
THEY SOLD THE PLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just wanna cry!!!!! The dz sold the plane, so no jumping for a few weeks! At least the dzo is gonna buy a brand new 410, but I won't be able to jump for another 3/4 weeks!!!! I know you guys have the same thing with the weather and shit, but imagine seeing blue, warm skies everyday and not be able to jump!!!!! Plus I wanted to do as many jumps on a 190 before my 170 arrives at the end of April, so I can jump my 170 in Namibia. And now I'm thinking I will not be "current" to do a solo (couldn't jump past 3 weekends due to plane being grounded) and I don't have my A license yet, so I'll have to pay for a jump with a JM again..... :(
Life is for the LIVING!!!!! :D

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i know the feeling. my dz recently changed hands and our 182 was one of the things to go, but it looks like the new owners are going to lease a different 182 with more power. it should be here next month, keep your fingers crossed! :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
get crazy, before it gets you.

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My fingers are typinng right now , so I'll hafta cross my eyes instead!
I know how that feels, Mel! I hadd to do that when I recovered from my broken collarbone(NON-jump-related.)
And I will hafta to do it in a week when I go to australia. but look on the brigth side...it may be expensive, but at least your doing something most ppl CAN'T conceive!B|
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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