
What Was Your Canopy Downsizing Progression?

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Manta 288 20 jumps @0.7
Maverick 200 155 jumps @1.1
Blade Runner 150 350 jumps @1.3
Crossfire 119 120 jumps @1.7
Cobalt 105 0 jumps @ 1.9 (I've decided to sell it and keep my Crossfire)
Between the Maverick and the Crossfire I jumped a bunch of stuff - Saber 170, 150, 135, Stiletto 150, 135, Lightning 143's, Blade Runner 135, etc.
This is a good thread - much to be learned from it.

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My progression was a little agressive- (36 jumps to date) currently 200# out the door-
20 0r so- Manta 288
1-- Spectre 150
2- Sabre 170
1 - PD 190
1- PD 230
Current- Spectre 150
I got flamed major when I made this plublic a couple months ago here- Loaded at about 1.3 - I don't reccomend it to anyone -
Life begins at 14,000' - Shut up and jump!

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20 something on 200+ manta type chutes
60 + on 210-230 pd 9 cells
60 on a sabre150
145 total jumps to date
yes, i went from my pd 210 to my sabre 150 in 1 jump..don't flame me, i don't care what you have to say abou it unless pointing it out to other newer jumpers( not to be snapy but i know it wasn't the safest way to do it)... i felt very confident in my jump to the smaller size and it was a nice windy day with soft ground at the dz...i load the sabre at 1.4:1..............

"i may not go to heven, i hope you go to hell"-C.C.

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(016) Raven 4
(001) Raven 2
(040) Sabre 150
(140) Sabre 135
(002) Sabre 120
(030) Spectre 120
(005) Stiletto 120
(002) Alpha 117
(325) Stiletto 107
(005) Stiletto 97
(001) Stiletto 89
(275) Alpha 84
(001) VX 79
(010) Cobalt 75
(015) FX 74
(002) Dash-M 109
one broken ankle to date

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18 jumps
Manta 288
PD 260
Gonna try a PD 230 for a couple jumps. by then i should have enough saved to buy my Hornet 190 which i will be loading at 1.1:1 I will probly stay there for a couple hunfred jumps and learn the shit out of it. I am in no hurry to downsize. I can always go watch the camera guys land if i want to see that kinda stuff. :)I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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i will probably catch some shit for this one. to newbie's, this is not a normal progression. there are people with more jumps that i won't let jump my gear. each person learns at a different level.
i am 195 out the door:
jumps canopy
1-10 manta 288
11-29 raider 220
30-35 triatholon 190
36-41 raider 220 (couldn't get my hands on the tri)
42-45 stilletto 190
46 stilletto 170
47-55 sonic 150
56-now crossfire 149 (bought this canopy new)
around 170 crossfire 129
around 220 crossfire 109
around 300 cobalt 105
335 crossfire 109
oh yeah, i have a couple of jumps on a jedei 120, batwing 153, skymaster, a couple of different sized safires.

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Navigator 240 (during AFF & consols)
Triathlon (I think) 210 (hire kit)
Triathlon (I think) 190 (hire kit)
Furey 220 (hire kit)
Electra 170 (borrowed)
PD150 (borrowed)
Sabre2 150 (borrowed)
Electra 150 (mine)
I have also tried................
Sabre 170
150 ZP XS (South African)
Cobalt 135

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After carefully checking if Lisa is online;)
I am 185 pounds out the door.
Jumps 1-30 ...Skymaster 285.
31 till now (152)..... ZP170 ( South African)
No breaks, sprains or bruises.
The first few jumps on the 170 were 'interesting' :D
Every day above ground is a good day.

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In total I have 257 jumps, weighing 240 out the door. I've been in the sport 2 years.
Canopy progression :-
15 X Manta 280 @ 0.85psf
100 x PD Spectre 210 @ 1.14psf
140 x PD Spectre 170 @ 1.41psf
And two reserve rides :-
1 x PD Reserve 190 @ 1.26psf
1 x PD Reserve 170 @ 1.41psf

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T-10 Main - 6
28' TU - 25
Paracommander - 75
Stratocloud - 8
Big Ass Student Rigs - 20
Saber 190 - 150
Saber 170 - 150
Stiletto 150 - 500
Vengeance 135 - 25 (So far...)
Interesting to see how many people downsized and then upsized. I guess it's called learning. I salute you.
"To understand Mankind, you must look at its two root words; Mank and Ind."

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*looking around for Skybytch*
21 jumps on a Manta 288
1 jump on a skymaster 230
11 jumps on Triathlon 160
Now Sabre 135 with 40ish jumps so far
and 1 on a Hornet 150 (borrowed)
and 2 on a Chuteshop 170 (borrowed)
I'll be with the Sabre indefinately providing I don't pull an Ally McBeal, which I don't foresee happening :)
New pin jewelry!

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T-10/-1C 60 jumps :D
Falcon 265 5 jumps
Falcon 235 10 jumps
Aeroglide 220 5-10 jumps
PD 190 around 100-110 jumps Loaded about 1.28
Stilletto 170 Loaded at 1.35
Can't be doing too much wrong. I've lived so far and haven't even made any trips to the hospital. :D *Knock on wood*
"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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