
Happy Birthday!!

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Well it seems as though someone has a Birthday Today!! I want to be the first to Wish AirAnn a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
So let's everyone wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
btw, we share this day I knew there was a reason Ann and I always see eye to eye for some reason... ;) Love ya babe!! Heads up and stick those BOOBS out!! I'll call you later.. Need to get you and cyber over to KC's {aka Dungeon} for a few drinks tonight "ON ME"
My New Website with 24hr Chat

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Happy Birthday, y'all! And remember, if you go out to celebrate, nothing would be more appropriate than doing it in your Birthday suit. And for godsakes, get video!;)
"Marge, I'm coming to bed & I've been watching women's volleyball on ESPN."

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happy birthdays to Ms. Ann Jamison, and Mr. Shawn Collins! :)
Raising A Virtual Glass Of Champaigne To Both Of You, Cheers! Many More To Come! :)
"I Was At The Grocery Store, All Of The Sudden, Here He Come, Running Down By The Pole Beans, Then Down Around The Fruits And Vegetables!"
Ray Stevens

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So I am not a WHUFFO!!

So defensive, cheri! :D
Hey, now that I have this really long sig, I can make really short posts and it still looks like I've said something substantial. Wicked.
The door is open
We are way the fuck up here
Might as well get out.
~ FallingMarc

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BE IT KNOWN- I am still 29. ......And.....
That my beloved Flea Flyer will be one year old on the 6th.
And Daniel who started the Save Ann's House fund's BDay is the 8th. He is 26.
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Levin in RW suit.. I have pictures!!!

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