
So, I go to the Dr. today

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My life has been going as expected, recovering from eye surgery and getting busy getting my feet back underneath me financially and with work. Life's starting to get back to normal, starting to move forward, starting to get some plans happening, etc.....
I go to my opthamologist today for my follow-up exam, just making sure the eye is healing fine. It's been a bit sore, but I figure no biggy, I have been working a lot recently, reading contracts and so forth, I just need to take a break.....or glasses....
Then Dr. takes out this little thin thin thin wire needle, and fills a syringe with saline. He pokes the needle into the side of my eye, squirts saline in it, and says "huh." Never good to hear that from a Dr. He repeats this procedure, three more times, and all he says is "huh"...
I have to have additional surgery as soon as possible. I have a small cyst?tumor?growth? in my lacrimal duct. I am not a happy camper. He figures it will be a week in a dark house, and 3-5 weeks of recovery, before he will even consider me jumping. Not to mention the financial set backs (insurance? who has insurance????????) and no income whatsoever during that time. I have an appointment with the UCLA Eye Hospital next week, for a second opinion. I already know the answer, though. My Dr. interned there.
I am not a happy girl. No, I am decidedly not happy. I am, in fact, rather scared. If you are of the praying kind, I could use a little sent my way. If not, a little happy thought would be nice, too......(o.k., I am really scared. He won't tell me it's not cancer. It probably isn't, but he won't say that for sure).
Ciels and Pinks-
If you really want to, you can seize the day; if you really want to, you can fly away...

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I think that it is really to bad you can't jump but I would just take that out of the picture for now and do all the research you can in the mean time on eye surgury and your sist. You will probably find that the procedure has a 90% success rate. As for the financial situation that is always hard to deal with but ask your self. Is getting through this imporatnt enough to me that I will overcome all odds or becuase I will be in a pinch for 5 weeks I am through?
Good luck you will be just fine.
Let us all know when your surgury is completed
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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Best wishes, Michele. I know it's hard to keep your spirits up when you are worried about your health, but please try. And, remember that you have a bunch of friends here who care about you.
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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That couldn't happen to a nicer girl... Keep your chin up, get the best treatment you can, and all will turn out well.
There's a lot of things in life that we can control, there's a lot of things we can't. It's a wise person that knows the difference, and only laments the former. Do what you gotta do, then come back to us.
Remember that you've got lots of friends here who care about you, but also remember that we want regular status updates! :P
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Isn't UCLA the best medical school in the country (world!)?
Does anyone know if they train riggers, too?
I think I'd pay extra for that repack.
Michele, trust your doctors like you trust your rig, they (it) will do exactly what they are designed or trained to do.
Modern technology is a wonderful thing, do you believe people actually jumped with round parachutes!?!?!

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i wish ya lots and lots of happy thoughts.... i had a cyst removed from my eye like 10 years ago..turned out to be benign.... it was scary then....yey, i was only 11..... this will turn out okay...remeber the glass is half full...not the other way around!!!!!

"i may not go to heven, i hope you go to hell"-C.C.

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Hey Michele. I was wondering what was keeping you away from jumping.
These things are always scary. Not just for you but for those that care about you as well. I'm not the praying type, but I hope you know that I'm wishing everything turns out OK.
I've had two cancer scares, my wife and my Dad. My wife had a large liver tumor that had to be removed and my Dad has had a melanoma and a neck tumor removed (on separate occasions).
Both are doing fine now.
So try not to worry too much. I know that's easy for me to say, but it's probably not cancer and even if it is, it's probably very treatable. Best thing you can do is keep a positive attitude and do what your doctor asks.
I'm sure you will and remember there are many of us here who care for you. :)"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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I am most definitely the praying type. I already was and am more so now after my own surgery. I had so many people pray for me and they all prayed extra hard at 11am on February 11 - when I was having surgery. My surgery went so well my doctor was surprised. I was supposed to get a bucket of screws and a plate and partial to full miniscectomy. I only got 2 screws and a bone graft and they left ALL of my miniscus. So I will pray for you. A lot. And you should let us know when your surgery is scheduled so we can all go double time then.
I know you must be scared, but you are also so lucky that your doctor caught it. If he had to check it so many times it must be a small thing. We are also lucky to live in a time where all these things are available to us. If it wasn't for medical advances like arthroscopic surgery and bone grafts I'd have a limp for life at the very least.
Hang in there, think positive. In your dark house you can dream of skydiving and do positive visualization. You may think I'm a nut but I truly believe when I return to the sky I am gonna throw everyone for a loop. I really believe I will be a better body pilot with all the skydiving I've been doing in my head. So you are not out of skydiving for 4-6 weeks - only the sky. And maybe we'll be ready to return at about the same time.
I'm thinking of you and praying for you and I know you are gonna plow through this obstacle like you have so many times before.

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Michele, I wish I could give you a big hug, but as I'm so far away I'll send you one in spirit.... nnnffffmmmmm!!
You would have to be one of the nicest, most uplifting and supportive people I've ever met, and I'll be sending you lots of good vibes across the Pacific.
Tell those cats of yours to look after you and give you hugs and help you navigate the house when it's dark.
And don't forget to laugh. Wasn't there something about sandwiches? :D

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I know how what you are saying sister, I feel you.
(Everyone Jump for the Cause, please.)
I haed a weirdness in my right breast and the area had to get removed asap. I wanted it done right then! All the what ifs that go thru your head are/is the worst part. I had to wait till the next day... working for Drs has its advantages.
Driving home after the initial testing of said area. And I know that Huh, and Hummmm.... then they spend alot more time with the breast ultrasound than you think is necessary.
Well anyway, had it cut out and its groovey.... Now I get to look forward to having 2 more dut out. And its way not cool - cause they dont even put anything back in after they take stuff out. A cotton ball - something. but in the end everything gets nice again. I couldnt even find the scar the other day.
So this too shall pass, and you know your karma is good. How bad could it be you jump out of airplanes. And since you can do that - you can do this too.
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Levin in RW suit.. I have pictures!!!

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Isn't UCLA the best medical school in the country

umm..No.....one of the best yes...but not THE best...

trust your doctors like you trust your rig, they (it) will do exactly what they are designed or trained to do

this is a dangerous thing to do even with the best Dr's...always question them..as to the Why's...make them answer questions...and Dr's do not know all....Medicine is an Art not a science..as there is alot of gray between the black and the white....

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