
Not to stir the pot, but . . .

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[politically incorrect mode] Andrew Dice Clay quote: "I don't get homosexuals.. I mean, how can you look at some guy's hairy ass and think, Oh yeah, I gotta have me some of that!" [/politically incorrect mode]
just to throw my bit in, i agree with the "some people are born gay (my brother-in-law is a good example) and some are that way by choice. no right, no wrong, just different. i don't understand the hostility some people have against gays, like clay said, leaves more chicks for the rest of us! i've always looked at sexual preference the way i look at religion, you go to your church, i'll go to mine, don't try to get me to go to yours, i won't try to get you to come to mine.
nothing succeeds like a budgie with no teeth

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And they don't...bottom line is, how does that effect anyone except themselves. This whole debate, conversation, subject that has occupied multiple threads is ludicrous. It just goes to show how narrow minded people are. I like spicy food, somepeople don't. Clay likes girls and goats, some people don't. Who the hell cares? I think the only people who have a problem with it is because of some deep seated psychological desire to be that way but they're afraid to because of societal pressure.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Caugh.. Caugh.. clearing throat...
This whole debate, conversation, subject that has occupied multiple threads is ludicrous.
I couldn't agree with you more. The discussion didn't start gay bashing. Some people took it there all by themselves to get the last word and to save face or something?
Whether or not we like gays or not had jack shit to do with the subject line that started this.. The discussion started about kids being adopted into gay families.. Not do you or don't you like gays.. Let's get the story straight gentleman..
I think the only people who have a problem with it is because of some deep seated psychological desire to be that way but they're afraid to because of societal pressure.
:D You never know!! LOL
Semper Fi .....
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Perhaps I should have titled the thread 'Not to stir the pot, butt . . . ' :D
I was actually tempted to not post it because of what happened last time, however, people here on dz.com seem to have a higher than average ability to communicate without resorting to childish insults. I know that people tend to fear what they don't understand and I thought this might help some people to understand a little.

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i'm a male lesbian.............what does that make me? normal? first time i "got me some" i thought to myself "man........you're REALLY gonna love this!" the thought of sucking a d**k has NEVER even crossed my mind! does that mean i dislike others for the're sexual preference? i used to, but now, as long as they don't fool with me, ah, what the hell!
"Killing Is My Business........And Business Is Good!"

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> We come to this website to chat about skydiving "related" topics like boobies
> and cases of beer. Leave all the touchy opinion type questions for another
> board.
On a board where there are entire threads about what kind of animals two of our favorite posters have sex with? Where the longest threads are about nude pictures of someones girlfriend? Where there is at least one bad joke a day that has nothing to do with skydiving?
We've got specialized boards for people who want to talk about safety or swooping or camera flying. For everything else, there's the talkback board. This definitely falls under that category. There's lots of other inane stuff on here which, if you don't want to read, you don't have to. Same with this.
-bill von

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>You start with Darwinism - natural selection - in the first paragraph. Then you
>move into describing a society, applying rules that when repeated, results in the
> most beneficial outcome to the group in your next three paragraphs.
That mostly came from George Price's work on altruism and its role in societal evolution. He theorizes that there is value in both altrustic behavior (i.e. a mother protecting her children but putting herself at risk) and spiteful behavior (i.e. attempting harm to another even if it puts oneself at risk.) One of his most important conclusions was that both those behaviors directly affect the individial and the number of their viable offspring, and thus conventional evolution is still applicable. His theories became the foundation of Dawkins' famous book "The selfish gene."
-bill von

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