
Let's stir it up again.....

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see, at least SOME women can get along.. thanks diva. what about skydiving women?? I haven't gotten much into the scene at my dz yet...are they catty toward eachother about men? Or--do they bond together against they women brought in from the outside? hmmmm, these things are intriguing.
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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>What is the most heinous thing you have done to get in someone's pants? (Lie, cheat, steal??)
Used to lie to make myself sound cool, back in high school. Oddly, sometimes now I purposely don't tell people things because it makes me sound like an idiot - "why yes I am a stuntman for MTV sports!" - which is exactly the kind of thing I used to say way back when. Never worked anyway.
Finally learned that once you stop trying so hard, it becomes a lot easier. Women can sense that, whatever it is. Maybe it's confidence.
-bill von

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Self-confidence is ssssoooo sexy! I admit, I've been suckered by losers because of their cockiness...turns out they were just pricks, but usually it's a good thing :) Merrick used to always say "when, not if" when referring to our future sexual relationship before we met and were chatting on the phone a lot. Woo-wee! It's funny too...a bit of modesty is usually a good sign of what they can do :) They know they are good, and don't need to talk it up...you'll see :)
As for doing something to actually get into a guys pants...um, well...asked?
New pin jewelry!

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I know pleanty of women that have done some really heinous things to snag a guy.

I've seen women do some horrible things to get a man into a relationship....but I have yet to see a man turn down casual sex. :D

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Why yes, yes I am! And did you know I'm an expert skydiver? It says so right here on my license. If you come out to my van I'll even let you touch my rig . . .

pardon my language, but that was fucking hilarious!!
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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you were probably in NJ. another famous night in NY. and dave it was preplanned, you guys wonder what chicks do when they go to the restroom in pairs.... =c) we even had strangers buying us drinks after that. =c)
kev- no reenactment. not whiel i'm sober at least.... going away bash is this sat night, meet at the DZ at 8, i'll be driving back from family's house, start there with beer, then who knows where we will end up.....

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Worst thing I have done isn't really all that bad actually. There was this girl in High School that I wanted so bad. She though that I was this cute shy kid who didn't talk a lot, so I played up the part for the next couple of weeks and all was well. The thing that bothered me though is that she thought I was this shy kid. I have such an extroverted personality that I have to seek people out all the time. Any ways it all went well and we had great sex in cool places.
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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***What is the most heinous thing you have done to get in someone's pants? (Lie, cheat, steal??)['quote]
Gotten her b/f drunk, passed out and out of the way.
The rest was easy;)
Before the rest of you guys and gals mug me.
It was looooong ago and I have matured a little since then.
That said she was soooooooooooo cute...and horny:P
Sometimes you're the windshield.
Sometimes you're the bug
~~~~Dire Straits

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th emost heinous? hmmm-
i made myself out to be a regular guy.not a skydiver. not a musician. not an adventure seeking good hearted person. just a guy who met her thru a friend. she thought I was normal! I have never felt so dirty!
I educated her about myself and we had some good times but I dropped a few trails for her to find me! ect ect.
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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