
Tax time surprise!

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OH gee gosh didn't getting that $200 check from the government last year make you feel all warm & fuzzy inside?! The government was living up to its promise about lowering taxes, right?
Well I just did my taxes. The amount my employer withholds from my paycheck has always gone up with my salary such that when I do my taxes its usually within a hundred dollars, plus or minus, of what I owe on April 15.
Well for SOME STRANGE reason, this year I owe $640!! :o So I guess the government gave with one hand only to take EVEN MORE back with the other!>:(
If you haven't done your taxes, do them. You might be in for a rude surprise, especially after all the wonderful promises about lowering them.
I don't know who's REALLY benefitting from these so-called tax cuts, but it sure isn't me!>:(
Speed Racer
"Fill your hand, you son-of-a-bitch!"

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There was a thread about this way back when the "refund" checks came out. I had posted that this was actually not a refund but a loan on your next year's return. Many people argued with me about how it was a true refund of cash. I guess now that they've seen the form and notice that you have to pay back that $200 when you file your taxes this year, they'll see the truth. Let's not forget the millions of tax dollars spent in postage to mail those useless checks out to everyone.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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One more thing.. Start a small business of any kind.. You get 40+ tax writeoffs that the non business owner doesn't get.. Mileage, business expenses, portions of your rent from your home based business, losses... You allways make out on top..
Blue Skies ..... ;)

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Heh. Be thankful your taxes weren't like mine were last year.
Between state and federal, I owed $6,600. Ouch! That sucked big time, but I managed to pay it on time without having to borrow any money. Needless to say, I changed a few things around to make sure that crap didn't happen again. I don't know what will happen this year, but I'm betting on a refund.

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Start a small business of any kind.. You get 40+ tax writeoffs that the non business owner doesn't get..

Even better: start a large corporation & make contributions to political campaigns...that's probably where I went wrong...:P
Speed Racer
"Fill your hand, you son-of-a-bitch!"

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Made the same complaint to my mother. She said, "You have to pay a lot of taxes because you made a lot of money.":P
Thanks Mom. How's my inheritance doing?
"To understand Mankind, you must look at its two root words; Mank and Ind."

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Maaaaan.....I am so afraid! I don't have mine back from the tax lady yet.....but despite having a small business and all the nifty write-offs that go along with it....and having a child.....the fact that I am a student translates into NO MONEY (no money no honey....) I think I might just scream if I have to come up with some chunk of cash right now.....
BTW....I did make a B on that biochem exam! I think I'm gonna pull out a B in the class! Yippee!! It was kind of at the expense of physiology, and that one didn't go so well.....at least there was a good cushion....blah blah blah....suffering from SEVERE sleep deprivation......
Eve was framed!

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just remeber guys...your tax refund is just that..money you paid he goverment that you didn't owe......be thankfull ou don't owe more...well some of you do....and just remeberr...i need your tax dolloars to suport the DOD budget so i have drinking money and jump tickets.......sorta wierd though... i pay myself in a small way...same thing for teachers and all gov. employees......who wants to vote on a tx break for gov. employees???? of corse politicians will be ecempt from the tax break....

"i may not go to heven, i hope you go to hell"-C.C.

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>If you haven't done your taxes, do them. You might be in for a rude surprise,
>especially after all the wonderful promises about lowering them.
Well, don't forget, we're spending two and a half billion dollars a week in the 'war on terror' - all that money has to come from somewhere. That's about $1000 per taxpayer increase right there.
-bill von

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Let's not forget the millions of tax dollars spent in postage to mail those useless checks out to everyone.

And don't forget the millions used to send out letters from George W. saying we were going to get a check and what a great guy he is for sending us the "tax rebate."

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