
Something I would like to say...and will

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While my fingers and toes are crossed that one of those resumes turns into an awesome job offer, may I offer a couple of other suggestions? I've been down and out a couple of times in the past (due to both my own mistakes and plain bad luck) - it's really tough to pick things up and keep truckin' but if I can do it, I know you can.
I've sold two of my rigs in the past to bring in enough cash to pay a couple bills - is this an option to get the wolves off your back? I'm sure that you could find someone willing to loan you gear so you can get the occasional jump in until you can get that awesome new job and replace it; jumpers at my old home dz were great about that when I was rigless.
It's no fun but what about finding some kind of job just to get some money coming in? I've done Subway Circle K and box girl at a grocery store in the past; yes, I had to convince the managers that while I was overqualified I really did want that minimum wage position, and yes, working at those jobs really sucked. But a paycheck is a paycheck. Forty hours a week at minimum wage will at least buy food for you and the "kids" and pay the utlilities.
What's about your car? Would it be possible to sell it and buy something less expensive? Maybe the proceeds from that could cover a month or two's worth of house payments. Or if you're still paying on it, eliminating that monthly bill might free up some money to go toward the house payments.
Can you take a second or third mortgage? Rent out a room or the garage? Pimp out Dan and Levin? (j/k, j/k...)
Don't give up Ann. I know you can pull this off. :)pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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All I know is on the 16th the entire AirAnn household is being taken out to a NICE dinner (but at a place that serves seafood and white meat ;)) on me when I'm in town... So... all you Houstonites can expect to see Phree in town on the 16-17. :)I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend... ~3EB

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I really wish I could help out. I've missed a ton of work I did have due to my leg and now am out of work too. I will see if I can scrounge up something though. It won't be much.. sorry. Wish I could buy you a new house!

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well, I locked up my credit card in the safe so I don't abuse it, but I think it will be ok out of the box for just a few minutes. I will send what I can..not much, but I hope it helps. Keep your head up!
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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Ann is a great human being and if any of us was in the same situation, she would do the same for us. If anyone deserves our help, it's Ann. I know many of you will go to the drop zone on a Saturday and drop $60 on jumps and not bat an eye. So how about if you could sacrafice just one day of skydiving. For the price of three jump tickets, or one reserve repack, you can help out a friend who truly needs and deserves our help. Most skydivers have hundreds, if not thousands, of jumps. What's so bad about sacraficing a few jumps? If we all did this, we could save Ann's house. So let's get together and help our sister!

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BTW.....I am trying to get my PayPal account fixed. It has been screwed up for months due to a credit card problem they made. So, I had to put a new one in there and they are saying that it still isn't fixed.
Well, I've fired off about 5 emails to them in the past 12 hours, so hopefully they'll get their shit together and fix me up.
JumpinDuo.com...come and sign the guestbook.

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i know what it is like to go through times like these, i wouldn't wish it on anyone
i have been saving for months now just to start aff, after reading this i have decided to send part of that savings to help out
it may take a little longer to come up with my jump money, but oh well... i hate the thought of anyone losing their home
it may not be much, but i hope my contribution helps
Need Tongue ???

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My father believes that skydivers are just trashy people. He has always thought I would never amount to anything. And he calls sometimes and sends emails sometimes that continue along thses lines of you are a lozer always have been. I doesnt matter how many metals or awards I get for milestones I pass or what magazine I get in for doing good deeds. To him it only matters if I am making huge money and I go to work everyday from dawn till dusk.
Well, this last year has been hell for myself and with my family relations. I dare not mention that skydiving is the best self confidence builder I have found. My family believes that I am a lozer who can not hold down a job. Last night I wrote to him the happiest news I have had in a very long time - I got this email back.... Its a wonder I have the lowest self estem on the planet.

Ann....There is nothing I'd rather see than for you to
be successful. It looks like you can't make it. A
couple of months I'll be 72 years old with high blood
pressure. Your helplessness in not getting some kind
of work causes me to worry far too much. Your idea of
collecting donations is unique but maybe illegal. You
could be soliciting money for purposes other than a
website. I have never known a person to live
on donations, especially my kid. It might dawn on you
that resumes'in the mail have resulted in zilch.
Street after street; business after business with your
face and a hand shake is the only way. You will not
LISTEN to reality, Ann. The mortgage company WILL NOT
give you a second chance when you are often behind.
They will call the note in full and I can't help that.
You will loose that house and all your equity. Why
can't you understand? All of our friend's kids are
working and doing ok. Some better than others. It just
makes me sick when they ask about you. It hurts a lot

Donations in any form are not illegal, AirAnn is non profit. And I will have to report the totals. Guess who doesnt believe I am smart enough to know that.
I dont understand my parents and they dont understand me. Thats common, but the spirit in which my note was sent to him was "this is so nice" the sprit in which he sent me his note is something else. Now my step-mothers words are far sharper than anything written here. Its so bad I cant repeat them.
I am not a lozer and I will find a job somehow. I pray.
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Levin in RW suit.. I have pictures!!!

