
C-182 Nose gear collapse.

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If his elevator wasn't working right, that would suck. But, I watch the student pilots form this airport I fly out of. They come from some flight college thing there. They ALL land flat and fast. My CFI is always trying to get me to full nose up and stall, to keep that nose off the ground as long as possible. So it doesn't abuse that front gear.
I know there are variables. Yesterday, It was a lot of wacko air and crosswind, so I was less flaps and a little faster, but I still try to keep the nose up.
I am such an authority, all of 35 hours in a c-172 and all :)
Anyway, glad he is ok. Things happen fast.

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That sucks for Sandy.
Our C-182 suffered a prop strike about a year ago (non-skydiving related). It now has pretty much a brand new engine, new firewall, new prop (I may bitch about insurance payments but it does come in handy).
What nearly murdered our business was how long it took for the mechanic to get the thing fixed. We lost over 5 months - not only no revenue from the plane, but we paid other people for use of their planes. We had to make the payments on the plane as well.
I bet I'm making all you would-be dzo's just all excited about opening a drop zone, eh? ;)
-(a different) Sandy

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If his elevator wasn't working right, that would suck

Understatement of the week!! Good thing there wasn't a four way taking a bunch of time on the step.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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