
Do you women get sick of........

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Please don't say that! We have enough problems with women being judged on the size of their boobs and how closely they resemble the latest pop star. That's about 1% of what a person is. I would hope one would look at you and think "that's Andrea," and think about what kind of a person you are, what you've accomplished in skydiving, how you treat other people. Those are the important things.

sigh. if only more guys were like you. But, unfortunately, they are not. There are a good majority of guys who base initial interest on appearance. I have gotten to the point where --yah, I put on a little makeup, but if I don't have any on, It really doesn't matter. But, I will admit that to me, every once in a while, it is fun to get all primped up.
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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sigh. if only more guys were like you. But, unfortunately, they are not. There are a good majority of guys who base initial interest on appearance. I have gotten to the point where --yah, I put on a little makeup, but if I don't have any on, It really doesn't matter. But, I will admit that to me, every once in a while, it is fun to get all primped up.

One scene I will never forget is seeing a pair of skychickies putting on makup before jumping. BEFORE JUMPING? The sun was out, It was 80 degrees. We were gonna smell like a locker-room before then end of the day, and they were putting on makeup?
I didn't get it. In fact I was dumbstruck. One should always be presentable, of course, but to primp up before a day of jumping?
And yes, I did make fun of them.
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i agree with you there. I see no point in that. After a day of jumping, my makeup--- wait, there is no makeup left, oh, and my hair? I keep it in two braids, but even those manage to frizz out beyond belief. I actually love it. I shows I have had a productive day at the dz.
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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I'm with Skyrose here.
I don't like wearing make-up (too much trouble getting it of again) and I don't care how my hair looks after a day of jumping.
Once in a while when there's a BIG party, I'll get myself prim and proper, make-up, doing the hair and the works.
I've knew the kind of girl Bill posted about, make-up plastered all over her face and neck, eeeewwww!!!
I've seen whuffo girls looking at me like maybe I'm from another planet for not wondering how I look after each jump and not wearing make-up, but I've got better things to do with my time than wondering about my looks. Besides, if you don't like what you're looking at, look the other way.
Luckily my B/F doesn't care for make-up either and so does none of my other male friends.
Hang onto Heaven, when hell is on your back;)

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Girls that do not wear make-up should be grateful that the have enough self-confidence in their looks. Or good skin for that matter. I've had bad skin for years - it's only just getting sorted (I'm nearly 25!!!).
I don't care what a scruff bag I look or how messy my hair is at the end of a days' jumping. Beer fights are great. Yet, much more fun, if you don't have to worry about mascara running.
Hoo hummm
A girl that does not wear make-up that decideds to go out and do her self up is more likely to get a . . Wow - you look great reaction. As apposed to someone who always wears it, so looks the same!
Am I speaking poo now?

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Best compliment I've ever had was: "But Mel, you never wear make-up!!" hehehe - fooled them!! I normally always wear make-up, it is just done is such a way that it looks natural. I also hate the plascon-chicks...gives me the creeps, but a little help from mother-cosmetic don't bother me. As long as it looks natural!!!
Life is for the LIVING!!!!! :D

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After a day of jumping, my makeup--- wait, there is no makeup left, oh, and my hair? I keep it in two braids, but even those manage to frizz out beyond belief.

I also always keep my hair in two braids when jumping, and by the end of the day it's frizzy and i don't care. I hardly ever wear make unless you count lip gloss, and i only use that cause it tastes good. On occasion I like to put on glitter make up before jumping just for fun. I don't wear it to try and look "pretty". It's just kinda cool to be sparkly.
"Do whatever you like, just untie me when you're done"

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I also always keep my hair in two braids when jumping, and by the end of the day it's frizzy and i don't care. I hardly ever wear make unless you count lip gloss, and i only use that cause it tastes good. On occasion I like to put on glitter make up before jumping just for fun. I don't wear it to try and look "pretty". It's just kinda cool to be sparkly.

I like the glitter...and the braids....;);)
"I have no fear of falling, I just hate hitting the ground"-The Badlees...

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the best part is, last fall a lot of the time I would have to go to work directly after jumping. At least they always knew where I came from. I'd get this "uh, you look a little windblown"
no shit
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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Please don't say that! We have enough problems with women being judged on the size of their boobs and how closely they resemble the latest pop star. That's about 1% of what a person is. I would hope one would look at you and think "that's Andrea," and think about what kind of a person you are, what you've accomplished in skydiving, how you treat other people. Those are the important things.

Oh, you're going way deeper with that then I had originally intended, Bill. I was just talking about how make-up should be applied to a face, nothing more than that. But, now that you've expanded on it....
I agree with you. I don't want to be judged on my physical appearance. When I was 60 pounds heavier, I never got the attention I get now. So, now when guys tell me I'm hot and everything, I know they're just looking at the surface. Sixty pounds ago, they didn't say those things. But, back then, I had the same morals, values, wit and intelligence that I have now. As far as my personality goes, I'm a little more outgoing now because skydiving has given me so much confidence. But, when a guy wants to date me just because he thinks I'm cute, that's not going to fly with me. Inner beauty is so much more important to me than outer beauty.
So, why do I watch my weight and wear make-up? Plain and simple, it makes me feel better. I'm almost 37...there are things that are on my face that I would rather not present to the world in it's natural form-wrinkles, acne scars, dark circles. It just makes me feel better. But, I'm not afraid to be seen with messy hair and no make-up. I'm like that at the end of a skydiving day anyway.But, usually I do clean up and shower afterwards but only because it makes me feel better.
I do have a black line on my nose that I am quite proud of. It's called a "tramatic tattoo", and it's from doing a face plant on the runway on a skydive. At first, I went to a doctor, and found out I could spend $500 to try to get it removed. Then I thought, that's a lot of skydives. At least I have something to talk the next time someone says I have a penmark on my nose! :)Andrea
I'm high as a kite
I just might
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My thoughts on this: When men talk about boobies constantly it only means they aren't getting any. You know, act like you've had some before!!! Don't act like a 5th grader showing his daddy's penthouse to all of his friends. The more you talk about it, the more we know you aren't getting laid. Pathetic, really.....
...I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl...

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I am experiencing the same thing from a guy point of view. As early as last summer, I was 40lbs overweight and a total couch potato. I got fed up with myself and finally decided to do something about it. Now fast forward 9 months...I've lost all the weight, I am in the gym every other day and my looks are completely different. And I feel completely different. The compliments I get now literally shock me. Women who probably would never have given me the time of day, are noticing. But this was all about doing it for me, noone else! Now I enjoy wearing stylish clothes and looking the best I can look. If others notice, that is icing on the cake. The bottom line is, I did it for myself and I am a much better person for it.
Now enough of serious Chris...NEXT WEEK I BEGIN AFF!!!!!:D
Such an interesting monster with such an interesting hairdo.

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