
OMG! Or... My drive to work this morning

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I'm about halfway to work this morning, cruising at about 65 in the fast lane, minding my own business. For a change the traffic is light and moving right along. I reach over into my bag to get some TicTacs, which had managed to bury themselves at the very bottom of the bag, so I'm digging around in there with my right hand while keeping my left hand and my eyes on the road. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a white Honda keeping pace with me in the right lane. No big deal, right?
I can't seem to find the little box of TicTacs just by feel so I take my eyes off the road and look over at my bag. The white Honda is still pacing me... and I see that the driver, a man of about 40-50 years old wearing the geekiest sunglasses I've ever seen, is staring at me. Slightly unnerved, I look back at the road and speed up a bit. He speeds up too. I glance over again and he's still staring at me, but now he's smiling. I slow down; he slows down. I speed up, he speeds up. I glance over again; still looking at me with this "look" on his face.
This goes on for about a mile and I'm started to get a little freaked. TicTacs are long forgotten now! We catch up to another car in the slow lane, which gives me the chance to speed up and get ahead of him. I do so and pull over into the slow lane. He gets into the fast lane and comes up alongside me. Don't even have to look, I know he's staring at me again. I speed up just a bit and he pulls into the slow lane behind me.
We then merge from the highway we're on onto the freeway. I stay in the slow lane and sure enough, within a half mile he's in the fast lane right next to me. I risk a glance to the left and sure enough, he's got his eye on me again. I consider getting off the freeway at the next exit, the one before the one I normally take, but decide not to. A mile or so later he notices the four cars lined up behind him and speeds up, and shortly after that I get to my exit.
I think I'm coming to work via a different route tomorrow!
pull and flare,

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So, i'm driving to work this morning and I look over to my left and what do I see? One fine a$$ skydivin' female!!!!! I couldn't help myself I just couldn't stop following her. I just wanted to ask her why she would jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

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Lisa.... we need to talk... you are complaing about not getting any right? So when the first guy that comes along and looks like he might be into you, what do you do? Drive faster and try to avoid him... At this rate your first number will be a 0 forever.... :D
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend... ~3EB

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Lisa that is some scary stuff there. Shoulda jotted the license plate number and had some uniforms approach him. Be careful!! We all know that there are some serious psycho fruit cakes out there!! You strike me as someone that could hold there own in a situation though.............
Kick em hard!!
"I know I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing" -- socrates

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some serious psycho fruit cakes out there!!

Especially in California......
Same thing happend to my ex-wife once. Old guy followed her all over town. Chased her through red traffic lights and followed her despite her best efforts to lose him. She finally gave up and went to her Mom's house. Once there......she was served with a modification of custody petition.....:D That cost me something like $450!!!!
"I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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The poor guy probably just wanted a tendem? He might have seen the skydiving stickers,, lol
I second the Glock...
Semper Fi !!!!!

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