
Airlocked Crossbraced Works! Check it out!

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Mike Swanson who is well known for his freeflying skill and not for his swooping capabilities came in third at a Venezuala Swoop meet. He was flying one of Brian Germain's NEW Big Air Sportz yet to be named airlocked/crossbraced canopies. Mike gave all of the credit to the canopy, even though his own canopy skill is nothing less than incredible. Swanson was competing againts some rather big name competitors and was even leading the meet until a rul change mid-way through the competition put him in third. Nontheless this is a big win for both Swanson and Big Air Sportz. Keep your eyes and ears open to see when this canopy gets released.

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Dove, please keep the name under wraps, as previous names have been stolen from Brian before the canopy has been released. As for the a site for the swoop meet, I'm unaware of any site. Contact someone at Perris, Skydive Chicago or Skydive Sebastian, they might know.

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If you are referring to him getting beat to the punch with "Ninja", that is only because the other guys got their main on the market faster. Still, it would have been the perfect choice.
I saw video of the new main at the CSS Easter Boogie and discussed the particulars with Brian. It looks very nice.
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I'm sure there are people out there that have more knowledge of the canopy than me, I haven't even seen it yet. But the fact that Mike Swanson did so well, and fully acknowledges and gives credit to the canopy says a lot. I think Brian is onto something BIG. Maybe he should call his company Huge Air Sports!

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ROFLMAO at Zennie! hehe!
Yeah - Brian is amazing. You will NEVER get a canopy with more personal detail, attention and committment to excellence and customer service than you will with a Big Air Sportz canopy. And he ALWAYS will make the time to talk to you about safety and help you choose the right canopy. Definitely one of the gurus of our sport. Now, if I could only get him to teach me to freefly!

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You will NEVER get a canopy with more personal detail, attention and committment to excellence and customer service than you will with a Big Air Sportz canopy.

I'm flying one of the later model original Jedei's and absolutely love it. Nice handling characteristics, even with the 800-ish jumps that are probably on it by now (been relined recently). Has a really nice, controlled front-riser dive and I've grown to like the flare deeper down in the stroke. On windy days I've seen some canopies doing some seriously scary stuff, but I've always felt rock solid under mine.
I had a couple of questions about the canopy and Brian and his wife were both very responsive.
I'm sold on the quality of their canopies and their customer service. I'll prolly buy a Samurai 120 for my next canopy.
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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