Flik88 0 #1 February 19, 2014 Hi guys I'm new to the sport only just receiving my "A" license about a month ago been in the sport for about 3months. I'm looking at buying my own gear and having a hard time trying to decide whether to go with the Mirage G3,G4 or the Javelin odyssey for my first container as I plan on keeping it long term, any info and help on these containers or any others you would recommend over these few would be much appreciated thanks a lot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danornan 79 #2 February 19, 2014 First step is to work with your instructor and local DZ/shop. They know you and can help you with the fit. There are not a lot of real differences between containers. If you are "normal" size, and can get a proper fit, a used container is probably best to start. If it's at all possible, work on it locally. Just starting out in skydiving, the internet is the last place to look for advise or something that you depend on to save your life.Dano Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChuckMartin 0 #3 February 19, 2014 Talk to people around your DZ. Ask riggers, fun jumpers and your instructors about gear. First you need to figure out what is important to you. Do you know why you are looking at a Mirage or a Javelin or is it just what somebody told you to get? Do you plan on ever freeflying? These are things you can talk to people about at your DZ and get a lot more answers faster. If it is sold by Paragear, chutingstar, or Square 1 it is not crap, no matter what anybody tells you. If you ask somebody for advise and they start talking about how X brand is horrible and only brand Y will work just walk away. They either A) have a dealership with that company or B) have no idea what they are talking about. Just take your time and learn about what YOU want in a rig not what somebody else wants in theirs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lyosha 50 #4 February 19, 2014 Flik88 Hi guys I'm new to the sport only just receiving my "A" license about a month ago been in the sport for about 3months. I'm looking at buying my own gear and having a hard time trying to decide whether to go with the Mirage G3,G4 or the Javelin odyssey for my first container as I plan on keeping it long term, any info and help on these containers or any others you would recommend over these few would be much appreciated thanks a lot. There are a lot of containers out there. Why zero in on those three out of the herd in the first place? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #5 February 19, 2014 Factors to consider when choosing a container (In order of imporatnce): Fit - Does the harness fit you? Can it be resized to fit you? Reserve canopy size - Does a reserve of the appropriate size fit properly? Main canopy size - Does a main of the appropriate size fit properly? Options - Do you want hip rings, spacer foam, or any other bells & whistles? Brand - There is enough similarity between brands that it really isn't that important. Unless you are an unusual body size (really big or really small), you will be better served buying used for the first rig. The two biggest reasons are your lack of skill/potential damage and depreciation. You have a much better chance of having a bad landing and scuffing, staining or damaging the rig on landing. Many jumpers don't end up keeping their first rig forever. Most jumpers will downsize from their first canopy. If you buy a used rig and take good care of it, you will be able to sell it for most of what you paid for it. Buying new will cost a bunch in depreciation when you eventually sell it. Buying a rig that will hold the canopy you "will get to eventually" will cause a lot of frustration packing and potentially damage the rig due to overstuffing it. Buying a rig that will hold the future reserve will make your rigger hate you, potentially endanger you (reserve might hang up when you need it most) and potentially cause damage from overstuffing. Put the word out at your DZ that you are looking. Some places have that "First Rig" that the new guys keep selling down the line. Get help. Many riggers are willing to sit down with you and help you figure out what you need. And make sure you get anything you buy inspected by a qualified person before you buy it. There are unscrupulous sellers passing off old junk as "good gear for a first timer.""There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flik88 0 #6 February 19, 2014 The reason why I'm asking this question is because everyone I speak to tells me something different and I don't wont to be ripped off If I can avoid it as I am new in the game. The containers that I have mentioned are the ones that I have been recommended the most, by guys at my local DZ and mates etc.. Thanks for all your helpful info guys much appreciated Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lyosha 50 #7 February 19, 2014 Flik88 The reason why I'm asking this question is because everyone I speak to tells me something different and I don't wont to be ripped off If I can avoid it as I am new in the game. The containers that I have mentioned are the ones that I have been recommended the most, by guys at my local DZ and mates etc.. Thanks for all your helpful info guys much appreciated Some people are true fanboys. Get a used rig in decent shape man. For the first container brand will likely make zero difference. Just make sure you get a rigger who knows his stuff to look at it to make sure there's nothing wrong with it. I will say this much though - as someone that recently went through the process you're going through, I eliminated the three containers you mentioned for being substantially more expensive than their competition for the same options, and thus, in my opinion, not as wise first-container investment as perhaps some other containers out there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GooniesKid 0 #8 February 19, 2014 Is it me or do we always get, more or less, the same question every week? 1. The search function is your friend. 