
Weekend Numbers

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Nice one Will. Congrats on the 200th, FF1 and tandem lurking (I'm hoping to do that soon).
?: 5: 1
First Camera jump - loved it! Realised just how much there is to learn and how hard it is to be a 'really good' camerman.

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Hey Will,
You have your own PC9, thats cool. Good luck on getting FF2.
I'm borrowing a side mount (Gary's Sony). I figuered it best to get practice and see just how far I want to take it before buying my own.
Think I would get a top mount. Would like a helmet that could take video and stills on top (I think) . . . early days, who knows.
Got to sort out my deployment right now. Last 4 out of 5 camera jump openings have been spunky (they are usually so sweet)! Rocked me about like I was on a boat! Think I'm doing something funny with my body position. Can;t work out what :(

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LMAO :D I look after it nice - of course :)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yer, thats next weekend ;)
:D :D :D

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Oh my! :$
Goodness, what would have happened if I posted the unzipped picture you all wanted?
I think someone needs to figure out our humps:jumps ratio, and see what our percentages are. It looked a little sad last weekend for the majority of us!
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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It is all sad. You guys need a little study in SS, to get out of AFC land so you can hang with the HB's and get those first numbers up to at least equal the numbers the girls are putting up.
I am a RAFC buy the way, but the force is strong, and I try hard to avoid the dark side. Which is actually a weakness. Must be strong...
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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move further north, that way you would get an off-season where there's nothing much to do but work on the first number! individual weekends would be a little uneven, but an average over a year would look pretty good! :D
get crazy, before it gets you.

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10 Tandems
3 AFF's
I'm turning into a worker jumper. I need to go out and just f around one of these weekends. And I don't think I'll ever meet another woman in my life the way things are going in that department. But I did jump 13 timesB|. Now I'm back at work:(

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The case of beer was for a 7 second freefall through a cloud.

Uhm, you mean haze.. you shouldn't post about violating FAR's and BSR's in a public forum such as this...
~Captain Cutaway
I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...

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Went hiking in the desert. We had grand plans for a beer airdrop, but that didn't work out when our pilot chickened out. Instead, we did a 1 mile hike in from a jeep trail and cached a keg of beer and 6 gallons of water near the campsite - it was going to be a suprise.
That didn't quite work out either. Some of the hikers pooped out around 3 miles from the cache, and we ended up camping too far away to go and get it. Amy and I hiked out down the jeep trail the next day, but we left the beer and water for the next hike.
So if anyone's out hiking in the Anza Borrego desert and happens to come across a buried keg of beer, you'll know who to thank.
-bill von

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