
Dropzone.com Copycat

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I have one on the saDropzone site.... I'm talking about this post by skreamer:

Anyway, on the Citrusdal web-site there is a link called 'Forum' under 'Experienced' (look on the left).

I don't see Forums link on that site...
Safe swoops

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Huh? Are you a bit new to this whole internet business sangiro??? ;)
Just kidding, if you go to www.skydive.co.za, the link is right there (cunningly called 'Forum').
Might one suggest that one refresheth oneth browser??? waaaahahahhahahaa :D
PS I myself can't wait to jump at the Dal again, I was referring to one individual who had a brain-lock, whats he gonna do next? Exit the Cessna 4 miles prematurely??? :D:$;)
"Don't die until you're dead"

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Unbelievable. That is outrageous. What a lazy sack of sh%#$#! I posted my views, and will NEVER go back. What a loser. I hope you shut him down, but even if you don't he won't last long. What a freakin' annoying site! Just makes us love and worship you more, HH!
adoring dove

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Dude, just remember that this copycat site has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Citrusdal DZ or its web-site. The copycat site was the work of someone who happens to jump there, that is all.
I can't stress this enough, especially since I am hoping to jump at Citrusdal again in September and don't want the locals kicking me in the nuts again. (Like they did last time when I kidnapped Cedric the Cactus and got woken up in the hangar with packing weights being dropped on my face!!!:o)).
"Don't die until you're dead"

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I only get to see this now. I have been working:D
Now I see I have got some 'stress relief' coming up the weekend.
I do believe I know Dirk, by sight at any rate.
I will be at Citrusdal this coming weekend. I think we will be having a 'chat'.;)
To the rest of you guys.
Please bare in mind that this guy only jumps at Citrusdal. He is not the club or is in any way afilliated to the club except for being a member. Unfortunately assholes, like cockroaches, are all over.
If you need anything, phone numbers, addresses etc. give me a shout and I will see what I can come up with.
n' Stewige skop in die doos se knaters is ook op die spyskaart. Dis fokken verleend om te sien who 'n landsgenoot sulke kak kan aanjaag.
(Sorry guys, if that were in English I would be attacked by the green guys):P.
As for the 'missing' forum. I am not sure what Skreamer is getting but it has been removed for the moment. It is not supposed to be there. I will PM you the details if you want.

Every day above ground is a good day.

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Well, it looks like we have taken care of the matter. When I try to access the site now I get the following disclaimer where the site used to be.......
"I am really sorry about the site.
I meant no harm and thought I would be doing the skydiving community in SA a service by giving them a site where they could upload their pics, as there is no such site in South Africa.
I apologise for any toes I might have stepped on. I did it all unintentionally and out of ignorance.
I made no money out of this, the popups were (are?) there because I got free hosting space.
Please excuse my ignorance and accept my most sincere apologies to anyone who visited this site.
For further flames you can mail me at dropzone@mail.co.za and I'll try and apologise."


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