
Let's stir it up again.....

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uh, sorry...guess this might only pertain to the men in the bunch!

You mean to tell me that you think women wouldn't stoop to special tactics to hop in bed with a guy they like?
That's kinda sexist don't you think?
I know pleanty of women that have done some really heinous things to snag a guy.

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yes, of course women result to low-down tactics, but usually don't have to do much to get a man (come on, let's be honest) i want all responses, m or f--but my guess is the most heinous will come from the gents.
...I could be the freefall that you need....

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well, I can't say I have done anything heinous, but whenever I get drunk and am around a crush, I not knowingly pull out "the bedroom eyes" and get real touchy feely. That is usually all that needs to be done. :)
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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I think women are far more devious then men for sure! (Retract your claws and fangs ladies..you know it's true!)

I totally agree. Women plan what they do(well, not all the time-don't get pissed at me), men just do it. Women can be so catty---especially toward eachother. But, although I must say, I do love men....they're dogs(at least in the north).
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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I learned an interesting lesson not too long ago.....
Sometimes the one's that you think aren't going to be your type, are EXACTLY what floats your boat! Repeatidly! No I'm NOT gonna tell ya either! LOL (Doesn't care how the tiger got in his tank.....as long as it stays there!) LOL
It only takes a little pixie dust......

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