
Walk This Way

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Well, the day didn't exactly start out the way I would have scripted it. I always make up a list of questions to ask the doctor so I won't leave realizing I've forgotten to ask a lot of important things. (I HATE that!) I've been working on this list for 4 weeks - since the last doctor's visit. I looked all over the apartment - not there. I mean I looked EVERYWHERE! And trying to do that on one leg and crutches ain't easy! Drat! I'll have to try to remember every question... but that was a LOOOOOOONG list. POOH! So I get ready to go to see my orthpaedic surgeon - very exciting... I'm supposed to walk today! I grab my favorite CDs for the 30-minute ride to get all pumped up. (As if I need any help - I'm gonna WALK today for the first time in 12 weeks, for crying out loud!) Then I find out I also can't find the faceplate for my car stereo. Gone. Nowhere. Not in the apartment and not in the car. Absolutely, positively 100% GONE! Crap! I can't afford this right now and I have a 2,000 mile road trip in May. Ugh! I start to get upset but realize that this is MY day! This is the day I've been waiting for since January 28. I'm not gonna let any stupid shit get me down! So I make my mental mind-shift and hop in the car (pun intended!)
I get my new xrays and I'm sitting on the table when the OS walks in. He looks at the xrays and asks "How many weeks post-op is this?" To which I reply "10." He looks closer at the xrays and says "THIS is ten weeks?!?!?!" with incredulity in his voice. Then he turns around and says "Stand up for me." Wow! This doesn't hurt AT ALL! Then he hands me my crutches and tells me to walk out into the hall. I do. OMG! I can walk - yes,with crutches..... but MY LEG WORKS!!!!!!!!!! And it doesn't hurt! He tells me to ditch the brace and I ask where my next brace is - expecting a smaller one. He tells me I don't need a brace at all! LET FREEDOM RING!!!! I sit back on the table and he asks me to bend my leg to see my range of motion. I kick myself in the ass then bring my leg up to my face. His eyes BUG out of his head and he says "Wow!" then just shakes his head. The research assistant blurted out "Your range of motion is remarkable!" Before the OS leaves I throw my arms around him and tell him how grateful I am to have him as my doctor. He gets one of those "OK-I-don't-know-what-to-do-here" looks on his face so I finally release him. I go back in 2 weeks to ditch the crutches completely. He said I'll be running in 4 weeks. Yippee! I shove the brace in my backpack and grab my crutches and start hobbling out. Halfway down the hall it occurs to me that I don't need to hobble anymore. I CAN WALK!!!! I put my bare, beautiful leg down and walk out with a grin the size of Mount Everest and tears of joy streaming down my cheeks.
RTFO - I kick ass!
strutting dove

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Great Job Girl.
See, you were talking about my broken knee and you are doing Waaaay better than I was at 10 weeks. I had a bunch of phys therapy and NO range of motion.
BTW, we did here you say "my bare, beautiful leg down"
??How Bare and How Beautiful?????
:):):::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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congratulations! I am so happy for you. You know, I realized I don't even know how this happened to you, but I know I have heard of your progress--this seems like the most progress yet! congrats!
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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12 weeks post-break. 10 weeks post op. Yup - the doc seemed pretty bewildered too. Kinda cool! All I can say is I am VERY motivated! ;) No mystery there! And she is VERY bare and VERY beautiful!
I shattered and compressed my tibial lateral plateau. I locked my knee on landing and it hyperextended (bent backwards). Not fun! But the human body is so freakin' amazing! If you saw the initial CT scans and then saw how my leg looks now and how it WORKS! Schwing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots o' trouble - in the sky and at the bar! Look out!

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You walk now, but soon, soon you will fly!
Great job, Dove. I am thrilled and tickled and happy for you.
Fly, sweetie, fly!
Ciels and Pinks, and big hugs!
If you really want to, you can seize the day; if you really want to, you can fly away...

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