
Weekend numbers

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Tonight was the first night I had gotten drunk with my family. This doesn't count towards my skydiving total but I would have had just as good a time getting drunk with them :D
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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Anybody know how to get huge dirt stains out of a rig?

Who are you kidding.. I am the queen of getting dirt stains out of a rig :o :D ;)
a little NOW spray and good old Tide!!
work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobodys watching.

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Three four ways and a 21 way at Perris on Saturday; five 8 ways, including flying the tail of the first ever 8 way chunk to be pulled off at Otay on Sunday. The beer is for my first time jumping at Otay, which btw is a nice little dz - great views, great people and an Otter :)pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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Hey, it was a holiday weekend with crappy weather, so I didn't get many jumps in.
I'm not a true skydiver; I enjoyed going home and visiting with family for the holidays. I attatched a photo of my adorable baby nephew that I spent much time with this weekend. I've never really been around babies before, so I'm amazed of how much he changes in just 2 weeks.
Unfortunately, I'm gonna have a huge bruise on my leg from my second jump today. The step on our 206 reached out and smacked me, I swear.
"Ah, the drunken makeout... an office classic. Did you end up Xeroxing anything?" Jerry Seinfeld

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>Unfortunately, I'm gonna have a huge bruise on my leg from my second jump
> today. The step on our 206 reached out and smacked me, I swear.
We had a Porter like that. We finally had to get rid of it - we just couldn't domesticate it. It whaled on students and experienced jumpers alike.
-bill von

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I dont get it? what does that mean? or am I having a blonde moment?

when DONT you have a blond moment??.....he is saying he got his FIRST used rig...and it is getting inspected and repacked......
"I have no fear of falling, I just hate hitting the ground"-The Badlees...

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