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Hindsight is always 20/20, but I knew LOTR would never win any of the major oscars (except maybe director).... sci-fi (well, fanbtasy in this case) movies never win.... even this one which is an awsome peice of movie making....
Beautifull mind on the other hand is exactly the type of movie that does well.... havent seen it yet....
And what is up with that Danzel W Best actor one for Training day? I like the guy, good actor, but its like DeNiro getting a Oscar for Rocky and Bullwinkle...
Muff 914

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Well, I agree with you here, like you tought I wouldn't. But at least it won for make-up, music, etc. Oh well, good films speak for themselves. From what I have heard, the whole ceremony was so 'black' it was amazing (don't get me started on this one) I do think Peter Jackson should have won Best Director. BUT...remember this....we have two more movies to go!!! And you have to understand a bit of it on the first. Some of their own hype bit them in the ass. Too much perception ruled it as a kids movies. Hell you, had it in Burger King. The Academy goes for 'deep' thinking flicks. They just don't have any idea how deep LOTR is....YET.
Look at it this way, at least we did not get beat out by Pearl Harbor or Harry Potter.

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didn't watch it,, change the channel when that crap comes on,, bastards make way too much money to watch them kiss each other's asses! wouldn't it be nice if we all got paid millions ta work for a few months?!! I like a good movie but give me a friggin break,, my favorite movies are the one's the critics hate anyway,,
Don't read this shit down here,, it's nonsense,,,

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I never saw that movie with Halle Barry(sp). But I saw Training Day on Sunday and it was awesome. Denzel Washington did an awesome job in it! He is such an awesome and versatile actor. A Beautiful Mind....dunno, didn't see it. Didn't look good at all to me.

And what is up with that Danzel W Best actor one for Training day? I like the guy, good actor, but its like DeNiro getting a Oscar for Rocky and Bullwinkle...

What does that mean? me = teh confused. Its not like he did a voice over to a Denzel "look alike cartoon".
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i agree... i think most actors are overpaid for what they do (stand here, say this, look surprised CUT!!! get the stunt double in here...) i think the guys that do the effects and whatever they call the guys who figure out how to get the camera in the position the directors want should get more recognition. but then again, maybe they don't want it either. I mean, look at the 'bullet-time' from the matrix (and the opening sequence in swordfish)... what an imaginiative and brilliant use of technology!
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I hear ya. I had no plans to watch it, but my wife was, so I stopped in for about an hour's worth of heckling. They are totally spoiled rich brats. The "sincere" flattery of their fellow actors is a bunch of crap. Inmates on Court TV would be more sincere.

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