2. This link and article is a great starting point : http://www.dropzone.com/safety/Gear_and_Equipment/A_Guide_to_Buying_Your_First_Skydiving_Gear_873.html Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChuckMartin 0 #9 February 19, 2014 Flik88 The reason why I'm asking this question is because everyone I speak to tells me something different and I don't wont to be ripped off If I can avoid it as I am new in the game. The containers that I have mentioned are the ones that I have been recommended the most, by guys at my local DZ and mates etc.. Thanks for all your helpful info guys much appreciated Again why? Don't just take peoples word for it. Different DZs will have different mentalities about rigs. People get what people tell them to get so if lets say Wings takes off at a DZ everybody will say to get a Wings, another DZ everybody might like UPT's. Know why people like something not just that they like it. I don't know if there is a perfect system out there for everybody. Somethings you will like about a rig and somethings you wont start thinking about what matters to you. Like a lot of people are saying is get a good used rig for now. By the time you out grow it you will know what you want in a rig. Maybe by the time you get a new rig you really want to wingsuit and that will change what you are looking for in a rig. Maybe you get into FF, or CRW, or really want to do camera work. There is no rig that does everything perfect. Use this time when you are starting out to beat up some rental gear or something used. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skytribe 17 #10 February 19, 2014 All the well known manufacturers make decent gear Javelins, Vectors, Wings, Mirages, Voodoo, Infinity's. These are all made by reputable companies that have been in business for a long while and make quality products. So I don't think you'll get ripped off buying any of these from a reputable dealer. Buying one used - get it inspected by rigger before parting with cash. Everyone has there own favorites and I'm sure you can nit pick any of these and find minor gripes. But all are solid products. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JeffCa 0 #11 February 19, 2014 skytribe All the well known manufacturers make decent gear Javelins, Vectors, Wings, Mirages, Voodoo, Infinity's. These are all made by reputable companies that have been in business for a long while and make quality products. ... Everyone has there own favorites and I'm sure you can nit pick any of these and find minor gripes. But all are solid products. This is the conclusion that I came to when doing my research. We seem to really be splitting hairs when we discuss which containers are best. They all seem to have decent safety records, with no particular brand of rig contributing to an alarmingly high number of incidents. Anything that has survived for this long has done so for a reason. "So many fatalities and injuries are caused by decisions jumpers make before even getting into the aircraft. Skydiving can be safe AND fun at the same time...Honest." - Bill Booth Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NWFlyer 2 #12 February 20, 2014 JeffCa This is the conclusion that I came to when doing my research. We seem to really be splitting hairs when we discuss which containers are best. They all seem to have decent safety records, with no particular brand of rig contributing to an alarmingly high number of incidents. Anything that has survived for this long has done so for a reason. "Best" tends to come down to looks, comfort, resale value, the company's service reputation, and bells & whistles."There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpsalot-2 3 #13 February 20, 2014 Quote NWFlyer *** This is the conclusion that I came to when doing my research. We seem to really be splitting hairs when we discuss which containers are best. They all seem to have decent safety records, with no particular brand of rig contributing to an alarmingly high number of incidents. Anything that has survived for this long has done so for a reason. "Best" tends to come down to looks, comfort, resale value, the company's service reputation, and bells & whistles. And of course ..... priceLife is short ... jump often. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GLIDEANGLE 1 #14 February 20, 2014 Note that the Mirage has no main assisted reserve deployment (MARD) option. The Vector, Icon, and Javelin have the Skyhook, and the Wings has the BOOST.The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisD 0 #15 February 20, 2014 Flik88 Hi guys I'm new to the sport only just receiving my "A" license about a month ago been in the sport for about 3months. I'm looking at buying my own gear and having a hard time trying to decide whether to go with the Mirage G3,G4 or the Javelin odyssey for my first container as I plan on keeping it long term, any info and help on these containers or any others you would recommend over these few would be much appreciated thanks a lot. It might be helpful to actually come up with some reasons, or features that you like or dislike. I hear your concern about container choices, but what about canopy choices??? Have you asked elsewhere about canopy choices, and I know you haven't asked here but what about wing loading and other issues??? Many here have a concern that your reserve should be your first choice, IMO, the proper size for ability, and proper fit??? Are just some of the many variables that you haven't mentioned yet??? Here is a popular vendor that I copied from the internet: Parachute shop And I can post a few more fine shops like Chuting Star and a very fine woman in Deland as well, and a whole bunch more???? Have you spoken with any of them? Are you going to purchase used? There are a number of fine individuals here that sell gear as well??? Anyways, I tend to lean towards the purchaser being intimately familiar with every aspect of their gear, every component, every sizing issue, every option, every RSL discussion, etc., so that you can debate or at least fully understand all of the variables before we get to the actual purchase, but that's just me. Perhaps you are already there, but based upon the words you are using it doesn't feel that way to me, so I would just continue to learn much more about everything, continue to ask, keep people here informed, and continue on for a while, but again that's just me... Good luck. CBut what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites