
Dropzone.com Copycat

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How was this brought to your attention Sangiro ? just out of intrest ?
Whilst i agree that it is a total rip-off IMHO i don't think he/she has meant to offend, (although they must have known something like this type of reaction was possible)
I have also been looking through ALL of the members at Citrusdal on the members database. :D
I would like to see their face when they next log in :D
..Billions of people living out their lives..Oblivious..

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I got the PITCHFORK!!! Grab a torch and let's burn this puppy!!!!!!
Now where did I put those IRC clonebots? Ahhhh...
Awaken me pretties...[evil laughter]
baby's hungry and the money's all gone. the folks back home don't want to talk on the phone.

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[being rational]Guys,
I hate to say this, but everytime we go there, we are only helping this guy out and making him money. Each little pop up is worth what, a few pennies, to him... Pennies add up
And think of this, we are the only ones that are going there....
So, what to do? Rush over there to voice our dissatisfaction and put money in this guys pocket and generate traffic for his rip off attempt?
Or, just stay here and bitch about it amongst ourselves and hopefully the word gets out NOT to visit the rip off?
Other suggestions?????
[end being rational]
baby's hungry and the money's all gone. the folks back home don't want to talk on the phone.

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Seems to be down now. Has someone been a bad boy?
HEHEHEHE Very Big Grin... LOL
Having a little morning fun?? Huh the site went down? I have no clue what you are talking about?
Off to the DZ with my boy to camp for the night :)Rhino
Blue Skies ..... ;)

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I did a little whois checking and found the company that is hosting his domain name. www.ampira.com. Domain: dive.to
Created on: Fri Jul 30 21:44:17 1999
Last edited on: Tue Jan 22 06:47:10 2002
Primary host add:
Primary host name: ns-1.ampira.com
Secondary host add:
Secondary host name: ns-2.ampira.com
Results from checking SOA records for listed servers:
ns-1.ampira.com has serial number 1015427966
ns-2.ampira.com has serial number 1015427966
HH, you might want to shoot them an email regarding the copyright infringement. I'm sure they have some sort of ToS that he's violating.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Here's a little part of their ToS:
4. ILLEGAL USE. Ampira servers may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, or distribution of any information, data, or material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material; trademarks; trade secrets or other intellectual property rights used without proper authorization; material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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I posted on the site. Gosh is that website such a ripoff of this one it is not funny. Sangiro Please take him to court and sue the shit out of him. I can't believe he had the gull to make a website exactly like yours and thinks he can get away with it. Also, the only ones posting besides dirk the jerk is us from the original dropzone.com. I do believe he will get the message.:)

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Just stumbled across a site of a guy who has stolen about everything he can from Dropzone.com

Sorry about the loser/thief. I have not attempted to look at his site, and shall not give him the satisfaction of a site hit from this crappy connection. I'm sure recently his web site hits have gone through the roof (thanks to dropzone.com people), which in turn pulls him up higher in the search engines. I shall not give him even that much. I am quite happy with the present, between here and the "wreak".
Anyone know how those Denial of Service hits Yahoo and others took awhile ago were orchestrated?:)Rev Jim
"It's just what I do..."

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OOOO LOOK, it's a car accident!!!!
something like a penny or two... They add up otherwise no one would bother, now would they?
It's just funny that DZ.com'ers are creating all this (and probably the only) traffic to this guys site.
Has anybody stopped to think that maybe this was this guys intent. Create a clone of DZ. Let it leak to HH and we happily run over there to give this guy hell?
PhillyKev's suggestion sounded the best so far. HH should complain to the ISP and ask that it be shut down based on theft of copyrighted material/ and or intellectual property.
We're just giving money to this guy whether we like his site or not. If you want to get your .02 in e-mail the guy instead. HH posted it at the beginning

: "if you want to help, contribute or give criticism get hold of me at this address" dropzone@mail.co.za If any of you feel like raising an objection (please do not flame or spam!) I won't stop you

baby's hungry and the money's all gone. the folks back home don't want to talk on the phone.

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Well, since you guys said that posts to his site help him, I won't post anything, but I sure want to give him a piece of my mind. And you guys know it takes a lot for me to lose my cool!
I just want to add a thanks to Sangiro for not putting pop-ups on his site like that guy did. Oh, I can't stand those! I'd rather pay a membership fee than have to deal with those.
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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Has anybody stopped to think that maybe this was this guys intent. Create a clone of DZ. Let it leak to HH and we happily run over there to give this guy hell?

You've hit upon something I bring up frequently when dealing with people at work. Basically, you have to put people into one of two categories; Diabolical Genius or Incredible Doofus.
Now, if this guy is truly Dr. Evil and out to take over the world he could have actually hi-jacked DZ.com and put up about a bajillion pop-ups that not only made him cash, but also tracked users via cookies and a bunch of other stuff we need not mention.
On the other hand, I think this guy is just an Incredible Doofus.
He saw something that works, imitated it a little too well and the pop-ups are probably just there in trade for web space. That's how .to works isn't it?
Anyway, I think you're being a little melodramatic when you compare looking at his web site to rubber necking a traffic accident. After all, you're certainly not delaying anyone from getting anywhere.
However, I will agree that what probably is a really bad idea is to go over to the site and flame this guy. He'll probably just start fighting with us and that's not going to get anyone, anywhere. Posts like those that simply say, "Dude your site sucks" just aren't helpful.
BTW, I've found that most people I have trouble with fall into the Incredible Doofus category. There really are very few Diabolical Geniuses out there.

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Yeah... I'll give you that Paul, I probably was a little melodramatic to try and prove a point.
My whole point is that I do not see how it is helping for everyone to run over to the clone to look at it. Attention is still attention regardless of whether it is positive or negative. What makes a successful website? Getting people to come to it, isn't it?
Besides, I think I'm a little bitchy since I'm not where I want to be today
With that being said, I will shut up now....
P.s. can't be too many evil geniuses out there since they've all been recruited for here, haven't they?
baby's hungry and the money's all gone. the folks back home don't want to talk on the phone.

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What makes a successful website? Getting people to come to it, isn't it?

No, not really. Getting people to come to a site is rather easy. What makes a successful web site is getting people to actually come back...
Just getting them to go there once makes for a nice spike in your hits before you fade into oblivion. Dropzone.commers going there to post to the forums or check out what it's all about will not carry the site nor will it make him a fortune.
Safe swoops

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Wanna hear the really ironic part? Citrusdal (where HH used to jump in SA and where I learnt to skydive) is this numb-nuts's home DZ! AND sangiro did their web-site for them. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!!!!
Anyway, on the Citrusdal web-site there is a link called 'Forum' under 'Experienced' (look on the left). This rocket scientist has actually posted there telling people what he has done and asking for feedback...:o
I reckon we should let scratch loose on this domkop. Wat de fok het die outjie gedink Andre??? Agge nee man, gee hom n klap om tot sy sinne te bring!! :D
"Don't die until you're dead"

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