
PD Storm Wing Loading

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Hey all. Thanks for the responses, and sorry for abandoning the thread. I didn't expect more than a couple responses, so once I got those, I stopped looking for new replies. Oops! That said, all of your responses are much appreciated.

Several of you asked why I was leaning toward a 7-cell. While I'm not set on anything, I was leaning that direction for two reasons. First, I like the idea of a very docile canopy. I'm a nervous wreck under canopy, so I want my first main to be pretty forgiving. Second, smaller pack volume. I don't know for sure how quickly I'll be able to downsize, of course, but starting with a 7-cell canopy (or a small-packing 9-cell like a Pulse or zpx Pilot) would allow me to downsize a couple times with the same container.

Again, I haven't made any firm decisions, but I also don't care too much about the various flight characteristics of my first main as long as it opens and gets me to the ground safely. I just see it as something to use while I'm building my skills and deciding what's really important to me in a canopy. Then, when it's time to downsize, I'll know more about what I want. Am I going about this the wrong way?

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I like my storm I have a Sabre as well. Storm is a bit less aggressive . Flare is deeper and different almost feels like a 1 stage. They’re both good canopies. Just learn them. I think my learning curve was tougher on the Sabre for sure just cause it’s faster

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Definatley shuts down quick. Be in full flight. Brakes look long… it’s just designed that way. Trust me. Maybe pick up the slack sure. I pulled in an inch or two nothing crazy then I was flaring . The power of the flare on the bottom end is so sick ! Super easy to fly in brakes too and let others land before you. Haven’t touched my fronts yet … about to! Hehe . 

overall openings are on heading and quick but not snappy like the Sabre. Really soft in my opinion. Snivel is shorter than the Sabre but I like saving altitude ! 

For those with a bad back I’d say the storm is easier. If you want speed , Sabre. Or be like me and have both lol

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