
Oscars, Jennifer Connelly, & BOOBIES!

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I know this isn't PC & I'll probably get flamed for this, but this kinda thing is my only beef with gays...so many of them are in the fashion industry & they want women to be super-lean, because that's what THEY find attractive....
Too bad most straight guys are useless re. fashion sense....(we don't have a clue what "goes" with what) but we would be much kinder to women who have those more normal feminine contours....maybe there wouldn't be so many teenage girls w/ anorexia :(
Speed Racer
"Fill your hand, you son-of-a-bitch!"

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NO Jennifer's were real... she never had implants, & i'm pretty experienced at spotting them. The fact is a few years ago she was generally more nicely filled out (all over) than she is now.
Viking, look at her arms & her face, etc...
Speed Racer
"Fill your hand, you son-of-a-bitch!"

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Skinny girls need love too...
Actually, she has two children now as opposed to earlier pictures. This can have detrimental effects on the shape and composition of the boobies. I would let her be my mommy...
"Sous ma tub, Dr. Suess ma tub" :S

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I have to agree with you Speedy, I thought Jennifer Connelly really looked bad. I also thought that Sarah Jessica Parker looked bad at the last awards presentation (which ever one that was for), not so much for being rail thin, but the make-up that she had on made her look like someone had given her two black eyes. The dress that she had on made her look like she was pregnant.
It really makes you wonder why these people listen to those with the supposedly fashion sense. After all look at Sharon Stone, she threw on a Gap shirt and black skirt and looked like she spent big $$'s. And don't even get me started on Angelina Jolie, that woman looks GOOD in anything!
When women start to lose weight the first thing to go is their boobies - it's a sad, sad thing! I know it happened to me!! :$ I work really hard at keeping my weight down, I work out with weights, take a sculpting class and yoga a couple times a week. I'm not rail thin by any means, I can put away some food, so it really bothers me when I hear someone say things like "these skinny women who are always sticking their finger down their throat." Some of us work hard at staying fit without throwing up our food.
There's a happy medium in there somewhere.

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Some women are slim because they work out. They can look good, because their bodies are toned. You probably fall into that category. :)Some women go toward outright stick-thin skinniness and it just doesn't look healthy. They aren't losing weight by excercising. It looks like they just aren't eating.
The former group is fine by me. The latter group turns me off. Just my opinion, of course.

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Listen to Diva, the boobs are definitely the first thing to go when we lose weight. I used to be a 38 D! Now...we'll just say I'm NOT that. But, I wouldn't trade my boobs for the extra weight that I had on the rest of my body to go along with them, any day. You all will just have to be happy with my water bras now. Haha, it's all smoke and mirrors now! ;)
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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