
OMG....What is wrong with everything today?????

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>I used to fret over missing flights, until one about a year an a half ago.
Another reason I don't sweat it is that I came within about 20 minutes of getting bumped off a late night flight out of Boston last year, but ATC came through at the last minute and told us we could take off. If they had cancelled the flight, they would have put us on the first flight to LA the next morning, according to the flight attendant. The first flight out the next morning was American Airlines flight 11, on September 11, 2001.
After that little bit of luck I'm willing to put up with a lot. Sort of a reverse karma thing.
-bill von

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Ohmigod, Wildblue, you are adorable! (misinformed, but adorable nonetheless!)
(No, GroundZero, don't worry, I know you weren't calling me a dog....and yes, tomorrow may be brighter - it almost couldn't get worse than today - nearly 15K walked out the door.....)
O.K., after a meal and three glasses of wine (no beer at home, and I was not going to subject myself to the world to go get some - so I opened a bottle of pinot grigio instead....), a decent dinner, and a long soak in the tub, I am beginning to feel somewhat human again. I turned off the pager (which seems to be working fine now, thank you very much), and talked to a friend of mine - another realtor in the area. He is intrigued by my expression on my jump photos, so we are going to go to lunch, and I think I can talk him into a tandem....and yes, ladies, he is a good looking guy (not for me, though, so have at him) anyone jumpping at Perris this Sunday? I need a day in the sky. I just won't tell my Dr!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone for the reassurances - and the encouragement. Today was a really tough one. But it's OVER now....:)"cosmic shithammer" is a really good addition to my vocabulary!
Ciels and Pinks-
If you really want to, you can seize the day; if you really want to, you can fly away...

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More likely it will be Sunday....I have clients on Saturday, unless something changes.....
(BTW, got your e-mail, and had to forward it to about 5 people. Very funny....)
If you really want to, you can seize the day; if you really want to, you can fly away...

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Aaron is a good guy. Dark, handsome, physically fit....funny, smart (thinks I'm a brilliant business woman.....)(well, maybe just gullible LOL)...likes to let his hair down and have a good time, and is a hard worker.....he has dimples, I think, too. Great smile - outstanding smile, as a matter of fact.
Have at him, Lisa....lol....
If you really want to, you can seize the day; if you really want to, you can fly away...

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"The first flight out the next morning was American Airlines flight 11, on September 11, 2001."
Wow,, freeky shit eh... glad your still with us Bill,, I've been lucky too,, actually think I have a trio a guardian angels playing tag team ta keep up with my shenanigans,, after a shithammer storm the world looks differant to those that almost got nocked off the planet,, puts things in perspective ya know... So Michele why are ya willin ta pass up this guy anyway,,, just curious,, ????
Don't read this,,,

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Hi, Billy

So Michele why are ya willin ta pass up this guy anyway,,, just curious,, ????

I work with him (he and I are sharing a listing right now, as a matter of fact), and I think it would make for odd moments at work....
And there is no spark between us, either.
Both good reasons, I figure. He's a sweetheart, though.
Ciels and Pinks-
If you really want to, you can seize the day; if you really want to, you can fly away...

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I remember about 7 or 8 years ago, my family and I were heading back to Chile to visit and we were about to board a plane from Miami to Santiago and I saw the gate next to ours was a flight heading to Colombia an hr or two after ours left.
When we got to Chile the next day (overnight flight) our relatives at the airport told us they worried for a bit cuz it turns out that an American Airlines plane from Miami to Colombia crashed into the side of a mountain after they misjudged the airport or something like that. I never found out for sure if it was that plane, but at the time we left Miami the airport was pretty deserted except for a few flights leaving then (it was like midnight) and that crash fit the flight time....
I thought it was pretty creepy at the time.
But i gotta say that just missing being on one of the planes that hit on Sept. 11th is creepy as hell....wow.
blue skies

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"And there is no spark between us, either."
Now whats with that??!! Your obviously a great gal,, sweet,, a skydiving hottie ta boot!! Is he Gay!!?? As for the work thing,, my sweety an I work the same place,, several of us do,, ya know when at work it's work,, be professional etc.. have a great Tuesday!!
Don't read this,,,

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"As for the work thing,, my sweety an I work the same place,, several of us do,, ya know when at work it's work,, be professional etc/"
When I tried the at home/at work thing it became old and routine very fast. Takes real chemistry between two people to pull that off.

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