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I stopped worrying about what my parents said/thought about me long ago. They dont ever seem to have anything positive to say. That email from your dad sounds exactly like something my dad would say.
Keep your chin up, Ann, and keep on collecting those donations for every little bit will help. Ignore those who have nothing encouraging or positive to say- they will only hinder your progress and spirits...
Blue skies,
Marshall :)"If I could be like that, I would give anything, just to live one day, in those shoes..."

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Ann did you read the post groundzero put up here a few back ?
Opportunity knocks.

No kidding!! How awesome would that be, Ann? Just think....working in the thing you love. I think some people can actually make money doing what they love.
You could be one of them! :)Good luck, Ann.
JumpinDuo.com...come and sign the guestbook.

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To some people this life is about how much money you make, how big your house is, what car you drive, what schools you go to, etc. They will never understand why everyone on this earth is not the same way.
Other people believe that it is not what you have but you have experienced. What life you lived. Who you met and how you contributed to others. Should you take it as an insult or have a low self-esteem if others like your father do not believe in the same thing, no. Brush it off like a piece of salt and move on.
You will find a job whether it is today or a year from now. Just don't do anything that you do not want to do. Live YOUR life the way you want to not like someone else wants you too!
The week I lost my job I called my family and told them. Good luck and find a job ASAP they said. I went to a friends house and we were all sitting around talking. We ended up having a few drinks and then left for the Keys to skydive all week. I was gone all week and every member of my family called and left me a message. I got back the following Sunday and they thought I was dead because I wasn't at home looking for a job. I called them back and they freaked out on me because I went skydiving instead of job hunting. The following week I went up to Orlando and went skydiving that week. Again, they freaked. I took a month off from job hunting and did not stress but just spent some quality time with friends and really became myself again. I knew what was important to me and what I wanted out of life. Was it the same thing that my family wanted me to do, no. But does that matter?
I now have a job and I am doing well. Happier than ever! You will be too. Just be yourself and do what you want to do not what others want you to do and don't be ashamed about it! :)

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That blows.
If I had a card, and some money, I'd definately send a contribution your way. I don't know about all these suggestions to go skydive tho... I'm broke now, and with creditors up the ass, and skydiving is the last thing I'm about to go do. I don't know if you were taking everyone's suggestions seriously or not, but just thought I'd add that.
"If I ventured in the slipstream; Between the via-ducts of your dreams.......could you find me?"

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If you guys want to track the progress visit www.airann.com and look at the very bottom under our address - click the link-popup window.
it's just a progress bar for now, I have to be at school in an hour-lol
how long have you worked for precision? -lol
if ya have any jobs for me too that would be great, tell george he can call bill scott as my reference :)I can offer web assistance, and would gladly do so at the chance I could add a major skydiving business to my portfolio.
lemme know
.....there is no spoon
Another place to play ;)

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MountainMan & Quick Draw: I did forward a resume to him and I hesitate to think that I could get the worlds most wonderful job.
That would be like a princess fairy dream. :)I think I would do just about anything for a job like that.
Right now I just pray hard for a miracle like a job with Precision.
By God,
I am good enough
I am smart enough
and Darn it People Like me
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Levin in RW suit.. I have pictures!!!

