
Hate irrational People

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I just got back from a meeting with the most irrational man I have ever met in my life. My boss is a prick of a man. I just tried to explain to him what we needed for a security policy and everything I told him he disagreed with. That in itself doesn't piss me off it when he plays dumb and has me repeating my self over and over for 2 hours!!! AARRRGH. That man tries my patience everyday. I'm begining to think tha this new job isn't going to work out. Sorry for the ranting and raving but I bitched to the guys at office and it wasn't enough
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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You my friend need to go out and get shit faced tonight! Pound endless quantities of beer and hard alcohol!:D
That will not make you feel better really but it sounded good for just a second.........
The weekend is near, you're lucky you don't have to see your boss outside of work.

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Read personality plus and skills with people..
Learn how to give it to him in a way that is his idea and he will like you for it..
But he will still be an asshole :) lol
Blue Skies and Smooth Rides!!

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The pleasures of starting a new Job :) Chock full of ideas and knowing best how things should be done only to be told that "IT's not the way it's done around here"
Reminds me of the old joke about the father n son Bull sitting at the top of the hill. The son sees a herd of cows and says to his dad "hey Dad let's run down there and scew one of them cows" Pop grins a little and says "nope, lets just saunter on down and screw them all"
Make up your own ending,let me know just how you feel....

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This company doesn't have a director of IT. He is all cost oriented which is good but he has to realize that we need to have some sort of backup system in place. My god man even if I put in in terms he would understand it is still going to cost 10-15 large. Does any one else here have a disaster recovery plan or security policy that they had to push on their thick headed boss from the stone age?
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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Mine wouldn't listen so I told him to kiss my ass and shove the job.. I told him if you are making idiotic decisions like this you are going to go bankrupt anyways.. He offered me a raise on the spot.. I told him to kiss my ass again..
I don't reccomment this tactic.. It is done in a controlled environment by trained professionals :) lol
Blue Skies and Smooth Rides!!

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Just make sure you document everything that happens so when the incalcuble (from both cost and functionality) data loss occurs he gets the blame.
"The greatest risk in life is to risk nothing; The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing and is nothing."

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I'm sure you have all seen that Unix commercial when the cops come in the building and think that all the servers have been stolen because they have an ignorant boss. Well we are playing with the idea of bringing in our own equipment and causing a crash. This will get us in trouble of course but all will be well when he see's that we can bring it all back. This was my idea however nastly you all think it is sometimes you have to take certain steps to prove your point. I just hope well the shit hits the fan that I still have a job.
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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First, lay it out in dollars. Thats what I have to do. explain how much MORE its gonna cost WHEN you get hacked, never say IF. its like saying WHEN the hardware breaks... it will. Dont forget the legal implications of the hacking. (lost proprietary info, customer stuff, potential lawsuits of said losses)
If all else fails, email me the network info, and if possible any known holes and my team can do enough minor, easily correctable (modifying DNS records, renaming files, etc) to rattle his cage, but still making your life easy to fix... now all you would have to do is take several hours to "find" the problems that were caused by the "unknown hackers". Hell, we'll even email the changes to you (to a hotmail acct, of course) so you know what to look for LOL.
Evil, but has worked before ;)

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You plan is as devious as mine and I thank you for your suggestion. However my company has the resources and talent to pull off the mods ourselves. The "issues" you suggested are exactly what we had in mind. Jus tsomething minor and this way it would never leave the office. I do like the fact that you were volenteering to help out though. If I could get the name of you co. (via e-mail of course) I may have contact with you in the future for my own private enterprise
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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Just do what I did....I hacked the network from home and got a list of all our "confidential" clients as well as all the partners salaries and draw for the past 7 years. Then for good measure I emailed that info to all the partners using one of the other partners email accounts. Also put the virus test file on all their computers so their virus protection would pop up with a message saying they were infected. Then I added some bogus pages to the website. All in all, took me about an hour, and I'm an amateur hacker. After I showed them that I've had a pretty much unlimited budget.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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I', portuguesse. I may not be italian but that makes me one bad mutha

Yep...we used to dog this guy in the military constantly about being in the Portuguese mafia....I'm pretty sure he was. He sure got away with a lot....
"I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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Well then he sure fits the protuguesse profile. My people are lound yet attentive. And have one nasty ability to get shit done when we get pissed off, which is quite often.
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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Your boss sounds like some of the senior NCOs I used to work for in the Canadian Armed Forces.
They could never explain to me why we did things this way.
When I pointed out a problem and suggested a solution, they would rudely say "Sorry old chap, but that is just not the way we do things around here."
Then a year later, when they decided to implement my suggestion, they would do it in the rudest possible fashion. They would never hold an orders group or post a schedule on the wall. They would announce the new policy in the rudest possible fashion, as in "Corporal, why the F aren't you doing such and such?"
"Because sir, you never told me, nor did you write it on the wall."
They also had an annoying habit of lying to me, then expecting me to trust them, respect them and want to grow up like them.
After too many years I told them to take thier job and shove it.
These days I am earning a fraction of my old salary, but I work at a DZ and the boss lets me change anything I want in the loft. Changes on the instructional side come slower, mainly because it takes a while to get other staff members up to speed.
Bu the greatest stress reliever at my current job is that senior staff members can actually explain why the F' we do things the way we do.

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