. Just buy the shoes - we know that there are some things that we'll just never understand.
-bill von

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I just sit back and laugh when Bill comes out of left like that!
It's like.....so random! LOL
Bill I have some lovely black satin to go with that slip dress and pumps...*Oh My we'll have to use Nads on those legs I'm afraid!
It only takes a little pixie dust......

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what bbarnhouse says:
>Bill I have some lovely black satin to go with that slip dress and pumps...
>*Oh My we'll have to use Nads on those legs I'm afraid!
What guys hear:
>Bill I have some sort of fabric to go with this other clothing. Oh My we'll have
>to do something female and incomprehensible I'm afraid!
-bill von

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