
Favorite Chocolate?

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The Belgian Chocolate Shop, in Toronto.
I have insisted to Americans countless times that they have chocolates better then anything you'll find in the US. They argue everytime, then I bring a box back from my next visit. Then they stop arguing.
You can buy them online here: http://www.orderline.com/chocolate/index.html
Visiting the store is an experience. It's located on Queen St East in the Beaches. It's literally 10 feet wide, 20 feet deep. All the chocolates are made in the back. This place is the chocolate equivalent of a "Micro-Brew" beer.
The Canadian Dollar makes it affordable. If you are going to take my word and try it, I'd suggest just getting one of the assorted boxes.
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Found a chocolate that's real fun at Trader Joe's.
"Belgian Milk Chocolate Frogs with Cruncy Pop Fizz"!
Really, this is not a joke. It's like they took our favorite kids pop-rocks candy and put this really good chocolate over it and shaped it into frogs!
Let it melt in your mouth and soon the pop-fizz begins!
See: Trader Joes

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No fair!!!! I'm a chocaholic and I'm trying to quit!!! This is NOT helping!!!!! And then I went to that site Andy was on about, and now I'm craving all sorts of chocolates!!!!! Dammit!! (And do you guys have any idea how hard it was to resist easter eggs????)
Life is for the LIVING!!!!! :D

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My favorite chocolate is Brandie. She was 1/2 white and 1/2 black. She reminded me of Halle Berry. I gave her some vanilla chocolate with the cream in the middle.
I could do without that visual....ew!
My favorite chocolate is anything hershey's. Especially kisses!
...I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl...

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I am a total chocoholic. I can eat anything that has chocolate on it. But I recently lost 40lbs and am going to a gym every other day, so I am trying to stay away from it.
I did find fat free instant jello chocolate pudding. this is much lower in calories and tastes yummy. I guess if you eat 10 bowls in one sitting, it kind of defeats the purpose.:(
Thanks J, for mentioning chocolate!
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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Okay, I wasn't gonna have any, but there's a Purdy's milk chocolate bunny in my kitchen who's about to lose its head...
Absolute favourite(s)
Daniel's white chocolate with strawberry cream inside.
Coffee Crisp bars
Truffles. Almost any brand.
I dare not check out that website. Uh-uh. Bad idea. Or else I'll be eating more than the head off that bunny.
all we are is dust in the wind

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