
Skydive Illinois weekend gettogeather.

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I've just returned from the Skydive Illinois get togeather.
Saturday consisted of myself, Sunshine, Vallierina, FallingMarc, and FallingIlWeenie. Highlights included Val's 200th jump - an 8 way tube that fell apart, a double kiss pass with sunshine and Val, and a 4 way that went to shit. Firsts: kiss pass (val) and landing the stiletto in no wind(Weeee! Thump!).
Post-jumping activities include a chili night at the DZ, then the party moved to the hotel I springed for, specifically the hot-tub. Details will not be forthcomming, suffice it to say that I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out, or worse charged with public nudity. WooHoo! I'll also offer this opportunity to say that Val is WAY cute.
Sunday we were joined by CanopyCudler, Jabeln79, Skymedic, and a brief appearance by DiverDriver, conveniently just as the Otter was experiencing minor electrical problems...
My highlights include an attempted seven way, a four way with me, CanopyCudler, Jabeln79, and a stranger that went to hell, and get this - I did a tandem! My fifth tandem jump, the first in over three years. It was great, except the TI discovered that winds had picked up by about 15 knots since we took off, we actually landed off.
I nailed the peas three times out of a declared 5. I'm really starting to like that canopy...
Winds picked up on Sunday becoming unjumpable shortly after 1.
Pictures will be posted as soon as available. Fortunately there was no freefall photography, a good thing because well, let's just say this group is still building "cohesion". I'm sure our next outting May 4/5 will be much better.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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Kickass weekend all around...very nice to meet everyone...stupid winds on sunday.
the sky on the drive home was driving me nuts...it was "skydiving video" sky...you know, the beautiful skies that only seem to happen in skydiving videos like willing to fly and chronicle 3..
blue skies
ps. on the record attempt, i am calling a chaser slot...this is gonna be a hilarious dive

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<<just as the Otter was experiencing minor electrical problems...>>>
I have to compliment Chris on his flying. On Sat p.m. he flew the trail plane on a 2 Otter jump. He was so tight on the other plane and so rock-steady in holding position, everyone in the trail plane was impressed (well, at least until we watched the video of the jump).

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Awsome day... the winds BE damed!! and Tomas... you are SO right about that beautiful sky on the way home... it was incredible.. but missing only one thing... US!! hehe..
You guys are a blast!! I'll try to post the pics tomorrow!! See you all soon.
work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobodys watching.

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Just wanted to let you all know I was stuck at home working this weekend. Good to hear everyone had a great time, I was thinking of you guys whenever I looked skyward.
If your not on the edge, you can't enjoy the view!

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During the wind hold I had some dust blow up into my eyes. I wasn't able to get it all out, it still hurts like hell. I'm off to the doc to get it checked out....
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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During the wind hold I had some dust blow up into my eyes. I wasn't able to get it all out, it still hurts like hell. I'm off to the doc to get it checked out....

Ya know you could prolly just wash your eye out in the pool or hot tub....that might help!!;)
"What should i wear for a tube dive?" ~ Fallingmarc

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This weekend rocked! Skydive IL is such a spiffy place, and I will probably make it my new "home" or something (although I still have to check out Hinckley.)
I didn't get to kiss many of you boys in freefall (but I think Sunshine took care of that.) But kissing AndyMan and CanopyCudler was good enough for me (next time, a triple kiss girls!)
Twice as cloudy as I'd been the night before, and I went in seeking clarity

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I didn't get to kiss many of you boys in freefall (but I think Sunshine took care of that.) But kissing AndyMan and CanopyCudler was good enough for me (next time, a triple kiss girls!)

Does this mean a triple kiss pass with me, sunshine, Canopy Cudler AND Val? I like your thinking! WooHoo!
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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Ya know you could prolly just wash your eye out in the pool or hot tub....that might help!!

I could so use that hot tub right now... My back is so stiff. That backrub train we were doing would feel pretty good now, too.
In other news I got back from the doc and my eye is fine. I was getting worried, by last night I could barely see from my left eye. I can see once again but it's still iritated.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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During the wind hold I had some dust blow up into my eyes. I wasn't able to get it all out, it still hurts like hell. I'm off to the doc to get it checked out....

OH man, honey.. that sux... i was there for that dirt devil!! I hope you didn't scratch your cornea.. that is awful... keep us posted.. hope ya are better soon!!
work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobodys watching.

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More people = bigger tube dive!!!
And this time, let's try and hold it a bit longer than a second and a half out the door

I was just so distracted by how hot Fallingmarc looked i couldn't concentrate on the dive. ;)
"What should i wear for a tube dive?" ~ Fallingmarc

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Psst... you can roll a 15 way tube out a Casa

The plane had nothing to do with it. If FallingMarc wasn't so damn cute i would be able to concentrate and not lose grips. It's all his fault!!:)"What should i wear for a tube dive?" ~ Fallingmarc

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