livendive 8 #1 April 19, 2007 QuoteSafety & Training Newsletter A Bulletin for the training community Vol. 7, Issue 6 April 19, 2007 The USPA Professional After almost 50 bulletins and a six-year run, this is the last edition of S&T News. Times change, and we have updated our electronic newsletter with an exciting new look and feel. Keep an eye out for safety tips and service bulletin announcements in the attractive new USPA Professional e-newsletter. The title is a salute to The Professional, a printed publication from the ’90s that was geared toward instructors, S&TAs and other skydiving professionals. The USPA Professional is an electronic equivalent, coming to you through the Internet instead of the postal service. The new e-mail address will be, so make sure your SPAM blocker is not preventing you from receiving the new format. The first edition is expected by the end of April. Strong Enterprises Issues Quasar II Service Bulletin Strong Enterprises in Orlando, Florida has released the following Service Bulletin regarding their Quasar II, Quasar II Trainer and Military Quasar II harness and container systems. Strong recommends each rig be returned to the factory before its next jump. There is no charge for the work, which includes reserve container flap modifications and a new reserve pilot chute. According to Strong Enterprises, this bulletin affects approximately 200 containers in the U.S. and an additional 400 containers in other parts of the world. STRONG ENTERPRISES 11236 SATELLITE BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32837 Tel 407 859 9317 Fax 407 850 6978 SERVICE BULLETIN #26 ISSUE DATE: April 18, 2007 SUBJECT: Quasar II, P/N115100, Quasar II Trainer P/N115102, Military Quasar II P/N 115103. Quasar II Reserve pilot chute launch under conditions with main canopy still in main container. IDENTIFICATION: All Quasar II harness/container systems. Including both Quasar IIs with ‘Flinger/PRO’ (Positive Reserve Opening) assembly installed as original installation or modification, and those without. STATUS: Mandatory removal of ‘Flinger’/PRO assembly and replacement of inner sub-flap with pilot chute Base Plate and pilot chute before next jump. BACKGROUND: Recent on-the-ground activations of several Quasar II reserve containers with the main canopy still in the container, showed slow or impeded pilot chute activation. There have been no reports of in-air incidents. Repeated tests with the main tray open and riser covers off (simulating an open main to reserve cutaway), resulted in clean reserve pilot chute deployments clearing the reserve container. Further testing revealed the steel ‘Flinger’/PRO assembly may take a set beyond the designed acceptable range, restricting movement of the side flaps and reserve pilot chute. SERVICE BULLETIN: As a precautionary measure, Strong Enterprises requests that all Quasar II systems be returned to Strong Enterprises for modification, that includes: 1. Removal of the steel ‘Flinger’/PRO assembly. 2. Top sub-flap replacement (improved with a Base Plate.) 3. Pilot chute replacement. SERVICE BULLETIN #26 Quasar II, Issue Date: April 18, 2007 page 2 This modification resolves the risk of a reserve pilot chute hang-up during reserve activation when the main is still enclosed and ensures a more positive activation of the pilot chute. Basic required components needed: Quasar II harness/container and reserve pilot chute. Main or reserve canopies are not required, please remove before shipping. Quasar II systems will be modified on a first come, first served basis. All efforts will be made to return the Quasar II in a timely manner. Strong Enterprises will provide this modification at no cost with compliance from April 18 to September 30, 2007. The Quasar II system will be returned by the same method it was received. COMPLIANCE DATE: Before next jump. AUTHORITY: Strong Enterprises, 11236 Satellite Blvd. Orlando, FL 32837 DISTRIBUTION: website,, Parachutist, Skydiving Magazine, Drop, PIA, APF, CSPA and FAA, Blues, Dave"I AM A PROFESSIONAL EXTREME ATHLETE!" (drink Mountain Dew) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites