
I burnt my boobies!!!

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Sangiro: "ooo...hey crazymel...why don't you come lay down in this soft savannah...I'll rub some lotion on your red boobies...that's it."
Crazymel: "I'm not that easy HH. But I will send you a picture of my red boobies with a bikini top though."
Sangiro: "Muchas gracias...thank you!"

I trust our favorite HH will be posting them in the pub? ;)
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doh!!! just found out what NSFW means! i'll watch for that in the future. appreciate the heads up dave, i'm just a bit slow on the uptake today. some would argue that that's always the case, but as my great-grandmother used to say, "phuq 'em" :D
get crazy, before it gets you.

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I do the same thing almost every spring. On the first nice day I go out and burn the oh-so-delicate-skin. I must say glowing red breasts isn't really a good look. Oh, by the way, putting milk on them helps :)Gale
Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive

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Ok, here's a burning question for you guys for a Monday afternoon....
Does the color of a woman's nipples make a difference to you in how attractive her breasts are? Like, do you ever say to yourself, "nice boobs, but her nipples are too...(pink, taupe, brown..), or are all nipples good nipples no matter what?
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it's all about the 'whole package'. different sizes, shapes or colors suit different women. that said, i haven't seen any i haven't liked, other than the huge, bad boob job porno star type. :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
get crazy, before it gets you.

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Going back to the burn, I was severly burned by the sun one time. I went on vacation and I was as white as a ghost. My friends were going golfing and I wanted to get some rest so I decided I would go lay on the beach. I went to the store and meant to be sun tan lotion. I went to the beach, sprayed on the lotion and fell asleep. About two hours later I woke up and people were staring at me. "You better get out of the sun" they said. I got my belongings and went to the car. I was sweating profusily. Got to the hotel, showered, and laid in bed with the A/C on very low. My friends arrived from golfing and were amazed at how sunburned I was. I was as sore and in a hell of a lot of pain. I ended up realizing I bought sun tan accelerator instead of sun screen. I had to take a week off work and was in bed the whole time spraying a solution of water and vinegar on me to sooth the pain. I could not put aloe on because I had blisters. I learned my lesson that day.

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I got burned so badly, I got those blisters one time too. The doctor told me to put a washcloth on the blisters that had been soaked in cold tea, and to keep it on for a half-hour, and then to put plain yogurt on it for a half-hour all day long. It worked to help the pain and the swelling went down, but I don't know why it helped. I bet Bill Von would know!
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cold tea, and to keep it on for a half-hour, and then to put plain yogurt

Try some chocolate sauce and whipped cream, then give me a call and I'll make you feel better. :)--
~Captain Cutaway
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Lucky you burned only the breast region. I tan outside and I tan in the garage with my tanning bed. I dont like to see white breasts in the dark they scare me.
So anyway, I usually burn my ass and have a case of the red ass for a while. But I already had my burn for this year. And then the peel, oh yeah in sheets.... I looked like a snake crawlin out of tissue paper. I am still working with the topicals I make each year. test pilot on lotions = me. Made a nice batch one year.... Vanilla scented... sunflower oil with mixed mineral oil and then some lotion potion butter and lanolin extract. Worked good and soaked right in. Also good for horses hooves some said. But I liked it. Smeeled good and then the bees came.......
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
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