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I hope this looks ok in this format. Anyway if anyone can help, although you have already, and I am still crying .... here is the resume...
Ann Jamison, CMIS, CPC
3322 Westwick
Houston, Texas 77082
(281) 589-0816 ~ Ann@AirAnn.com
SUMMARY: Management, Administrative, Accounting and Business Networking skills. Demonstrated success in financial administration; P&L reporting; spreadsheet programming and analysis; billing and collections, and high level appeals are strong skills. Staff supervision of front / back office personnel, business office personnel, reassignment within departments, hiring, firing and reviews are done with a unique management style. I have been described as highly skilled in marketing, creative, dependable and professional. Relied upon for Insurance administration, troubleshooting and contract management. Currently, over 22 years of increasing responsibility in business management, administrative, accounting in business & medical offices with reporting to CPA , Board of Directors, Presidents, Vice, CFO’s. Holds dual Certifications: Certified Medical Insurance Specialist, Certified Professional Coder (CMIS, CPC)
Surgicare Inc. January and February 2002
Manager ~ Temp Position: This four location ambulatory surgical center employed me to set up a central collections department separate from its centers. Fill the positions in the department teach team oriented goals and insure the group had direction and worked with team goals in mind. Reported to the corporate office. (President, Vice, CFO, and CPA) Initiated new contacts with doctors to encourage them to use our surgery centers. (Marketing) Encouraged to use creativity and good judgment while working independently
Russell Webb, Attorney at Law March 2001 to January 2002
Administrative Secretary – Part time General office administration. Assisted the attorney with correspondence to the courts and parole boards. Assembling detainees’ notes into narrative form. Served as main contact for attorney regarding personal injury cases. Obtained records and acted as liaison between attorney and Doctor. Present with attorney in courtroom at the defense table.
The Nobis Group, A Pain Management Company October 2000 to March, 2001
Administrator ~ Director: Workers compensation caregiver group of six to seven statewide offices rendering psychological care as well as physical care to the chronic pain patients. Oversee operations at corporate office. Responsible for computer generated reports. Responsibilities included reporting and interpreting numbers at monthly meetings. Board members relied on me for current financial status and forecasting. Entrusted to shelter the President from certain individuals.
Synergy Business Systems, Inc. March 1999 to October 2000
Director, Houston/Arizona Operations: Managed project involving four Arizona Hospitals and collection of the hospitals accounts receivables. Corrected reimbursement and pending insurance claims in need of further data or appeal. With majority of claims being Workers Compensation claims from Arizona, knowledge of Arizona Work compensation rules was imperative. Responsibilities included hire/fire of employees, payroll and etc. and travel to Arizona. Reporting to Attorney.
Houston Orthopaedic Sports Medicine and Associates June 1995 to March 1999
Patient Accounts Supervisor/ Reimbursement Specialist / Computer Coordinator
Office Coordinator at practice includes 6 doctors and two office locations. Responsible for AR reports daily and monthly, provide partners and accountant with analyzed spreadsheet data. Write high level appeals to insurance on denials for medical necessity, global surgery, physical therapy, DME, inpatient, outpatient, office and hospital. Lead computer contact, before calling support team. Resolving 85% of issues thus saving company large sums of support costs. At this office I was trusted with everything from the cash, the combination of the safe and personal errands for the doctors regarding their personal affairs and relations with the Houston Aero Hockey Team. The Doctors were in charge of the Houston Rockets Basketball team for 22 years. Networking included sending VIP tickets to influential persons.
Spring Medical Clinic, Spring Texas December 1994 to June 1995
Clinic Administrator, Office Manager
Managed facility and 11 employees. In charge of accounts payable, accounts receivable, timesheets and payroll, typed correspondence and narratives. Worked closely with billing facility regarding insurance procedures and policies. Attended networking breakfast meetings weekly in the community to market clinic.
John K. Dozier, Jr., M.D., P.A., November 1993 to Dec. 1994
Business Manager, Insurance and Coding Specialist
Managed contracts and reimbursement for HMO, PPO, and IPA’s. Responsible for ICD-9 and CPT coding. Did AR at Houston and El Campo offices. Maintained 105% net collection ratio and 75.86% gross collection ratio for 1994. Responsible for the entire conversion of computer system.
Medical Practice Solutions, Inc., Summer 1993, Contract
Insurance Billing and Coding Specialist
Temporary contract Billing & Coding Specialist. Prior to buy out and reorganization electronic billing company I preformed electronic billing, ICD-9 and CPT coding for up to 92 physicians and six hospitals, focusing on emergency room billing. Diagnosis code determination and service level determinations were made from reading the Doctor’s actual handwritten ER medical records.
Abel Hipolito, M.D., P.A., April 1992 to April 1993
Managed the billing and reception functions for one other physician and five therapists. Developed and maintained new fee schedules and other PC based reports. Incorporated new computer system with computer conversion.
Amrit Achari, M.D., M.R.C.P. (UK), November 1990 to April 1992
Office Manager
Initiated conversion from manual system to computer, took over HMO and PPO relations, created new fee schedules and P&L reports. Collections and high level appeals.
Harvey M. Ritchey, III, D.O., San Antonio, May 1989 to November 1990
Office Manager, Bookkeeper, Insurance, Administrator
Managed all bookkeeping, financial reporting, insurance claims both hospital and office procedures all filings and appeals. Posted all charges and payments. Brought new computer system on line. Hired, trained, and supervised staff of three. Collections and Transcription
Dr. Otis F. Thomas, Houston, Texas February 1987 to March 1989
And Dr. Randall Thomas
Front and Back Office Assistant
Managed front office activities and assisted doctors with patient care for this busy father and son practice. Billing, Insurance, collections and patient care.
University of Houston, Houston, Tx
Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Tx
Dale Carnegie Institute, Houston, Tx Voted Human Relations Award Winner
Certified in CPR, Infant, Child and Adult, and Advanced Emergency Cardiac Care.
Courses and seminars: Available on request, too numerous to list.

Memberships: American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management
National Association of Medical Bookkeepers
National Association of Procedural Coders
American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers
American Association of Procedural Coders
Certified PADI Scuba Diver, 1977 Houston Scuba Academy
Licensed Skydiver August 2000, United States Parachute Association # 165593, SCR Award #14345, A License #37167, 360+ jumps.
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Levin in RW suit.. I have pictures!!!

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Hey Ann,
Foxy told me that I have to help out cause Skeeter needs lots of food so he can play the horse and she can herd him. So I'm dropping a little something via paypal today. I also have a bag of kitten chow for the jackson 5 for when they are ready for solid foods that I need to get to you.

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