
Advice for AFF student

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Hi all - booked my AFF for May in Empuria and have been reading as much as i can get my hands on online.....was just wondering if any of you guys out there had any advice/links with specific regards to doing AFF, how to cope, common problems, things to make sure i look out for etc.
Again this is a fairly open ended question, but i guess im just looking for some fairly open ended advice.
Needless to say im SO excited i cannot wait to get out there!
Thanks to anyone that can offer any advice/links/guidance, its all much appreciated.

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thanks all - yeah as easy as it sounds i know the relaxing part (at least on that first jump) will not be something that comes straight away. Also, heard about the Surf Inn, Rem, will definitely check it a "few" times, im sure.

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Here is an idea that might help you relax and arch properly. The arch doesn't come from your back, but from your hips. To get the proper feeling (do in private), stand 8 inches or so from a wall and push your hips towards the wall. If you keep your shoulders over your feet you will begin to feel what the arch should feel like.
Have fun and breath,

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There is a good possibility that your shoes will come off in Free Fall. After exit reach down and grab your shoes to make sure they don't fall off............:D
I am so joking......lol..............:D
Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast..........Relax........B|
"I know I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing" -- socrates

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Welcome Newbie,
I too have booked my AFF for this May. I will be doing this in Florida. I have received the same advice you are getting. The common theme is relax and have fun. I think we're supposed to also pack an extra pair of underwear. I am really psyched about it also. My plan is to really take it seriously, concentrate and learn everything I possibly can. Let's face it, this is one activity you don't want to be just mediocre at! If you want to be mediocre, study algebra.
Good luck.
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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That's PLain old MEAN SEBAZZ!!!!!

Hehehehe......I know......lol.......I said I was kidding....
I say to other JM's students all the time...:D
Tom Berg{TEB6363} and I have had those students...
"I know I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing" -- socrates

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I thought we agreed to pass him for successfully completing his free fly/sit fly skydive.
I'm glad he had video, I did not believe it myself for a while.
After a while it is "please arch you worthless maggot"
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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