
Javelin Odyssey v/s vector 3 pros & cons

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Pick whichever you want, which ever looks better, feels better, gets there faster or costs less!

Seriously, they're both fine rigs, I love my V3 but others love their Javs.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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Hi every one!!!

I really need your thoughts about this. Is the only thing that I can't decide yet.

Keep Flying
Stay Safe

Both are good rigs that will give years of good service. Like Ski said it’s your choice. I would suggest that you use their design programs and make up a couple different designs for each rig and see what look best to you.

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Have you considered the Curv from RI - that's what I'm getting and it seems to be awesome - check it out: http://rigginginnovations.com/Pages/Containers/VoodooCurv.aspx

But as all the rest said - demo and get whatever you like / fells best!

Blue skies,
The Power of the Dark Side

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as other people have said, both are excellent choices. me personally i prefere the javelin as i think it is the most comfetable rig on the market. but the javelin is a bit more expensive.if money is no object then i would choose the javelin.
however the vector might be a bit cheaper but i believe you will have a much loger waiting time for a new rig. i belive javelin is aout 8-9 weeks where vector is running at around 24-26 weeks.
but you can check that on there websites.

my 2 cents

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Have you considered the Curv from RI - that's what I'm getting and it seems to be awesome - check it out: http://rigginginnovations.com/Pages/Containers/VoodooCurv.aspx

But as all the rest said - demo and get whatever you like / fells best!

Blue skies,

why do people do this?
i'm guessing he's asking because these are the only two good rigs that come with a skyhook, sorry aerodyne.
both rigs are awesome. at this point with modern rigs it really just comes down to what you think looks good. all harnesses are comfy when they are custom.

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dqpacker: because sometime I can't choose between 2 options and ask only to get a 3rd or 4th that I like even better - because its a forum to share.

If NegroKarlezi is firm on those two, no harm done; if its a helpful tip - awesome. From the rigs I tried, I really liked the Curv but its new and still quite uncommon (for better or worse).

Apologies to you and NegroKarlezi if my suggestion was out of place.

Blue skies,
The Power of the Dark Side

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agree on Jav dbag design and main pin protection method...

personally I jump a Mirage g4 for these reasons and it's very comfy with the articulated harness.... my old g4 has the lame split dbag they don't make anymore though since everyone hated it afaik :D

I agree it's a personal decision too so a demo is mandatory before dropping that much cash IMO.

NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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my old g4 has the lame split dbag they don't make anymore though since everyone hated it afaik :D

Sew it shut. Problem solved. :P
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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I ruled out the Vector strictly based on the delivery times. They are a little shorter now but no where near what I'd be willing to put up with. That brought me to choosing between the Javelin and the Curv. I bought the Odyssey but saw a super sexy Curv this week that made me question my decision... And I love my Odyssey!


Hi every one!!!

I really need your thoughts about this. Is the only thing that I can't decide yet.

Keep Flying
Stay Safe

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What exactly is the "split dbag" design that the Javelin Odyssey has?

To those talking about comfort differences between the Odyssey & Vector3, assuming both rigs are custom designed to your dimensions (and both are articulated with spacerfoam), what exactly is the difference in their designs that makes one more comfortable than the other?

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The split dbag was on the older Mirage G4s not the Odyssey. Basically, one side of the dbag is split in two halves to about 2/3rds of the way down and you had to pass the first locking stow through two grommets. Just an unecessary pain IMO. I replaced it with a "standard" updated dbag from Mirage when I had to replace my PC/bridle due to wear.

Comfort is subjective so really you should try on a few rigs and see which one feels right on you. There are just too many design factors and differing body types to say definitively which one is better. The Vector wouldn't even be on my radar though with a 40 week (!!!) delivery time.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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as other people have said, both are excellent choices. me personally i prefere the javelin as i think it is the most comfetable rig on the market. but the javelin is a bit more expensive.if money is no object then i would choose the javelin.
however the vector might be a bit cheaper but i believe you will have a much loger waiting time for a new rig. i belive javelin is aout 8-9 weeks where vector is running at around 24-26 weeks.
but you can check that on there websites.

my 2 cents

I agree the Javelin Odyssey is a very well made, strong
and '' fit well '' rig... you have a sensation to have on your back a very well made rig at all times...with top quality material...
however, I am not a fan of the top flaps reserve design and especially their reserve p.c...
nevertheless, your particular and personal experience might be different !

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I have owned Javs, Microns and a Mirage. I prefer the Jav main pin cover by far. The new Javs have rock solid pin protection, I can pick it up by the main pin cover. No hope doing that with a Mirage or Vector.

Also, they are much more likely (Micron being the worst) to have the flap open as a result of contact with the plane or other people prior to exit.

I've seen lots and lots of open micron main pin flaps as a result of diving exits (opens on top of door) or movement in the plane that causes it to dislodge. Never had that happen on our Javs.

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I've seen lots and lots of open micron main pin flaps as a result of diving exits (opens on top of door) or movement in the plane that causes it to dislodge. Never had that happen on our Javs.

Is this a case of old Vectors vs. new Javelins? I've personally seen lots of main pin flaps on Javelins in person and in videos, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was ultimately container age.

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Any smaller people have an oppinion on the fit of there micron? Mine was made for me and the comfort sucks the shoulder straps just feel to wide apart and wrong.....random javelins and talons ive tried are way more comfortable... maybe larger people suit microns better....fucks me....and i hate how the articulated version only articulates the leg strap not the hip part....the harness hip part webbing has to flex sideways if u catch my drift lol anyway to hard to explain but i do agree with ppl that javs etc are more comfortable...my unbiased opinion

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